
2017-08-01 00:21何栩罗小兵李少柏赵琛
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年1期

何栩 罗小兵 李少柏 赵琛



何栩 罗小兵 李少柏 赵琛

目的探讨冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗冈上肌肌腱炎的临床疗效。方法2014年1月至2016年1月,四川省骨科医院运动医学科收治的70例冈上肌肌腱炎患者,随机分为冲击波治疗组(35例)、冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗组(35例)。肩关节功能训练由专业治疗师进行指导,训练方案包括肩关节灵活性提高、肩胛胸壁关节和盂肱关节运动控制两部分,共锻炼12周。两组患者治疗前美国肩肘外科协会(American shoulder and elbow surgeons′form,ASES)评分、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)评分、视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)差异无统计学意义。观察比较治疗后5周、12周两组患者肩关节功能的恢复情况。结果将两组患者治疗后5周、12周肩关节功能分别同治疗前进行比较,结果显示患者肩关节功能均优于治疗前。治疗后5周,冲击波治疗组ASES评分(t=-7.972,P <0.05)、UCLA评分(t=-13.017,P <0.05)、VAS评分(t=2.095,P <0.05)同治疗前比较差异有统计学意义;冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗组 ASES评分(t=-10.296,P <0.05)、UCLA 评分(t=-11.544,P <0.05)、VAS评分(t=12.897,P <0.05)同治疗前比较差异有统计学意义。治疗后12周,冲击波治疗组 ASES评分(t=-10.344,P <0.05)、UCLA评分(t=-14.728,P <0.05)、VAS评分(t=3.161,P<0.05)同治疗前比较差异有统计学意义;冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗组ASES评分(t=-16.909,P <0.05)、UCLA评分(t=-16.440,P <0.05)、VAS评分(t=23.085,P <0.05)同治疗前比较差异有统计学意义。将治疗后5周两组评分组间比较,冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗组 ASES评分(t=3.709,P <0.05)、UCLA评分(t=3.622,P <0.05)、VAS评分(t=-4.361,P<0.05)均优于冲击波治疗组,差异有统计学意义。治疗后12周两组评分组间比较,冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗组 ASES评分(t=2.353,P <0.05)、UCLA评分(t=3.489,P <0.05)、VAS 评分(t=-2.795,P<0.05)同样优于冲击波治疗组,差异有统计学意义。结论冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗冈上肌肌腱损伤较单纯冲击波治疗有更好疗效,值得临床推广。










对照组:采用瑞士Storz Medical公司冲击波治疗仪,型号MP100,频率8~10Hz,冲击次数1 000次。治疗部位为患侧冈上肌在肱骨大结节止点及周围痛点,治疗压力以患者耐受力而定,治疗次数为5次,1次/周。



分别于治疗前和治疗后5周、12周采用美国肩肘外科协会(American shoulder elbow surgeons′form,AESE)评分、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校评分(University of California at Los Angeles,UCLA)、视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)对两组患者肩关节功能进行评价。涵盖肩关节的疼痛、稳定性、生活功能、主动前屈活动度、前屈力量、患者满意度等方面,可综合反映肩关节功能恢复情况。


采用SPSS 17.0软件包进行统计学分析。两组间患者不同指标比较采用两独立样本t检验和四格表χ2检验,组内治疗前后不同指标比较采用配对t检验。检验水准α=0.05,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

结 果



表1 两组患者基线资料比较



表2 两组患者治疗前肩关节功能情况比较(分,±s)

表2 两组患者治疗前肩关节功能情况比较(分,±s)


组别 ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分试 验 组 70.89±9.03 19.71±5.54 5.96±1.73对 照 组 73.33±9.37 18.34±2.98 7.89±1.82t值 0.282 0.208 0.257P值 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05



表3 两组患者治疗前与治疗后5周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)

表3 两组患者治疗前与治疗后5周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)


