田翔宇 吴晗 吴学建
(郑州大学第一附属医院 骨科三病区 河南 郑州 450052)
田翔宇 吴晗 吴学建
(郑州大学第一附属医院 骨科三病区 河南 郑州 450052)
目的 分析采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路治疗肘关节损伤“复杂三联征”的临床效果。方法 回顾性分析郑州大学第一附属医院骨科2011年9月至2015年7月采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路治疗并完整随访的27例肘关节损伤“复杂三联征”患者的临床资料。手术采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路逐次固定或置换桡骨头,修复外侧副韧带复合体,固定冠状突骨折部位,修复内侧副韧带前束,术后采用屈肘90°中立位支具辅助固定。采用Mayos肘关节评分(MEPS)评估患者术后肘关节功能。结果 平均随访16个月(11~28个月)。末次随访时肘关节屈伸活动平均为121°(90°~140°),前臂旋转平均为136°(100°~150°),Moyas评分为70~100分,其中20例为优,5例为良,2例为中,优良率达93%。结论 该入路治疗肘关节损伤“复杂三联征”可充分暴露术野,有效固定骨折,修复软组织损伤,恢复肘关节稳定性,术后患者可早期进行康复锻炼,防止关节强直。
1.1 一般资料 选取郑州大学第一附属医院骨科自2011年9月至2015年7月收治的27例肘关节损伤患者。其中男17例,女10例;年龄为19~65岁;受伤至手术时间为2~8 d;致伤原因:交通事故12例,高处坠落8例,摔倒损伤4例,运动损伤3例。入选患者均为单侧闭合性肘关节损伤“复杂三联征”患者,无血管神经损伤,无肘关节既往外伤手术史。术前均行CT平扫及三维重建,明确骨折情况,并对其分型。尺骨冠状突骨折按照Regan-Morrey分型[3]:Ⅰ型10例(37.0%),Ⅱ型14例(51.9%),Ⅲ型3例(11.1%);桡骨头骨折按照Mason分型[4]:Ⅰ型5例(18.5%),Ⅱ型18例(66.7%),Ⅲ型4例(14.8%)。所有患者均合并有肘内外侧副韧带损伤。
1.2 手术方法 全身麻醉后,取平卧位,患肢上充气止血带,常规肘关节消毒铺巾后,先取肘关节外侧入路(Kocher入路),经尺侧腕屈肌与肘肌间隙进入,暴露外侧副韧带复合体与桡骨头骨折。对Mason Ⅰ~Ⅱ型桡骨头骨折,复位后采用空心螺钉或微型锁定钢板固定,对于难复性Mason Ⅲ型桡骨头骨折,行桡骨头置换术。桡骨头骨折复位固定后,用锚钉或非吸收性编织缝线修复外侧副韧带复合体。自肱骨内上髁以近1~3 cm处,经内上髁向远端延伸至尺骨冠状突以远5 cm作一长斜形切口,切开皮肤皮下,保护前臂内侧皮神经和贵要静脉,依次牵开旋前圆肌、尺侧腕屈肌、肱肌等,显露冠状突骨折,直视下将其解剖复位并临时克氏针固定,C臂透视下复位满意后行T形掌骨微型钢板固定。用锚钉或非吸收性编织缝线修复内侧副韧带复合体。闭合切口前行肘关节伸直位内外翻试验及外翻过载试验判断肘关节稳定性的恢复情况。术毕,逐层缝合关闭切口,无菌敷料覆盖,留置引流管。
1.3 功能锻炼及随访 术后患者给予患肢屈肘90°,前臂中立位石膏或支具固定,术后常规应用消炎、消肿、镇痛等药物治疗,口服吲哚美辛3周预防异位骨化症,术后24 h鼓励患者行腕关节、手指主动活动及肱二头肌、肱三头肌等长收缩训练,术后48 h开始行肘关节被动屈伸及前臂旋转活动。术后3 d、6周、3个月、6个月、1 a随访时拍摄患肘关节正侧位X线片,评估骨折愈合情况、肘关节稳定性、关节是否融合、是否发生异位骨化和创伤性关节炎等并发症。随访结束时按Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performence score,MEPS)评估患者肘关节功能。
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Analysis of the effect of lateral approach combined with anteromedial approach for the treatment of terrible triad of the elbow injuries
Tian Xiangyu, Wu Han, Wu Xuejian
Objective To investigate the effect of lateral approach combined with anteromedial approach for the treatment of terrible triad of the elbow injuries. Methods Data of 27 patients with terrible triad of the elbow injuries treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University using this modified surgical technique from September of 2011 to July of 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. According to ulna coronoid fracture Regan-Morrey typing, there were 10 cases of typeⅠ,14 of type Ⅱ,and 3 of type Ⅲ. According to Mason classification of radial head fracture, there were 5 cases of typeⅠ, 18 of type Ⅱ,and 4 of type Ⅲ. Surgical procedure included fixation or replacement of the radial head and repair of the ruptured lateral collateral ligament (LCL) through a lateral approach. Simultaneous fixation of the coronoid process and repair of medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury were performed through an anteromedial approach. After operation, 13 cases were provided with elbow joint flexion 90° and plaster fixation at neutral position of fore arms. Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS) was determined for each patient at the latest clinic visit. Results The mean follow-up period was 16 months (range, 11-28 months). At the latest follow-up, the mean flexion-extension arc of the elbow was 121°(range, 90°-140°) and the mean forearm rotation was 136°(range, 100°-150°). The mean MEPS was 91 points (range, 70-100 points), with 20 excellent results, 5 good results and 2 middle results. The excellent and good rate was 93%. Conclusion Lateral approach combined with anteromedial approach for terrible triad of the elbow can fully exposure the surgery field, and provid both bony and soft-tissue stability, thereby allowing early active motion as well as function recovery of the elbow.
elbow joint injure; fractures; fixation; dislocation
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