《Read and write》课堂实录(节选)

2017-03-03 07:13丁瑞芳,祁承辉
未来教育家 2017年1期

《Read and write》课堂实录(节选)

科 目 英 语






Step1 Greeting and checking【导入检测环节】

Activity 1 Guessing game

T: Good morning, everyone.

Ss: Good morning, Ivy.

T: Well, do you want to know something about me?

Ss: Of course.

T: OK, you can guess my personal information according to the number and word.

S1: 3…your child is 3 years old.

T: Oh, thanks for your answer.In fact, my daughter is nearly 3 years old.

S2: There are 3 people in your family.

T: Yes, you are right.

S3: 1...you are a good English teacher.

T: Thank you! But not correct, 1 mean first.This is my first time to come to Zhuhai.

S4: 201...201 is your classroom's name?

T: Very good guessing.But not correct.I have 201 students, I love them so much.

S5: English…You can speak good English.

T: Thanks a lot.You are right.My hobby is English.I usually join English corner.

T: How did I know it? Because of the notice in We Chat.Is it fun?

Ss: Yes!

T: Do you want to join it?



Ss: Yes, we do.

T: OK, I will create an English corner in Ronghong School.So I should write a...

Ss: Notice!

T: And I should put it on the …

Ss: Notice board!

T: Pretty good.Today let's learn about notice together.







Activity 2 Checking

T: Well, you have learned the four notices by yourselves yet, right? Now work in your group, read and discuss.

T: If you have problems, raise your hands, I will help you.Are you clear?

Ss: Clear!

T: Take your time, go!


T: Now it's our show time,which group would like to have a try?

Group1:We try.


T: Very good reading.Big hands for them.

T: Everyone, pay attention to these words, follow me.


T: Other groups?Show your reading please.Group2:We try.


T: Thank you very much.I do like your pronunciation.Big hands for you.

T: Well, if you want to read the passages very well.Pay attention to the stress.Look at me, weak tone


strong tone


T: All right, listen to me carefully.We can share.


Would you like to have a try?

Ss: Yes!

T: Begin!

Ss: Let's read together.Science Club, your club.

T: Shall we dance?


T: Great! Let's read the four notices together, ready go!



T: Good job.Next, I will check your exercises, have a try!

Pair1 S1: Who write the notice?

S2: Amy, John ,Mike and Robin.

T: Excellent! They are Amy, John, Mike and Robin.


T: The second one?You try.

Pair2 S1: What do they want to do?

S2: They want to make friends.

T: Very good answer! Do you have any other opinions?

Sc: I think...They want to share hobbies.

T: Good job.They write notices for making friends and sharing hobbies.


T: OK, next one?Which pair?

Pair3 S1: What are their hobbies?

S2: Amy likes dancing.John likes playing football.Mike likes reading books.Robin likes making robots.

T: Wonderful! We also can say Robin likes science, right?

Ss: Yes!








Step2 Presentation&Practice【释疑指导环节】

Activity 1 Let's read

T: Well, last question is Can you find out the same parts?

S1: They both have E-mail and telephonenumber.


T: I agree with you.They all have E-mail and telephone number.We call them contact.


S2: They have...name.

T: Great! They all have title.

T: So a notice should have contact.


And the contact may be phone number and...(教师边说边出示词卡,引导学生说)

Ss: E-mail, QQ...

T: Yes, QQ number.And...?

Ss: ...(学生看到微信图片,沉默)

T: Wei-chat.

T: And...(贴出二维码词条)QR code

Ss: QR code

T: Are you clear? And a notice should have a title.Let's read together, title

Ss: Title(贴出title词条)

T: Read the four titles, OK?

(学生边朗读,教师边将词条:“Let's...”“...club”“Shall we...?”贴在title后面,为下一步学生取题做好铺垫)


Activity 2 Let's think

T: Well, let's watch this notice.

(出示第二篇公告Goal! Goal! Goal!)

What's the contact?

S1: The contact is E-mail.

T: Pretty good.Can you read it?

S1: John@pep.com.cn

T: What's the title?

S2: The title is Goal! Goal! Goal!

T: Great! What does it mean?(手指标题)

Let's watch a moment.(播放进球瞬间短片)

Ss: The ball is flying in the net!

T: Yes, the ball is kicked into the goal.The moment is so exciting.Let's feel this moment, and read it like this.Goal! Goal! Goal!

Ss: Goal! Goal! Goal!


T: Would you like to give it other titles?

S1: Shall we play football?

T: Wow, cool! I like this title, it's very attractive!


S2: Let's play football!

T: Good title! I do like this one.

S3: Football club.

T: Excellent! It's very simple!


You are so smart! So we know a good title for a notice should be ...

Ss: simple and attractive.



Activity 3 Let's summarize

T: OK,let's read it on.Pair work, Read this part and think about three questions: What is this notice about? When do they play football? Where do they play football? Read and discuss.

S1: The notice is about play football.

T: Right, this is what.


S2: They play football on Sundays.

T: Good, this is when.


S3: They play football on the playground.

T: Well done,this is where.


This part is...(圈出公告内容)


T: Yes! Look here,what belongs to content.

Ss:When belongs to content, where belongs to content.

(教师利用白板拖拉拽功能,边引导学生说,边将what where when拖入content所在形状,引导学生了解内容的三要素)

T: Now,look at the black board.A notice should have...


Ss: Title, contact and content.

T: And the content has ...( 将 what where when分别贴在content一栏)

Ss: What where and when.








Activity 4 Let's finish the table

T: You are so smart.Now let's read the rest notices, try to finish the table.(拿出表格纸示意)


S1: What ...It's about dance.

T: You are right.And when?

S1: ...I don't know.

T: You don't know or it doesn't tell us?

S1: It doesn't tell us.

T: You can guess, maybe...

S1: Maybe on Mondays.

T: Very good time!

S1: Where...maybe in the classroom.

T: Great! And...?

S2: At my home.

T: I like home too.It's comfortable.


Activity 5 Let's learn

T: Well,if you write your own notice, which sentence may help you? You can underline them and tell us.

S1: There is a dance class at 1 p.m.on Sundays.

T: Good sentence.(将词条there is...贴黑板)

S2: What do you do on...

T: I will use it too.(将词条What do you do? 贴黑板)



【课堂说明8】教师借此机会将可以通用的句型“Shall we...,Join in our..., Come to the..., There is a...Do you want...,Do you like...”贴在黑板上进一步帮助学生搭建语言框架。

Step3 Writing a notice【拓展操练环节】

T: It's time to write our notice, work in your group, discuss and write.OK? Ss: OK!

T: Before your writing, please read the writing instruction.And I can help you.








