
2017-06-05 15:09:56金卫钧
世界建筑 2017年5期



Minsk Beijing Hotel project is located in Minsk, the capital city of Belarus, as an important project of friendly cooperation between the two states. The architectural style takes traditional Chinese architectural form as a starting point, including sloping roof, white walls, gray tiles, and refine and sublime these elements in combination with modern characteristics. The use of the white walls precisely fit the Belarusian people's traditional love. Modernist façade treatment places simplicity as the main approach, which take use of the actual situation contrast that reflects the black and white ash unique artistic conception of the Chinese ink painting. The design techniques using symbolic process in detail, which abstract expressed the Chinese traditional stepped gable walls and other elements that concise and no lack of interest. The traditional Chinese style with modernist language is expressed most vividly. At the same time, to embellish some Chinese traditional red and local birch wood colour etc., it may reflect the respect for the local architectural heritage and traditional culture.

1 外景/Exterior view

2 外景/Exterior view3 总平面/Site plan4 草图/Sketch5 首层平面/Ground fl oor plan6 二层平面/First fl oor plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 唐佳,张伟,李志东,蒙小晶,杨权/TANG Jia, ZHANG Wei, LI Zhidong, MENG Xiaojing, YANG Quan

建筑面积/Fioor Area: 32,909m2

摄影/Photos: 金卫钧/JIN Weijun

Minsk Beijing Hotel, Minsk, Belarus, 2014


Architect: JIN Weijun

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