【Abstract】Task-based language teaching always stress the importance to combine formfocus teaching with communication teaching. TBLT as one possible solution to bridge the gap between English reading class and real-life language use.
【Key words】TBLT; language teaching; reading
1. Introduction
Task-based Language Teaching is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. TBLT is based on the analysis of students needs. There are opportunities for learners to focus both on language and learning process.
It uses authentic materials in learning situation.
2.The Implication of Task Design in “Annes Best Friend”
2.1 Prediction Task
Teacher should active the background knowledge and introduce the new materials in the first task.
Activity 1: present a video of World War II of Jewish peoples life to let students see when and what happened to them. Later show some pictures in the PPT that could help students understand the background of the story deeply;
Activity 2: ask students the following questions ;
(1) Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you;
(2) Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?
2.2 Problem Solving Task
Students take part in language organization and selection with the help of the group, teacher. In this stage students are required to scan the passage.
Activity 1: students work in group to discuss the following questions:
(1) How do Anne feel?
(2) What do you think of Anne?
In addition to these activities, there are some patterns and expressions that teachers need explaining to students. And then do some exercise for a language point such as substitution exercise and transform sentences.
Activity 2: choose one of the sentence structures to make a sentence or a new story. After they have finish task, students can share story to other groups or discuss with their partner.
2.3 Creative Task
The creative task is designed for post-task phase. Teacher design some tasks that could help students reflect the process of the story.
Activity 1: Make a list at least five words. Share your list with another pair. Choose five good adjectives from the two lists.
Activity 2: four students a group to discuss the situation: suppose you have hide yourself for three months, you will be offered the necessary food, water and clothes, your group can take five things with you. What will you take? Why? How will you spend three months? At last, teacher need to make assessment of students behavior.
3. Effectiveness of Using TBLT in Annes Best Friend
3.1 Stimulation of Students Motivation.
Authentic situation maybe more vivid than explanation. At the beginning of the lesson, teachers use videos or pictures to arise students interest. Then they design a lot of questions and activities to let students participate. By increasing students motivation, teachers feel interested in TBLT lessons.
3.2 The Rational Use of Teaching Material
Because all the classroom learning was form-focused, focusing mainly on mastering and memorizing the words, sentences, and grammar, there are few opportunities for students to be exposed to authentic input. Firstly, teacher uses video and pictures to help students understand background knowledge. Secondly, teacher combines the text to design some practical tasks.Thirdly, teachers refer exercise of the text to design some questions and activities.
3.3 Communicative Competence
Students learn the language through participating and completing communicative and purposeful task. The problem is that most of students are good at grammar and none of them speak English. In this lesson students practice language points through task and teacher arranges task and students work in groups. This pattern boldly encourages students to say English as much as possible.
[1]Wang,J.The Design and Reflection of Task-based Reading Teaching in Senior High School[J].Jour.
[2]Wang Qiang.A Course in English Language Teaching[M].High Education Press,2006:26-37.
作者簡介: 朱双丽, 女, 汉族, 大理大学2016级在读研究生,研究方向:小学教育。