
2017-03-03 17:54李茁
新东方英语 2017年3期


Listening & Speaking


相伴相惜的爱情就如舒婷的诗歌《致橡树》里所写:“不仅爱你伟岸的身躯,也爱你坚持的位置,足下的土地。”在茫茫人海中,若能有一人欣赏你独一无二的美丽,理解你的所思所想,包容你的缺点与不足,无论何时都伴你左右,为你加油打气,那你将是何其幸运。20多岁的你笑靥如花,青春灵动,就如春天里一抹耀眼的阳光,人们倾慕你年轻美好的容颜,但当岁月在脸上留下痕迹,还有几人能爱你如初?由年少至耄耋,生活将会设置无数个关卡,多少人在你的生命中来来往往,又有几人能与你并肩携手,时刻在你身边守护?一生中,能有一个这样的人就足矣。在歌曲Beautiful中,加拿大籍歌手Virginia to Vegas就像是这样一个人,他对所爱之人深情地唱着爱的誓言,矢志不渝,充满了呵护、关爱与鼓励。当然,这首歌在某种程度上也可当做一首励志歌曲。

Virginia to Vegas本名叫Derik Baker,出生于美国。他的出道单曲We Are Stars一经发行便成为2014年的热门歌曲。可能因为Virginia to Vegas出道的时间并不长,他的音乐作品听起来没有过多的商业化味道,个人风格很鲜明。这首Beautiful是Virginia to Vegas在2014年年末发行的单曲。歌曲的呈现形式比较简单,没有使用繁复的编曲,只是简简单单的钢琴伴奏加上Virginia to Vegas清澈的嗓音以及歌者流畅的真假音转换,但当歌曲呈现在听者面前时,是那么清新、治愈、打动人心。在这首歌里,Virginia to Vegas用深情的演唱重新定义了“美丽”:当找到生命中的另一半,当望着挚爱的人的双眸和脸庞,对方的美跨越了时间,成为心中不会褪色的存在。在歌中,Virginia to Vegas反复唱着:“Youre beautiful right where you are. Youre perfect with all of your scars.”(无论身在何处,你都永远美丽;就算满身伤痕,你也完美无瑕。)歌者也不断强调:“And maybe to them, you may not be anyone or anything. But darling youre everything to me.”(在某些人眼中,你可能什么都不是,但是在我眼中,你就是我的全部。)这几句歌词是歌者最真挚的爱情宣言。


. New Oriental English

Virginia to Vegas

Sticks and stones they never break your bones

They just shake you up and make you feel all alone

Well dont believe the lies that live to see you cry

Like stormy weather wear you out1) like leather. Why?

Youre bigger than life

Then out of the blue2)

And you thought that you knew just who you are

I say

Youre beautiful right where you are

Youre perfect with all of your scars

And maybe to them

You may not be anyone or anything

But darling youre everything to me

Life it isnt fair not like a fairytale

We often try and fail

Dont let it bring you down

Youve been left so long

The strong cold winds have blown

Oh youre not on your own

No Im still around

Yeah Im by your side

Then out of the blue

And you thought that you knew just who you are

I say

Youre beautiful right where you are

Youre perfect with all of your scars

And maybe to them

You may not be anyone or anything

But darling youre everything to me

Youre beautiful right where you are

Youre perfect with all of your scars

And maybe to them

You may not be anyone or anything

But darling youre everything to me

Now in the silence its all out and clear

I say

Youre beautiful right where you are

You light up my world like the sun and the stars

I wouldnt change you for anyone or anything

Cause darling youre everything to me

Anything Flies