
2017-09-29 11:59伯纳德屈米BernardTschumi
世界建筑 2017年9期

伯纳德·屈米/Bernard Tschumi


伯纳德·屈米/Bernard Tschumi

Richard E. Lindner Athletics Centre, Cincinnati, USA, 2006

1 中庭与围护体的结构比较研究/Comparative study of possible confgurations of the envelope on the site atrium permutations


屈米的草图是一种快速的抽象。这种手绘图的目的是表达概念,它往往是项目的精髓。草图不取决于手绘的水平,建筑草图的意义也不在于美,而是用最少的线条将想法表达出来。在这个阶段只需要想法或概念。它是一种手段而不是目标。从1970-1980年代至今,所有的项目屈米都会用图示和草图,并通常是在项目的前两个月。□(尚晋 译)

2 长跨度与悬臂围护体的外骨骼桥梁结构研究/Studies of the exoskeleton bridge structure of the envelope long spans and cantilevers

In 2001 the University of Cincinnati approached Bernard Tschumi Architects with a commission for a new hub for varsity athletics. The client indicated that the centre, which was intended as an epicentre for athletics training, administration,sports medicine, and academic activities, was to be located on a site flled with extreme constraints. We selected a site-refective,boomerang-shaped concept that we called a "contextual freeform". We needed to span over the critical areas located below the building. Working with our structural engineers, we thought of making a stif truss out of the building envelope. Not only did it allow us to bridge the conditions below; the structural challenge will provide an image for the project. The approach to the site and programme is both logical and strategic.

3 自由形式概念图解/Diagrams conceptual free-form

Tschumi's notations are quick abstractions, diagrams drawn by hand in order to express a concept, and often the very essence of a project. Notation doesn't depend on how well you draw. An architectural notation is not about being pretty or beautiful, it is about using the smallest number or amount of lines in order to express what you are thinking. At this stage, it is only about thought, ideas, or concepts. It is a means and never an end.The diagrams and notations are developed for all projects from the 1970s and 1980s to today. These diagrams or notations are generally drawn during the frst two months of any project.□

4-6 外景/Exterior views

7 中庭内景/Interior view, atrium

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑设计/Architects: 伯纳德·屈米建筑事务所/Bernard Tschumi Architects

设计团队/Design Team: Bernard Tschumi, Kim Starr, Phu Hoang, Robert Holton, Jane Kim, Eva Sopeoglou, Irene Cheng,Jonathan Chace, Adam Dayem, William Feuerman, Matthew Huft, Michaela Metcalfe, Valentin Bontjes

建筑合作/Associate Architects: Glaserworks

结构/Structural: THP and ARUP

面积/Area: 22,000m2

造价/Cost: $53million

工期/Date: 2001-2006

摄影/Photos: Peter Mauss
