In Transit 工作营“成长的托堰”,奥斯陆,挪威

2017-07-12 17:26建筑设计InTransit工作营
世界建筑 2017年6期

建筑设计:In Transit工作营

In Transit 工作营“成长的托堰”,奥斯陆,挪威

建筑设计:In Transit工作营

大规模移民是当今世界所面临的最严峻的考验之一。社会不平等、军事冲突和气候变化是数以百万计的人口被迫背井离乡的主要原因。通过运用建筑工具,In Transit工作营致力于寻找一种有格调、安全、新颖并且可持续的建筑解决方案,为漂泊他乡的难民提供庇护。

In Transit工作营是奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)的一门研究生建筑与城市设计课程。该项目由挪威难民署和奥斯陆建筑与设计学院合作发起。设计工作营为学生提供关于联合国、国际人道主义活动的讯息,探究建筑、城市设计和城市规划应当如何在危机处理过程中扮演有机的角色。

过渡性空间——例如难民营地,是为短期用途而建造的:它们用于应对紧急情况,并在不久后消失。但这在全球化背景下的城市化进程和大规模迁徙过程中已经不再适用。如今,人们在难民营中的平均驻留时间是17年。In Transit工作营希望激发人们对于“临时性”的批判性思考;并探索作为建筑师的我们,应该如何做好准备,为共同应对这些重大挑战做出贡献。


In Transit——动乱中的避风港(2016春季):希腊的卡利诺斯、科斯、莱尔斯和雅典

In Transit II——当临时成为永久(2016秋季):奥斯陆、柏林、加沙

In Transit III——危机中的建筑解决方案(2017春季):约旦、挪威、意大利(进行中)





Transit II工作营探究了如何优化这些危机应变规划,同时给奥斯陆的托堰——这片待更新的社区——提供发展契机。托堰是一个国际化程度很高的多文化融合地区——49%的当地人口具有少数族裔血统。托堰的人口组成也在不停变动,因为人们在该地区停留的时间相对城市中的其他地区较短。“托堰区域提升计划”是一个自底向上的与当地居民的实际需求和愿景保持紧密同步的区域发展计划。



设计包含一个新的温室和临时性的难民居所。温室给当地居民和移民提供了活动和社交的空间。温室相当于其内部居住单元的空间架构。空间单元的数量根据居民的数量相应增减,温室大棚则是当地居民们长期使用的聚会地点。(张裕翔 译)

1 温室内景效果图/Rendering of the Greenhouse interior

Mass displacement is one of the world's most pressing agendas. Inequality, conflicts, and climatic change are reasons for why millions of people are forced to leave their homes. By using the architectural toolbox, the In Transit Studio aims to develop dignified, safe, innovative, and sustainable architectural solutions for people seeking sanctuary.

The In Transit Studio is a Master's Course in Architecture and Urbanism at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). The project is a collaboration between the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) / NORCAP and the AHO. The studio provides knowledge about the United Nations, global humanitarian responses, and explores how architecture, urban design, and urban planning should be an integrated part of emergency response.

Transitional spaces - such as refugee camps, are designed for the short term: to meet an emergency need and then disappear. This is no longer the reality in a globalising world faced with urbanisation and mass displacement. The average stay in a refugee camp is now 17 years. The In Transit Studio aims to stimulate critical thinking around "temporality", and how we as architects can be better prepared, and contribute in solving these important challenges.

36 students of 14 different nationalities have been trained over three semesters:

In Transit - safe spaces in crisis contexts (Spring 2016): Kalymnos, Kos, Leros and Athens, Greece

In Transit II - when temporary becomes permanent (Fall 2016): Oslo, Berlin and Gaza

In Transit III - architectural solutions in emergencies (Spring 2017): Jordan, Norway, Italy (ongoing)

Project Growing Tøyen: Emergency Contingency Planning as an Urban Strategy for Upgrading the Tøyen Neighbourhood, Oslo, Norway

When refugees have arrived at the country in which they wish to apply for asylum, they are offered accommodation in asylum/ reception centres. Some stay there for a few weeks, others for months, even years. Many of these centres turn into parallel worlds, in some cases secluded from their surroundings.

The location of a reception centre will have an impact on its surrounding host community. It will also have a critical impact on the health, well-being and protection of the displaced population, as well as on the ability to manage daily activities, ensure participation and develop relations with the host community. In developed urban areas, the location of the facilities should favour the potential of social inclusion. Locating sites isolated and far away from the existing urban fabric and in sub-standard sites or facilities can amplify feeling of exclusion and alienation and create be a trigger for frustration and tension.

Based on the relatively high number of people seeking asylum or other forms of protection in Norway in 2015, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) had to update its contingency plans, and prepare for the possibility of increasing numbers of new arrivals in the years to come.

