
2017-04-15 15:04
福建教育学院学报 2017年5期


Peop le in Social Relations:Starting Point and End of M oral Education——The Enlightenment of Marxist View of Nature on Moral Education

Abstract:The teaching situations in the eco-mathematics classrooms have the characteristics of truthfulness, visuality,intelligence,significance and implication.Teaching situations can play such roles as inducing motivation, arousing emotions,cultivating thinking skills,generating dynamically,and nurturing literacy.Through the creation of teaching situations based on life examples,educational technology,mathematics’historical facts,contradictory problems,exploration and discovery,the article makes the construction of teaching situations in eco-mathematics classrooms more scientific.

Key words:ecological classroom;teaching situations;characteristics;roles;creation

KONG Xiang-yuan1SU Xun2
(1.Department of Education,Normal College of Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 51800,China; 2.Hebei Institute of International Business and Economics,Qinhuangdao 066100,China)

Abstract:Marxism holds that human reality is the sum of social relations,which is of great significance to moral education.Whether it is individual or social moral situation,it is affected by social relations.Therefore,we must take“the people in social relations”as the starting point of moral education.No matter what kind of people we cultivate, they are ultimately the people of society,and affect their own and the whole society's living conditions.In this sense," people in social relations"are the end of moral education.In order to pay more attention to the people in social relations,moral education needs to be changed.In the purpose of education,moral education needs to pay attention to the existence of"others";in the training objectives,moral education needs to teach students how to deal with the relationship between individuals and others.

human nature;social relations;moral education work

On the"Popularity"of the W orks of Poetic Drama in Yuan Dynasty

ZHENG Ling-ling
(Wuyishan No.2 Middle School,Wuyishan 354300,China)

Abstract:The poetic drama in the Yuan Dynasty is the first large-scale harvest of popular literature in the history of Chinese literature,and it is also a mature literary style of contemporary literature characterized with the feature of“the popularity”of performances,music,dance and games.The poetic drama is majestically active in the garden of literary arts,reflecting profound social themes and has become an art representative of a generation.The author analyzes the features of"popularity"of the poetic drama from the aspects of their writers,aesthetic taste,its audiences and historical origins,and further elaborates the role and influence of the poetic drama works.

Key words:civilians;secular;mass;popular

Reflections on the Teaching Situations in the Eco-M athematics Classroom s of Senior High Schools

LI Ming WEI You-lian
(Sanming No.1 Middle School,Sanming 365001,China)