刘爱春,陈 勇,贾晋松,高松源,刘燕鹰
(1. 北京大学人民医院肾内科, 北京 100044; 2. 湖北医药学院附属十堰市太和医院慢性病康复中心, 湖北十堰 442000; 3. 北京大学人民医院血液科, 北京 100044; 4. 北京大学人民医院病理科, 北京 100044; 5. 北京大学人民医院风湿免疫科, 北京 100044)
刘爱春1*,陈 勇2*,贾晋松3,高松源4,刘燕鹰5△
(1. 北京大学人民医院肾内科, 北京 100044; 2. 湖北医药学院附属十堰市太和医院慢性病康复中心, 湖北十堰 442000; 3. 北京大学人民医院血液科, 北京 100044; 4. 北京大学人民医院病理科, 北京 100044; 5. 北京大学人民医院风湿免疫科, 北京 100044)
IgG4相关疾病(IgG4-related disease, IgG4-RD)是近年来逐渐被大家所认识的一种新的自身免疫病,可以累及全身多个系统,临床表现复杂多样,缺乏特异性。米库利兹病(Mikulicz disease, MD)被认为是IgG4-RD的一种亚型,有其独特的表现,包括唾液腺、泪腺、腮腺肿大,血清IgG4水平上升,腺体组织中大量IgG4+浆细胞浸润,糖皮质激素治疗有效[1]。然而,外分泌腺肿大还可见于多种因素,如病毒感染、淋巴瘤等,容易误诊、漏诊,延误治疗。现将北京大学人民医院收治的1例外院误诊为MD,我科确诊为非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,NHL)的病例报告如下,并进行临床分析。
患者男,59岁,因“多发腺体肿大8年,全血细胞减少1周”入院。患者8年前无明显诱因出现左侧腮腺及左侧阴囊肿大,伴口干、眼干,数月后逐渐出现右侧腮腺、双侧颌下腺、舌下腺、泪腺肿大,病程中多次查血白细胞减少,抗生素治疗无效,外院曾诊断为MD,给予间断糖皮质激素治疗,症状时轻、时重。患者1周前腺体肿大再次加重,于北京大学人民医院行相关检查显示:白细胞 1.65×109/L,淋巴细胞比值46.7%,血红蛋白浓度52 g/L,血小板计数68×109/L,总胆红素109.8 μmol/L,直接胆红素6.9 μmol/L,Coombs’试验IgG、C3d阳性,为进一步诊治入院。
入院体格检查:生命体征平稳,皮肤、巩膜黄染,浅表淋巴结未触及,双侧上睑肿胀,可触及1 cm×1 cm大小结节,双侧颌下腺肿大,左侧约4 cm×4 cm,右侧约3 cm×4 cm,舌下腺肿大,心、肺无异常,脾肋下可触及,第Ⅰ线8 cm、第Ⅱ线11 cm、第Ⅲ线1 cm。初步诊断为:MD?溶血性贫血。给予甲泼尼龙40 mg,每日一次静脉滴注,患者血红蛋白浓度升至90 g/L左右,腺体肿大明显减轻,然而随后回报的检查结果显示,血清IgG4未见明显异常,抗核抗体(antinuclear antibody,ANA)、抗可提取的核抗原(extractable nuclear antigen,ENA)抗体均阴性,血M蛋白:IgM kappa阳性,β2微球蛋白5.29 mg/L。腹部增强CT检查显示:巨脾,脾门软组织密度影。骨髓涂片检查显示:增生性贫血,血小板减少。骨髓免疫分型:淋巴细胞占12.15%,为成熟淋巴细胞;髓细胞占74.47%,比例增高,CD10+成熟粒细胞比例正常,CD15-、CD11b-细胞比例偏高;单核细胞占0.52%;有核细胞占8.34%;CD34+、CD117+幼稚细胞占0.05%,比例不高;CD19+B细胞中CD10+占0.65%;骨髓增生减低。右颌下腺组织病理检查显示:组织被覆呼吸性上皮,黏膜下见淋巴滤泡残存,生发中心缩小,滤泡树突状细胞(follicle dendritic cell,FDC)增生,边缘区有增宽,见淋巴上皮病变,可见多量体积中等的单个核样细胞增生浸润,增生组织内可见部分淀粉样物质分布,细胞核圆形,部分见核切迹,染色质细,可见核仁样物质,周围可见小的涎腺体分布。