
2017-07-12 17:27:23建筑设计3RW建筑事务所
世界建筑 2017年6期




1 鸟瞰/Aerial view



该项目是一个由727个工厂预制模块构成的低成本建筑,通过船运到施工现场。 格内维索恩学生住宅项目是欧洲最大的模块化建筑之一。宿舍由小型居住单元和公共职能区组成,分布在17个不同的建筑群组中,高低错落,最高可达8层楼。该项目最终由两个单独的体块构成。分为两个独立区块的策略确保了整体目标的达成:即与周边地区和市中心保持明确而开放的视觉及物理联系。

2 总平面/Site plan


该项目总共可容纳约1000名学生,预计将对卑尔根的整体租金水平产生积极的影响。如过去一年所见,该项目可降低私人市场的租金价格,避免其进一步不受控制的增长。 (齐轶昳 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: SiB Studentsamskipnaden i Bergen

地点/Location: Bergen, Norway

功能/Program: 727个学生公寓/727 student apartments

合作设计/Design Partners: Smedsvig Landskapsarkitekter AS, Multiconsult AS

承建商/Contractor: Faktor Industrier AS, Norsk betontindustri AS规模/Size: 20,750m2

项目时间/Project Period: 2009-2016

摄影/Photos: Cecilie Bannow

3.4 鸟瞰/Aerial views

The student housing at Grønneviksøren is an attempt to answer one of our biggest challenges in today's growing cities: How to create good architecture for a great number of people who need homes of low budget in the city centre?

Bergen is today home to 27,000 students spread over various academic institutions in the city. Planning accommodation complying with the future student needs will strengthen their role as active participants in the urban arena. As of today, the city offers a wide range of social arenas for them to participate in. Their evaluation and renewal will be necessary to complete future residential strategies. The transformation area of Grønneviksøren is located in the outskirts of the urban area with about 20 min. walking distance to the centre of Bergen.

5 平面/Plan

6 夜景/Night view

7.8 立面外景/Exterior views of façade

The project is a low cost building based on 727 modules manufactured in a factory and transported by boat to the construction site. Grønneviksøren represents one of the largest modular buildings in Europe. The student houses at Grønneviksøren consist of small living units and common functions distributed inside 17 different building groups with varying heights up to 8 floors. The project is realised as two separate building blocks. This division into two independent blocks ensures the overall ambition of clearly open visual and physical connections to the surrounding areas and the city centre.

Inside each block the building groups are connected with external galleries addressed towards the open inner courtyards. The external galleries have a width of 3 metres which provide that they can both be used as access walkways for the individual housing units, and common spacious outdoor areas for social encounters and activities. This provides the external galleries a clear role as semi-public zones of interaction between the individual housing units and the public areas. The open inner courtyards are developed as public outdoor spaces with different gardens and playgrounds that contribute to a wide range of activities.

With a total capacity of around 1000 students, the project is expected to have a positive impact on the overall rent levels in Bergen. Reducing the prices in the private market and avoiding further uncontrolled increases, as it has done in the past year.

9 外立面模块设计/Façade module design

10 南立面/South elevation

11.12 细部实景/Detail views

13.14 景观实景/Landscape views




15 纵剖面/Longitudinal sections


WANG Tao: Norway has a relatively small population and very long winters. Public space is an important element in the design of public buildings in Norway, in order to carry out "outdoor" activities and social activities in the cold weather. Like the widened corridor in this project, it's not only the transportation space between the dormitories, but also a place for daily interaction. In the meantime, as Norway is one of the highest average income nations in the world, labour is expensive, and the available time for construction is short, so prefabricated construction has obtained rapid development. This may be the main reason for using modular prefabricated residential units in this project. In addition, different from complete free-market societies, in Norway, which has the tradition of social democracy, it is a traditional method of housing policy to reduce the real estate price and rent through social construction. The above characteristics of Norwegian residential buildings are all reflected in this university dormitory project. This shows the close relationship between residential buildings and behaviour habits, technology choice and social conditions. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

16 户型设计/Plan layouts design

QING Feng: Perhaps Plato is still right - compared with the eternity of concepts, the honours and disgraces in reality will not be worth mentioning. Le Corbusier's Domino system is a concept like this. Although from Marseilles Unite Habitation to the Bank of China Tower in Tokyo, many people pay no respect to the real achievements of this concept, and even add these cases to the crime evidence of modernism. But projects like Grønneviksøren student apartment proved again, that the internal force of a remarkable architectural concept is often beyond times. It is still effective because there is no actual difference between the problems we face today and those of 100 years ago, especially in Beijing, where there's a large number of immigrants, and is increasingly distorted by the high housing prices. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

Architects: 3RW arkitekter

17 外景/Exterior view

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