
2017-09-04 01:28刘必林陈新军倪震宇林静远
海洋渔业 2017年4期

蒋 瑞,刘必林,2,3,4,张 健,2,3,4,陈新军,2,3,4,倪震宇,林静远



蒋 瑞1,刘必林1,2,3,4,张 健1,2,3,4,陈新军1,2,3,4,倪震宇1,林静远1

(1.上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306;2.国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306;3.大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海 201306;4.远洋渔业协同创新中心,上海 201306)




1 材料与方法

1.1 饲养法

实验室饲养法是甲壳类年龄鉴定最精确可靠的方法。WICKINS等[19]采用此方法对甲壳类的年龄进行了研究,并将结果记录于书中。LUKHAUP等[20]和NEW等[21]也运用此方法分别对养殖的克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)和淡水虾类的年龄进行了鉴定(表1)。

1.2 标记重捕法

标记重捕法是甲壳类另一个直接有效的鉴龄方法,作为研究动物生活史(如栖息地、死亡率、生长率、年龄等)和评价渔业资源并对其进行管理的重要工作内容,已经被广泛地应用在渔业资源研究中。采用标记重捕法,可以通过对标记生物个体或种群放流和重捕的时间、空间来分析和推测该生物移动的方向、速度、路线以及范围,并可以依据标记生物体长、重量和年龄的变化推测其在放流场所的生长率,进而为评估渔业资源现状提供资料和依据。为了确保标记的保留时间,标记通常被放置在甲壳类甲壳之下。常用的标记有被动整合雷达标记(passive integraded transpoder,PIT)、微编码线标记(code wire tag,CWT)、可视植入字母数字标记和可视植入弹性体等。


WEINGARTNER[23]于1981年第一次将标记重捕法运用于克氏原螯虾的年龄鉴定中,随后BUBB等[24]、GHERARDI等[25]、HURYN等[26]在研究克氏原螯虾时同样用了该方法。众多实验中表明,标记重捕法同样适用于利莫斯螯虾(Orconectes limosus)[27]、挪威海螯虾(Nephrops norvegicus)[28]、红斑青蟹(Callinectes sapidus)[22]、蜘蛛蟹类(Majidae)[29]、欧洲鳌龙虾(Homarus gammarus)[30-31]、远海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus)[32]、白圆钳螯虾(Austropotamobius pallipes)[33]、眼斑龙虾(Panulirus argus)[34]、巴尔曼螯虾(Ibacus peronii)[35]和红色原螯虾(Procambarus erythrops)[36]。

1.3 体长频度法

体长频度法是早期学者鉴定甲壳类年龄的最常采用方法[37-41]。对于那些不能通过硬组织生长纹鉴定年龄的水生生物,该方法是另外一个最佳选择[42-43]。体长频度法首先将体长数据分成不同的体长组,然后用Von Bertalanffy生长方程或其他模型将其转换成年龄组[43]。ANDRADE等[44]已经开发了一些软件包(ELEPHANT、MULTIFAN),用于从长度频率数据估算生长参数和年龄组成。

早前,MALIK等[45]于1995使用体长频度法对伊拉克巴士拉河流中伊拉克薄板蟹(Elamenopsis kempi)的种群动力学进行研究,随后,RELINI等[37]发现成年雌性触须虾(Aristeus antennatus)的年龄能达到17岁。1999年,OH等[38]同样使用体长频度法研究褐虾(Crangon crangon)的种群动力,SHEEHY等[46]认为在鉴定欧洲鳌龙虾寿命和生长时使用体长频度法是一种新的趋势。体长频度法在研究加莱螯虾(Aegla jarai)[47]、小长臂虾(Palaemonetes pugio)[40]、突尼斯境内的淡水虾类[41]和土耳其螯虾(Astacus leptodactylus)[39]时都取得了较好的结果。

1.4 脂褐素分析法

脂褐素是细胞内与衰老相关的色素颗粒,最初由HANNOVER[48]于1842年发现并报道,如今已被认为是细胞中最明显的年龄标记[49]。现在已有的研究证明,部分甲壳类生物其脂褐素浓度会随着年龄的增长而增加(表1),如日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)[50]、南极背褐虾(Notocrangon antarcticus)[51]、淡水螯虾(Pacifastacus leniusculus)[52]、欧洲鳌龙虾[46]、红斑青蟹[53]、眼斑龙虾[54]。在无法建立形态特征与年龄之间的关系时,脂褐素分析法可以作为许多无脊椎动物鉴龄研究中的年龄生长标记[51,54-57]。相对于体长或体重法鉴龄技术而言,该方法优势明显[52,58]。

1.5 放射性同位素分析法


1.6 硬组织生长纹分析法

硬组织生长纹分析法是近几年兴起、用于甲壳类鉴定年龄的新方法,之前最常用于鱼类(鳞片[61-62]、鳍条[6-8]、脊椎骨[9-10]和耳石[3-5])和头足类(角质颚[13-14]、内壳[15-16]和耳石[11-12])。2012年,KILADA等[18]首次对美国螯龙虾(Homarus americanus),雪蟹(Chionoecetes opilio),粗糙硬褐虾(Sclerocrangon boreas)和北极虾(Pandalus borealis)眼柄或胃磨中的生长纹进行研究,研究首先将眼柄或胃磨制成切片,然后在显微镜计数生长纹的数目,并与实际年龄做比较,结果发现生长纹个数与样品实际寿命基本相符,因此该方法为甲壳类提供了一种直接准确的年龄鉴定方法。随后,2015年KILADA等[63]使用胃磨对智利的蹲龙虾(Pleuroncodesmonodon)、东方黄扁虾(Cervimunida johni)和里德异腕虾(Heterocarpus reedi)三种重要商业价值的甲壳类进行鉴龄。目前,我们在此基础上对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和中国明对虾(Penaeus orientalis)眼柄的生长纹进行了观察与分析(图1)。从图1中,可以清楚地看到眼柄中的生长纹。

