CHEN Ya-li,SONG Wei-dong
(1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
(2.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
CHEN Ya-li1,SONG Wei-dong2
(1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
(2.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)
In this paper,we investigate the construction of projectively f l at Finsler metrics. By analysing the solution of the spherically symmetric projectively f l at equation,we construct new examples of projectively f l at Finsler metrics,and obtain the projective factor and f l ag curvature of spherically symmetric Finsler metrics to be projectively f l at.
projectively f l at;Finsler metric;spherically symmetric;projective factor;f l ag curvature
It is an important problem in Finsler geometry to study and characterize projectively fl at Finsler metrics on an open domain in Rm.Hilbert’s 4th problem is to characterize the distance functions on an open subset in Rmsuch that straight lines are geodesics[5]. Regular distance functions with straight geodesics are projectively fl at Finsler metrics.A Finsler metric F=F(x,y)on an open subset U⊂Rmis projectively fl at if and only if it satis fi es the following equation
In Finsler geometry,the fl ag curvature K(P,y)is an analogue of the sectional curvature in Riemannian geometry.It is known that every projective Finsler metric is of scalar curvature,namely,the fl ag curvature K(P,y)=K(y)is a scalar function of tangent vectors y.Shen discussed the classi fi cation problem on projective Finsler metrics of constant fl ag curvature[14].The second author provided the projective factor of a class of projectively fl at general(α,β)-metrics[12]and studied a necessary and sufficient condition for a class of Finsler metric to be projectively fl at[13].Li proved the locally projectively fl at Finsler metrics with constant fl ag curvature K are totally determined by their behaviors at theorigin by solving some nonlinear PDEs.The classif i cations when K=0,K=-1,K=1 are given in an algebraic way[15].
For a Finsler metric F=F(x,y)on a manifold M,the geodesics c=c(t)of F in local coordinates(xi)are characterized by
where(xi(t))are the coordinates of c(t)and Gi=Gi(x,y)are def i ned by
For a tangent plane P⊂TpM and a non-zero vector y∈TpM,the f l ag curvature K(P,y)is def i ned by
where P=span{y,u}.It is known that if F is projectively f l at,the spray coefficients of F are in the form Gi=Pyiwhere
then F is of scalar curvature with f l ag curvature
On the other hand,the study of spherically symmetric Finsler metrics attracted a lot of attention.Many known Finsler metrics are spherically symmetric[1,4,7,14,15,17].A Finsler metric F is said to be spherically symmetric(orthogonally invariant in an alternative terminology in[6])if F satisf i es
for all A∈O(m),equivalently,if the orthogonal group O(m)acts as isometrics of F.Such metrics were f i rst introduced by Rutz[16].
It was pointed out in[6]that a Finsler metric F on Bm(µ)is a spherically symmetric if and only if there is a function φ:[0,µ)×R→R such that
where(x,y)∈TRm(µ){0}.The spherically symmetric Finsler metric of form(1.3)can be rewritten as the following form[8]
Spherically symmetric Finsler metrics are the simplest and most important general (α,β)-metrics[4].Mo,Zhou and Zhu classif i ed the projective spherically symmetric Finsler metrics with constant f l ag curvature in[2,9,10].A lot of spherically symmetric Finsler metrics with nice curvature properties were investigated by Mo,Huang and et al.[3,6-11].
An important example of projectively f l at Finsler metric was given by Berwald.It can be written as
on the unit ball⊂Rm,where y∈TxBm⊂Rm.It could also be expressed as
Inspired by the Berwald metric,we try to f i nd the solution of the projectively f l at eq.(1.1) in the following forms
Through caculations,we have the following conclusions.
Theorem 1.1 Let φ(t,s)be a function def i ned by
and f0(t)is a dif f erentiable function which satisf i es
where b,C1,C2are constants and φ1is an any continuous function,φ0is a polynomial function of N degree wheredenotes the j-order derivative for φ0(t),φ(t,s)needs to satisfy φ-sφs>0,when m=2.Moreover,the additional equality holds
when m≥3.Then the following spherically symmetric Finsler metric on Bm(µ)
is projectively fl at.
