Bihaiyuntian Club is a significant public building in the Bihaiyuntian residential community developed by Qingdao Longhai Group Ltd. Bihaiyuntian Community is located at Langyatai Scenic Spot, Huangdao District (used to be Jiaonan City) of Qingdao, Shandong Province. It sits against Chelun Mountain and faces the bathing beach of Longwan Bay, which has a unique and beautiful natural scene with rich tourist resources. It is a rare scenic area with mountain and water in the suburb of Qingdao.
The Club situates at one side of the main entrance of Bihaiyuntian Community with a relatively fl at terrain and existing roads to the north.Thus, the Club undoubtedly becomes a landmark in the area. The mass of the club building cannot be large because of its limited size of over 1000m2. So, we applied the cutting method on the whole massing in the style design. We broke the conventional square, forming an irregular hollowed-out part and a sloping roof of multiple directions, which adds a tongue of monumentality to the building. At the entrance of the community, the cutting image of a large cantilever reveals a welcoming posture and a remarkable e ff ect.
项目信息/Credits and Data
业主/Client: 青岛隆海集团有限公司/Qingdao Hailong Group Ltd.
设计单位/Design Institute: 深圳大学建筑设计研究院,北京东方华脉工程设计有限公司(施工图)/Design: Architectural Design & Research Institute of Shenzhen University, Beijing Oriental Huamai Engineering Design Co. Ltd. (construction drawings)
设计团队/Design Team: 覃力,李一凡,胡圣洁/QIN Li, LI Yifan, HU Shengjie
场地面积/Sit Area: 3500m2
建筑面积/Building Area: 1032m2
设计时间/Design: 2013
Bihaiyuntian Club, Qingdao, China, 2014
Architect: QIN Li
1 外景/Exterior view2 东南外景/View from the southeast
3 夜景/Night view4 模型/Model5 首层平面/Ground fl oor plan