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Cultural Analysis on the Qinna Work---Knacks of San Cai
Liu Mingliang1Wei Zhicheng2Zhang Yawei3
(1. Department of Teaching and Research for Physical and Aesthetic Education, University of International Relations, Beijing 100091,China; 2. Department of Foreign Studies, University of International Relations, Beijing 100091,China; 3. Department of International Economics and Trade, University of International Relations, Beijing 100091,China)
The methods of document analysis and expert interview have been taken in this paper, with the help of the author's own practice experience, in order to make a deep analysis on the decoding of Knacks of San Cai in the Work of Qinna--The Nine Heavens, to deeply interpret the details of Knacks of San Cai, and to highlight the great value of Knacks of San Cai in terms of the techniques and theories of Qinna.
Qinna Secret Work Culture Analysis