and its f l ag curvature K is given by
In this section,we will construct a lot of projectively fl at Finsler metrics which contains the Berwald metric.From[8],we know that
Consider the spherically symmetric Finsler metricwhere φ=φ(t,s)is given by φ(t,s)=By a direct caculation,we get
Plugging(2.2),(2.3),(2.4)into(2.1),the following equation is deduced,
It is equivalent to
When j=0,from the f i rst equation of(2.7),we get
Similarity,taking j=1 and j=2,we obtain
If k=j+2,the f i rst equation of(2.7)is equivalent to
It is easy to see the recurrence fomula on φk(t)and φ′k(t),
If k=odd,k≥3,then by(2.11),
If k=even,k≥4,we have
Case 1 k=odd≥5,setting l=2n+1,by the second equation of(2.7),
then it follows from(2.1),(2.12),(2.13),(2.14),
Case 2 k=even≥4,setting l=2n+2,by the second equation of(2.7),
then it follows from(2.1),(2.12),(2.13),(2.16),
The case l∈{1,2,3}is similar.Through the above analysis,we obtain the following.
Multiplying g-ron the both sides of(2.24),then
From(2.25),we obtain the following equationsSubstituting the fourth equation of(2.34)into the third equation of it,we have f4(t)=0. From(2.30),we obtain
Dif f erentiating(2.35),we get
Substituting(2.35),(2.36)into the f i rst equation of(2.34),we obtain that f0(t)satisf i es
Solving(2.37),we have
Plugging(2.39)into(2.32),we obtain
If r=4,f′0(t)=0,from(2.30),
Thus f0(t)and f2(t)can’t be constants at the same time,so in this case,r 6=4,together with(2.39),(2.40),(2.41),we know that f2(t)needs to satisfy the following
Through(2.42),we get that f0(t)needs to satisfy
From the f i rst equation of(2.43),
where C1is a constant.But the f0(t)in(2.44)doesn’t satisfy the second equation of(2.43) only if r=1,thus we can get the following proposition.
and f0(t)=C1(-1+2t),where b,C1are constants.
Case 3 r 6=2,f4(t)6=0.In this case,from the f i rst equation of(2.30),
Dif f erentiating(2.45),we have
From(2.32),we get
Dif f erentiating(2.48),we obtain
Plugging(2.33)into(2.31),we have
Thus from(2.50),no matter r=1 or not,
Combining the fourth equation of(2.33)and(2.51),we obtain that f0(t)satisf i es
Solving the f i rst equation of(2.52),we get
Solving the second equation of(2.52),we know
If r=1,C3=C6=0,two equations of(2.52)have the same solutions.Thus we have the following proposition.
and f0(t)=are constants.
φ(t,s)in Propositions 2.2,2.3,2.4 can’t ensure that F=|y|is a Finsler metric.In order to obtain projectively fl at Finsler metric,φ(t,s)in Propositions 2.2-2.4 needs to satisfy the necessary and sufficient condition for Fto be a Finsler metric for any α and β with kβxkα<b0given by Yu and Zhu[4].In particular,considering F=|y|=|y|φ(t,s),then F is a Finsler metric if and only if the positive function φ satis fi es
when m≥3 or
when m=2.
Proof of Theorem 1.1 Combine Proposition 2.2,(3.1),(3.2)and the fundamental property of the projectively f l at equation(2.1).
Proof of Theorem 1.2 Combine Proposition 2.3,(3.1),(3.2)and the fundamental property of the projectively f l at equation(2.1).
Proof of Theorem 1.3 Combine Proposition 2.4,(3.1),(3.2)and the fundamental property of the projectively f l at equation(2.1).
Proof of Theorem 1.4 Suppose that
Direct computations yield that
where we use of(3.3).By(3.3),(3.4),we get the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1 Let f=f(r,t,s)be a function on a domain U⊂R3.Then
Note that siand riare positively homogeneous of degree 0 and 1.Hence
and we get
Thus from(3.7),(3.8),we have F0=Fxiyi=r2(φs+sφt),
Dif f erentiating(3.9),we know
From(3.7),(3.10),we obtain
Thus using(3.9),(3.11),we have
Theorem 1.4 can be achieved.
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∗Received date:2015-04-21Accepted date:2015-12-09
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11071005); the Research Culture Funds of Anhui Normal University(2016XJJ017).
Biography:Chen Yali(1990-),femal,born at Wuhu,Anhui,master,major in dif f erential geometry and its applications.
2010 MR Subject Classif i cation:53B40;53C60;58B20