
2017-07-12 17:27建筑设计按字母顺序排列Nordic建筑事务所RATIO建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2017年6期


















包容性设计思维植入于该发展项目的各个方面。自2013年建成以来,新医院获得了广泛的国际赞誉,并因其新颖的设计获得了诸多奖项。(王单单 译)

1 总平面/Site plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: St. Olav's Hospital Helsebygg Midt-Norge

建筑类型/Building Type: 大学医院/University Hospital

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: Johannes Eggen, John Arne Bjerknes (Nordic-Office of Architecture); Arvid Ottar, Per Christian Brynildsen, Per Anders Borgen, Marianne Dale, Kari Anne Munthe-Kaas, Anne Lamer, Randi Mandt (RATIO architects AS)

项目建筑师/Project Architects: Johannes Schafer, Rannveig Landrø, Yann Brandvol, Kariuki Mukuria, Hanne Hemsen (Nordic - Office of Architecture); Solveig Strand, Terje Gundersen, June Haugen Welo, Katrine Skavlan, Eli Østby, Chiara Grifasi, Anette Svarliaunet, Dag Torbjørn Nerbø, Charlotte Skar, Lehong Yang (RATIO architects AS)

设计合作/Collaboration Partners: Asplan Viak landscape architects, COWI

面积/Area: 220,000m²

建设造价/Construction Cost: 12 billion NOK

项目时间/Project Period: 1998-2013

摄影/Photos: SYNLIG.NO (fig.2, 10), Matthias C. Herzog (fig.3, 7-9), Erik Børseth-SYNLIG.NO (fig.11,12), Nordic - Office of Architecture (fig.13), Espen Grønli (fig.14), Jiri Havran (15-22)

2 鸟瞰/Aerial view

3 知识中心外景/Exterior view of the Knowledge Centre


RATIO architects and Nordic - Office of Architecture, as part of "Team St. Olav", were responsible for all aspects of the planning and development of St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim, Norway from 1998-2013. This included functional and medical structure, logistics, formal development, integration between the university and the medical facilities, and the implementation within the city structure of Trondheim.

Background and Location

All clinical centres were built around a central square, each with its own landscaped central area, and all linked to each other both on the first floor with bridges for patients and staff, and below ground with technical and service culverts. The location of the university hospital within the grid based city structure of Trondheim formed the framework for the development of the various clinics, buildings and facility centres.

St. Olav's Hospital was fully operational throughout the construction period. The project was delivered within budget, with the expected high quality before the deadline.

Design Vision

"The Patient in Focus" has been the guideline for all design decisions throughout the project. In addition to creating a highly functional plan, with easy orientation in circulation spaces as well as short distances, the extensive use of daylight, art, bright colours and green areas provides a very positive environment for healthy recovery and learning. Single rooms in the ward have also proven to be effective for recovery and general well-being for the patient.

User Involvement

Architects and engineers have worked together with the staff and users as an integrated interdisciplinary team through all the phases of the project. St. Olav is a pioneering project with respect to developing processes and interaction between those involved, through active use of a BIM model from sketch level to finished construction. The staff and users were able to make "virtual walks" in the 3D-model, and getting to know the project while checking functionality, space, furnishing, etc.

IKT, BIM, LEAN, Visualisations

4.5 知识中心平面/Plans of the Knowledge Centre

6 知识中心剖面/Section of the Knowledge Centre

7.8 知识中心外景/Exterior views of the Knowledge Centre

9 知识中心外景/Exterior view of the Knowledge Centre

10-12 知识中心内景/Interior views of the Knowledge Centre

The project was developed using the latest computer based BIM technology, collaborating with cutting edge LEAN-researchers at Stanford University in California and Porsche Consulting in Stuttgart. The main focus in the LEAN-process was to increase the overall "value", enhance the built qualities, and reduce "waste" in all stages, thereby using both money and time effectively.


All centres at St. Olav's Hospital were built to comply with energy class A. The project had high environmental ambitions at all stages, both in terms of energy consumption, bound energy, indoor air quality, materials, lighting, cleaning and maintenance. Energy consumption in phase 2 was reduced by 30% from phase 1 (2000-2004). Full environmental and life cycle assessments were conducted of all materials inside and out. The hospital's central location in the city, good public transport connections and easy pedestrian and cycle links are also significant in relation to the project's environmental qualities. The final centre to be completed, the Knowledge Centre, was the first hospital building in Europe according to passive house standards.


Inclusive design thinking has been embedded in all aspects of the development project. The new hospital opened in 2013 and has since received international acclaim and won several awards for its innovative architecture.



13.14 急性心肺中心/Exterior views of AHL (Acute, Heart and Lung Centre)


15.16 移动中心外景/Exterior views of the Movement Centre

17 妇幼中心外景/Exterior view of the Woman and Child Centre

18.19 妇幼中心内景/Interior views of the Woman and Child Centre


QING Feng: When the pioneers of modernism compared architectures to machines, they ignored the fact that the most complex machines we can produce are actually human bodies. Therefore, a modernist theory has brought us back to the Renaissance artists' strong interests in human anatomy. This background might be helpful to the hospital designers today, because there is no institution closer to a human body than a general hospital. It has various departments corresponding to organs, patients and medics corresponding to cell level confrontations, massive interflow and information corresponding to blood, lymph and neural network. A good hospital should function like a healthy human body. The designers of St. Olav's Hospital are fully aware of the complexity of this body machine. They gave each organ enough field and light. The smooth and clear routes allow cells to avoid getting lost in the dark. A healthy environment should be the starting condition for medical services. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

SHE Yishuang: This project has two very prominent features. First, because of the use of BIM technology and LEAN during the design process, the cost and time are greatly saved. Since the time span of the whole project is over 15 years, the growth of technology is obvious between the old and new phases, in which the improvement of project management level is impressive.

The other is the harmonious relationship between the city and the hospital, which is also the common weakness in hospital design. With no obvious boundaries, the hospital dissolves in the city, and the line between indoor and outdoor spaces is blurred. I consider it is more than just the achievement of building construction. Its completion cannot be realised without the commitment of all citizens and flexibility of the government management system. (Translated by QI Yiyi)

St. Olav's Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 2013

Architects (in alphabetical order): Nordic - Office of Architecture, RATIO architects AS

20 实验中心外景/Exterior view of the Laboratory Centre

21.22 实验中心内景/Interior views of the Laboratory Centre

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