The In Transit II Studio worked on how to improve these plans, while also benefitting a neighbourhood in need of upgrade, the Tøyen area in Oslo. Tøyen is an international and multicultural place - 49% of the population comes with ethnic minority origins. Tøyen's population is also constantly shifting, as people tend to live there for a shorter period of time than in other areas in the city. "Områdeløft Tøyen" is a bottom-up area development process in accordance with the actual needs and requests from the neighbourhood residents.

How to develop an urban strategy that includes a mix of temporary and permanent housing accommodating the new arrivals, and urban design interventions for the Tøyen neighbourhood?

The Growing Tøyen project is proposing a different kind of reception facility for refugees with the capacity to accommodate a high number of persons designed for a high degree of liveability. The proposal incorporates needs of the existing Tøyen population; safe public spaces; and places with low threshold recreational and cultural offers.

The project combines a new Greenhouse with temporary refugee housing accommodation. The Greenhouse provides a space for activity and social interaction for both the host community and the new immigrants. The Greenhouse functions as a physical framework in which the living units can be installed per needs determined by the fluctuating arrival numbers - while at the same time function as a permanent meeting place for the neighbourhood residents.

2 总平面/Site plan

3 首层平面/Ground floor plan

4 二层平面/1st floor plan

5 温室外景效果图/Rendering of the Greenhouse exterior

6 居住模块/Living modules

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Academic Master project at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) Institute of Urbanism and Landscape

项目类型/Project Type: 紧急应变,建筑,城市规划,温室/Emergency response, architecture, urban planning, greenhouse

设计者/Authors: Kevin Benny Kuriakose, Heini Hiukka, Victor Ferran Carpintero

合作者/Collaborative Partners: The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

指导教师/Tutors: Håvard Breivik, Tone Selmer-Olsen

工作营阶段/Studio Phase: In Transit II

项目时间/Project Year: 2016

7 温室剖面/Section of the Greenhouse

8 温室立面/Elevation of the Greenhouse


周宇舫:这个项目可以从两方面来看。首先,是挪威奥斯陆建筑与设计学院的建筑教育的敏锐性。无疑,将难民的冲击转换成积极性的活力是一个政治性的难题,建筑学在其中能否扮演一个工具性的角色,In Transit工作营给出了一个解决的策略,也为建筑学在当代的多元冲突中找到了一个自身的时代意义;其次,是这个有趣的方案,用一个作为公共空间的温室大棚作为策略,将本地人的活动与可能的难民临时居所关联起来,自下而上地解决移民的流动所带来的对于安置设施的需求和空置,并在不同情况下扮演一个友善的社区起居室的角色。让我感到温馨的是,它是一个“greenhouse”,而不是其他类型的空间,温室所带来的情境,在各种冲突之下的今天,似乎只能用温暖来形容了。

王韬:难民问题对两类人群的“家”的概念提出了挑战:一边是流离失所的难民,一边是接纳他们的社区的居民。在市场化条件下,过渡性居住最大的问题是其居住诉求不能成为具有购买力的市场需求;另一方面,对于一个成熟社区而言,也很难有人为其在新条件下的改造买单。In Transit课程关注的正是此类问题,如何为难民在新的环境下提供家的感觉?如何与原有社区生活更好地衔接?“社会建筑”的意义在这种地方凸显。


ZHOU Yufang: This project can be viewed from two sides. First, we have to acknowledge the acuity of architectural education at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in Norway. There is no doubt that the transformation of the shock of the refugees into positive vitality is a political problem, in which architecture strives to play an instrumental role. Studio In Transit gives a solution under this situation and find a meaning for the architectural realm in this diverse and conflicting world; secondly, this interesting program, with a greenhouse strategy as a public space, connects the activities of the local people with the possible refugee camp. In this way, it addresses the needs of resettlement facilities and possible vacancy problems from bottom up. In different situations, it could be converted into a friendly community living room. What makes me feel warm is that it is a "greenhouse", rather than other types of space. Today, under a variety of conflicts, it seems that the word "greenhouse" could bring us nothing but the feeling of warmth. (Translated by QI Yiyi) WANG Tao: The problem of refugees posed a challenge to the concept of "home" for two groups of people: one is displaced refugees, the other is the residents of the communities who take them in. Under the condition of marketisation, the biggest problem of transitional residence is that residential demands cannot become market demands with purchasing power; on the other hand, as for a mature community, it is difficult to have someone to pay for its transformation under the new conditions. These are the problems that Studio In Transit is concerned with: how to provide a place like home for refugees in a new environment? How to connect better with the original community life?This is where the significance of "social architecture" is shown. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

Architects: Studio In Transit

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