
2017-07-12 17:27建筑设计GASA事务所
世界建筑 2017年6期




1 外景/Exterior view



原有的砖建筑需要大量翻修,而这是在当地遗产机构指导下完成的。几乎所有的屋顶都更换一新,对原始的砖体进行了翻修,窗户改为双层。地板是防氡的,同时铺了新的混凝土板以改善热效率。经计算,整座建筑的净能耗是每年128 KWh/m2。考虑到建筑大部分原先都无保温,这个结果是很好的。费斯迪卡廉学校让历史与现代浑然一体,其独特的教学区将成为奥斯陆发展区的催化剂。(尚晋 译)

2.3 剖面/Sections

4 内景/Interior view

5 外景/Exterior view

GASA - a group of collaborating architects, is an Oslo-based architectural firm that has had a strong environmental focus since its inception thirty years ago.

6.7 外景/Exterior views

Fyrstikkalleén School, also known as F21, is the first facility in Oslo to house kindergarten, middle and high schools in one building. The school is situated in an area under development, and serves the local community by offering a multi-purpose hall, library, cafeteria as well as a meeting place for the residents. The design intentions were to create a coherent school, fusing the old industrial buildings to the west, previously a match factory, together with a new modern school building to the east. The new and the old are linked by the new building's third floor, which creates a portal that serves as an easily identifiable main entrance to the school, cafeteria and library and as a thoroughfare to Grøvold Square in the north. All general teachingareas are located in the new building, and specialised areas such as science labs and art/media studios are found in the existing building. An internal communication hallway and two large staircases connect the areas together and contribute to informal meetings between students and teachers. The precise dark stone cladding and extensive use of glass façades on the new buildings results in a deliberate contrast to the 100-year old brick facades of the previous match factory. Only a few materials were specified in order to keep coherency between the old and new. Brick, concrete, stone, wood, steel and MDF are all highly durable materials which contribute to lowering the building's environmental impact. The colour scheme is gentle, with a palette of black, grey and white, with the thought that the students and teachers will give colour and vibrancy to the school. Transparency and clear organisation of the building has been important in the design of the facility. The school's courtyard is clearly organised with different activity zones. Skylights and extensive use of glass walls provide overall visual contact between students and departments, and contributes to excellent daylight conditions in the building.

The existing brick building was in need of extensive refurbishment, which was done in consultation with the local heritage authority. Almost all of the roofs were replaced with new structures; the original brickwork was refurbished as well as the windows which benefitted from a new double layer. The floors were radon proofed and a new concrete floor was laid out to improve thermal efficiency. The net energy use of the whole building was calculated at 128 kWh/m2per year and is a fine result considering large parts of the facility contains the existing un-insulated buildings. Fyrstikkalléen School is a sleek interplay between the historical and modern that provides unique learning areas that can be a catalyst for the area of Oslo that is under development.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF

功能/Program: 幼儿园、初中和高中/Kindergarten, Middle and High School

顾问/Consultants: Multiconsult, LINK Arkitektur AS Landskap

承建商/Contractor: Veidekke Entreprenør AS

项目时间/Project Period: 2006-2010

项目面积/Project Area: 14,500m2

摄影/Photo: Jiri Havran

8 地下层平面/Basement floor plan

9 首层平面/Ground floor plan

10 二层平面/1st floor plan

11 内景/Interior view





QING Feng: The newly built floor across the sky makes people thinking about the Bauhaus school in Dessau by Gropius. Actually the plans of the two schools are more similar: the windmill shaped layout is one of the most ideal choices for education structures that require good ventilation and lighting. But the existence of the match factory changed everything. It's like a piece of floating wood picked by the sea: time and waves erased the edges, but its invariable texture remains, familiar and strange. Le Corbusier collected a lot of these floating woods; Rossi even bothered creating chimneys and cone towers to imitate these accidental seaside encounters.The architects of Fyrstikkalleén School are lucky: they met precious things, and know how to treasure them. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

JIA Dongting: How can the urbanity and diversity of industrial architecture be evoked? The Fyrstikkalleén School project, which was converted from a factory, has faced such challenge. As a coherent school that offers kindergarten to secondary-school education, effectively utilising its sense of order and seasoning it with more vitality has become an important reconstruction approach. The fresh features in the newly built school building on the east side, as well as the utilisation of arc-shaped spaces and colours, have emphasised such an approach. The attempt to use the same materials and colour scheme for the old and new, illustrates the respect being paid to the historical building, from the physical level to the spiritual level. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

Fyrstikkalleén School, Oslo, Norway, 2010

Architects: GASA AS

12-15 内景/Interior views

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