试验组对照组时间ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分治 疗 前 70.89±9.03 19.71±5.54 5.96±1.72 73.33±9.37 18.34±2.98 7.96±1.98治 疗 后 5 周 87.30±3.92 29.83±3.03 2.51±1.36 82.67±5.99 26.56±4.20 4.10±1.61t值 -10.296 -11.544 12.897 -7.972 -13.017 2.095P值 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

表4 两组患者治疗前与治疗后12周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)

表4 两组患者治疗前与治疗后12周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)


试验组对照组时间ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分治 疗 前 70.89±9.03 19.71±5.54 5.96±1.72 73.33±9.37 18.34±2.98 7.89±1.82治 疗 后 12 周 91.87±5.75 32.34±2.04 1.28±1.17 88.02±7.57 29.38±4.40 2.20±1.50t值 -16.909 -16.440 23.085 -10.344 -14.728 3.161P值 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05



表5 两组患者治疗后5周、12周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)

表5 两组患者治疗后5周、12周的肩关节功能比较(分,±s)


治疗后5周治疗后12周组别ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分ASES评分 UCLA评分 VAS评分试 验 组 87.30±3.92 29.83±3.03 2.51±1.36 91.87±5.75 32.34±2.04 1.28±1.17对 照 组 82.67±5.99 26.56±4.20 4.10±1.61 88.02±7.57 29.38±4.40 2.20±1.50t值 3.709 3.622 -4.361 2.353 3.489 -2.795P值 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

讨 论

肩袖损伤是肌腱损伤中最为常见的类型[1],其中又以冈上肌肌腱损伤最为多发[2]。冈上肌是上肢外展的主要动力肌,其肌腱在靠近肱骨大结节近1~1.5cm 处有一乏血管区[3-4],且又穿行于肱骨头与喙肩弓之间,在上肢过顶运动中易受到撞击、挤压。这些结构与功能上的特点是冈上肌肌腱易于损伤的原因。

冲击波是通过电液压效应、电磁效应、压电效应等物理效应产生的一种能透过人体组织的声波[5],目前研究报道,冲击波治疗冈上肌肌腱炎疗效确切[67]。可能的治疗机制是冲击波可以通过改善局部血氧灌注,改变炎性反应过程,调节转化生长因子b1(transforming growth factor-b1,TGF-b1)基 因表达,使胶原蛋白合成,重塑腱性结构[8-9]。本研究中,冲击波对冈上肌肌腱炎的治疗作用也得到证实。





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Research on the clinical effect of combination treatment of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and shoulder joint function training on the supraspinatus tendinitis

He Xu,Luo Xiaobing,Li Shaobai,Zhao Chen.Department of Sports Medicine,Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital,Chengdu 610041,China

He Xu,Email:1563330129@qq.com

BackgroundSupraspinatus tendinitis is a common disease in sports enthusiasts withrepeated attacks.In the upper limb movements above the shoulder,the supraspinatus tendon injury was accumulated by repeated work,or because of the impact of the humeral head and the coracoacromial arch.While treating the local lesions,rehabilitations should be introduced to improve shoulder joint function and reduce the mechanism of injury.We made training plans of shoulder girdlemuscles closely related to shoulder joint activities and thus explore the clinical effect of the combination treatment of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and shoulder joint function training on the supraspinatus tendinitis.Methods70Patients who have the supraspinatus tendinitis were randomly divided into two groups:The first group(35patients)was given the extracorporeal shock wave therapy;the second group(35patients)was given the extracorporeal shock wave therapy in combined with the shoulder joint function training.The shoulder joint function training was instructed by professional therapists,which includesthe improvement of the flexibility of shoulder joints and the motion control ability of the scapulothoracu and the glenohumeral joints.The training period lasted for 12weeks.Before the treatment process,the difference of the shoulder joint function between the patients in two groups showed no statistical significant according to the rating scale of the American shoulder and elbow surgeons′form (SAES),the rating scale of university of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)and the visual analogue scale(VAS).The recuperations of patients′shoulder joint function were observed and compared 5weeks and 12weeks after the treatment separately.Results The patients′shoulder joint function 5weeks and 12weeks after the treatment receives a better evaluation than the function before the treatment.Five weeks later,the ASES(t=-7.972,P <0.05),UCLA (t=-13.017,P <0.05)and VAS(t=2.095,P <0.05)of the patients who