2 年龄鉴定方法的比较分析



图1 (a)三疣梭子蟹眼柄中的生长纹;(b)中华绒螯蟹眼柄中的生长纹;(c)中国明对虾眼柄中的生长纹Fig.1 The grow th bands of eyestalk of(a)Portunus trituberculatus,(b)Eriocheir sinensis and(c)Penaeus orientalis

表1 甲壳类年龄鉴定方法Tab.1 M ethods for the crustaceans age identification

脂褐素分析法不易受到人为因素的影响,但是脂褐素每年的平均累积速率不同,这取决于该物种的代谢速率。例如,红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)、淡水螯虾、欧洲鳌龙虾和南极背褐虾的每年的脂褐素含量百分比分别为2.0%、0.20%、0.07%和0.02%[51,65]。脂褐素含量是物种生理年龄的标记而不是实际年龄的标记,这需要利用已知年龄的样品对物种和环境进行校准[54,58]。脂褐素分析法的缺点是对劳动强度和技术要求高,在应用于野生种群之前需要构建物种特异性数据库。脂褐素鉴龄研究因量化和校准技术存在的困难和不确定性而发展缓慢[18]。因此,这种方法不适合在渔业管理中使用。



3 分析与展望




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Advance on methods for the age identification of crustaceans

JIANG Rui1,LIU Bi-lin1,2,3,4,ZHANG Jian1,2,3,4,CHEN Xin-jun1,2,3,4,NIZhen-Yu1,LIN Jing-yuan1
(1.College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai201306,China;2.National Distant-water Fisheries Engineering Research Center,ShanghaiOcean University,Shanghai 201306,China;3.The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources,Ministry of Education,ShanghaiOcean University,Shanghai 201306,China;4.Collaborative Innovation Center for Distant-water Fisheries,Shanghai 201306)

Crustaceans are widely distributed in the oceans worldwide including the polar region.Their high species diversity and large quantity make them become an important part of fishery resources.Age is the essential part of the aquatic animal life history study,as well as one of themost important parameters in the fish population dynamicsmodels and fishery resources evaluation.Mostaquatic animals’age can be identified by counting the growth bands in the hard tissue.However,crustaceans grow up through molt,leading to the original shells replaced by the new ones,which causes the periodic record of their calcified structures disappearing.Therefore,the age identification of crustaceans has never been perfectly accomplished.Main existingmethods for the crustaceans’age identification are rearing in captivity,tagging and recapture,sizefrequency analysis,lipofuscin-based ageing,radioisotope analysis and calcified structures analysis.Rearing in captivity is the most accurate and reliable method for the crustaceans’age identification.Tagging and recapturemethod ismore directand effective.Size-frequency analysismethod ismost commonly used by early scholars.In thismethod,crustaceans’body length data are firstly classified into different body length groups,and then converted into age groups by Von Bertalanffy growth equation or other equation models.For the relationship between the morphological characteristics of crustaceans and their ages can not be established,lipofuscin-based ageingmethod is applied for the age identification ofmany invertebrates.Lipofuscin is related with cells aging,which is one of themost obvious age tags in cells.Radiometric ageingmethod is applicable to determine the crustaceans’shell age and the results are also comparatively accurate.This method is generally used for long-lived species based on the long elementhalf-life,but the elementhalf-lifemeasuremeat requires special equipment so the cost for thismethod is very high.So it is less used.Calcified structures analysis is a kind ofmethod to count the growth bands that generate in the crustaceans’eye stalk or gastric when they grow.Calcified structures analysis is themost accuratemethod,and the needed hard tissue is easy to extract.The calcified structure analysis method provides a new way for the direct age identification of crustaceans,and its application prospect is extensive.Rearing in captivity method,tagging and recapture method and radiometric ageing method all are comparatively accurate.However,the data obtained from the rearing in captivity method is not applicable in the natural environment,and the radiometric ageingmethod is very expensive.So both methods have limitations in practice.The tagging and recapture method and sizefrequency analysis method which are most widely used also have their disadvantages.Compared to sizefrequency analysismethod,lipofuscin-based ageing method has obvious advantages,but the labor intensity and technical requirements are high.Calcified structures analysismethod is the age identification technology that has appeared in recent years,and the age is identified by directly counting the number of growth bands in crustaceans’hard tissue.Thismethod is a good solution to the lack of direct and effective crustaceans’age identification,and provides the theoretical basis for the assessment and management of crustacean fishery resources,but there are also some disadvantages like strong man-made subjectivity.In this paper,themethods of crustaceans’age identification are reviewed and summarized,the differentmethods are compared and analyzed to get the advantages and disadvantages,so as to provide the basis for the assessment and management of crustacean fishery resources.

crustaceans;age and growth;age determination methods

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蒋 瑞(1994-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事渔业资源学研究。


大白、长白达100 kg体重时体长校正公式的研究