张娆娆 叶艳芳 卜克
(1.郑州大学第五附属医院 重症医学科 河南 郑州 450052; 2.郑州铁路职业技术学院 药学系 河南 郑州 450000)
(1.郑州大学第五附属医院 重症医学科 河南 郑州 450052; 2.郑州铁路职业技术学院 药学系 河南 郑州 450000)
2.1胸腔积液引流后患者呼吸力学及血流动力学指标变化2例感染性多器官功能衰竭患者胸腔闭式引流后不到24 h死亡(>6 h),行统计学处理时将其排除。6 h和24 h胸腔积液平均引流量分别为(683±213)ml和(1 142 ±328)ml。胸腔积液引流后平台压下降,肺顺应性增加(P<0.05);血流动力学监测显示肺动脉压下降(P<0.05),而血压、心率和心输出量在胸水引流后无明显变化(P>0.05);胸腔积液引流后患者氧合指数增加(P<0.05)。见表1。
表1 胸腔积液引流6、24 h后呼吸力学和血流动力学指标变化
2.2相关性从胸腔闭式引流前(H0)到胸腔闭式引流后24 h(H24),氧合指数提高的百分比与排水量无相关性(r=0.20,P=0.34),与基础呼气末平台压负相关(r=-0.61,P=0.031),与基础静态顺应性呈正相关(r=0.64,P=0.02)。
研究显示,胸腔内压力增加产生的心包填塞样效果在胸水引流后得以逆转[4],该研究发现胸腔积液引流对血流动力学无明显影响;胸腔积液引流后患者血压、心率、心输出量无明显变化;胸腔积液引流使患者平台压下降、静态顺应性增加,氧合指数提高。近期1项纳入19项研究(共1 124例患者)的meta分析显示机械通气患者胸水引流后氧合指数平均提高18%[5];氧合指数增加可能为胸水引流后塌陷的肺复张,通气血流改善,肺内分流减少所致[6]。既往研究也显示胸水引流对气体交换的影响主要依赖于复张的肺容积的多少[7]。本研究中,氧合指数的提高与静态顺应性正相关,与基础呼气末平台压负相关,而与排出的胸水量无关;平台压反映呼吸系统弹性回缩压及机械通气时肺泡承受的最大压力[8],通常平台压高的患者,其静态顺应性往往下降;胸水引流后肺顺应性高的患者肺容积增加的比例更大,肺顺应性差的患者肺容积增加有限,与之前的研究结果一致,而合并大量胸腔积液的ARDS患者行胸腔闭式引流术后氧合指数无明显改善[7,9],也能够用其肺顺应性差解释。
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Zhang Yaoyao1, Ye Yanfang2, Bo Ke1
(1.DepartmentofCriticalCareMedicine,theFifthAffiliatedHospitalofZhengzhouUniversity,Zhengzhou450052,China; 2.DepartmentofPharmacy,ZhengzhouRailwayVocational&TechnicalCollege,Zhengzhou450000,China)
ObjectiveTo explore the influence of closed thoracic drainage on respiratory mechanics and hemodynamics in mechanically ventilated patients.MethodsClosed thoracic drainage was performed for patients with massive pleural effusion treated with mechanical ventilation in ICU. The changes of hemodynamics and respiratory mechanics indexes before and after closed thoracic drainage were observed.ResultsThere was no statistical difference in blood pressure and heart rate between before and after closed thoracic drainage in 23 patients (P>0.05). Pulmonary arterial pressure and the plateau pressure decreased, lung compliance and oxygenation index were increased, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).ConclusionClosed thoracic drainage can improve the respiratory mechanics indexes and oxygenation status in patients treated with mechanical ventilation. For patients with massive pleural effusion treated with mechanical ventilation, thoracic closed drainage should be performed, especially for patients with good lung compliance.
mechanical ventilation; pleural effusion; respiratory mechanics; hemodynamics
R 561doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-437X.2017.17.006