extracorporeal shock wave therapy differ from those of the patients before the treatment with a statistical significance;the ASES(t=-10.296,P <0.05),UCLA(t=-11.544,P <0.05)and VAS(t=12.897,P <0.05)of the patients who received 5weeks of combination treatment also differ from those of the patients before the treatment with a statistical significance 12weeks later,the ASES(t=-10.344,P <0.05),UCLA (t =-14.728,P <0.05)and VAS(t =3.161,P <0.05)of the patients who received extracorporeal shock wave therapy differ from those of the patients before the treatment with a statistical significance;the ASES(t=-16.909,P <0.05),UCLA(t=-16.440,P <0.05)and VAS(t=23.085,P <0.05)of the patients who received 12weeks of combination treatment also differ from those of the patients before the treatment with a statistical significance when the rating scores of the two groups received five weeks of different frames of treatment are compared,it is found that the ASES(t=3.709,P <0.05),UCLA (t=3.622,P <0.05)and VAS (t=-4.361,P <0.05)of the group with the combination treatment of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and shoulder joint function training are all superior to those of the group with only the extracorporeal shock wave therapy.Moreover,the differences in between are statistical significant.Similarly,the ASES(t=2.353,P <0.05),UCLA (t=3.489,P <0.05)and VAS(t=-2.795,P <0.05)of the group with 12weeks of combination treatment are also superior to those of the group with 12 weeks of single treatment of extracorporeal shock wave therapy,and the differences are statistical significant.ConclusionsThe supraspinatus tendinitis is one type of common disease among sport amateurs with easily repeated attacks.During the movements of the upper limb over the shoulder joint,the supraspinatus may get injured for two reasons:repeated acting behaviors triggered accumulation of the taken force and the squeeze or crash between humeral head and coracoacromial arch.At the same time of providing correspond treatment to the affected part of the patients with the supraspinatus tendinitis,physician should also use function training to improve their function of the shoulder joint and to eliminate their injury attacks mechanism.The function training improves the flexibility of the shoulder joints and the motion control ability of the scapulothoracu and the glenohumeral joints,which eliminates the squeeze and crash when the supraspinatus is in the movement.The injury of supraspinatus muscle is closely related to the outstretch movements of the upper limb,a type of complex movement cooperated by the glenohumeral joint,the scapulothoracu,the acromioclavicular joint and the sternoclavicular joint.Good outstretch movements should include the following specific characteristics:First of all,themuscle group surround the shoulder trap should have high flexibility.The tightened shoulder trap muscle will not only lead to a worse starting position of the scapula movement but also affect the movement trail due to the imbalance between muscle strength and muscle tone.Secondly,agood outstretch movement needs good balance and stable forcesin the shoulder complex cooperation movement with respect to two aspects.The first force is a stable force in glenohumeral joint humeral head provided by the cooperation movement among subscapularis,infraspinatus,and teres minor in the rotator cuff muscle.The second force is the one that helps to keep a stable movement trail during the scapula upward rotation.This force requires high muscle strength in rhomboids,middle and lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscle.To sum up,based on the points discussed above,the shoulder joint function training plan helps to reach the purpose of treatment by improving the flexibility of shoulder joints and the motion control ability of the scapulothoracu and the glenohumeral joints to eliminate the squeeze and crash mechanism when the supraspinatus is in the movement.The combination treatment of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and shoulder function training on the supraspinatus tendinitis deserves clinical promotion due to its better clinical effect.

Supraspinatus tendinitis;Shock wave;Shoulder joint function training





610041 成都,四川省骨科医院运动医学科


何栩,罗小兵,李少柏,等.冲击波联合肩关节功能训练治疗冈上肌肌腱炎的临床研究 [J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(1):9-14.