免疫组织化学染色检查显示:Bcl2(+),CD3ε(-),CD5(-),CD10(-),CD20(+),CD23(FDC+),CD38(-),CD43(-),Cyc1in D1(-),IgG(+),IgG4(-),Ki67(<5%+),Pax5(+),刚果红(+)。诊断为NHL——黏膜相关淋巴组织结外边缘区B细胞淋巴瘤(图1)。骨髓组织病理检查显示:骨髓小B细胞淋巴瘤累及,结合颌下腺活检,符合黏膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤骨髓累及的诊断。综上,该患者明确诊断为黏膜相关淋巴组织结外边缘区B细胞淋巴瘤(ⅣE期A组),将患者转血液科进一步治疗。
图1 颌下腺组织HE染色 ( ×400)
Figure 1 HE staining of submandibular gland ( ×400)
风湿免疫科医师甲:该患者为中年男性,慢性病程,全身多处腺体肿大,累及双侧腮腺、颌下腺、舌下腺、泪腺,伴口干、眼干,激素治疗有效,临床高度怀疑MD。MD目前被认为是IgG4-RD的一个亚型,主要表现为对称性泪腺、腮腺、颌下腺肿胀,血清学可有高球蛋白血症或低补体血症,自身抗体一般阴性,对激素反应良好。日本干燥综合征学会2008年通过了MD诊断标准[2]:(1)对称性2对以上腺体(泪腺、颌下腺、腮腺)肿大>3个月;(2)血清IgG4水平升高>135 mg/dL;(3)组织病理血检查:①有明显的淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润及纤维化,②IgG4阳性浆细胞浸润,IgG4/IgG阳性浆细胞比例在50%以上。对本例患者,我们分别进行了血清IgG4检测及颌下腺活组织检查,均未得到支持MD的阳性结果,且患者骨髓及颌下腺病理检查均找到淋巴瘤细胞,最终诊断为黏膜相关淋巴组织结外边缘区B细胞淋巴瘤。
血液科医师:依据患者临床惰性表现,病程长,反复多部位腺体肿大,巨脾,全血细胞减少、自身抗体阴性及颌下腺组织病理检查结果,明确诊断为黏膜相关淋巴组织结外边缘区B细胞淋巴瘤。原发性结外淋巴瘤(primary extranodal lymphoma,PENL)是指原发于淋巴结外的淋巴组织或正常情况下不含淋巴组织的器官的恶性淋巴瘤,98%以上为NHL。Hart等[3]报道PENL占同期全身各部位NHL的15.5%,其中33%发生在头颈部,最常见部位为扁桃体,其次为涎腺、甲状腺、眼周、鼻咽管。患者的常见临床表现为腺体肿大,伴疼痛,吞咽困难或鼻咽阻塞等占位效应。涎腺恶性淋巴瘤少见,文献报道其占涎腺恶性肿瘤的1.7%,占结外NHL的4.7%[4],主要发生于腮腺和颌下腺,小涎腺和舌下腺罕见。涎腺淋巴瘤主要为B细胞来源,常见类型为B细胞黏膜相关的淋巴样组织淋巴瘤和弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤。首诊的确诊率较低,需要依赖组织病理诊断,特别是免疫组织化学技术,早期的组织病理检查是提高诊断率的关键。此类淋巴瘤在临床上可出现类似MD的腺体肿大的表现,但回顾本例病例,患者虽有多发腺体肿大,累及腮腺、颌下腺及泪腺,部分临床表现类似MD,但附睾肿大在MD中未见报道,另外该患者起病之初即有白细胞减少,至我院就诊时已出现全血细胞减少、严重溶血性贫血、脾大,这也是淋巴瘤与MD的区别。
2012年,日本学术界联合发表了IgG4-RD的综合分类标准,包括:(1)一个或多个器官出现弥漫性/局限性肿胀或肿块;(2)血清IgG4浓度≥135 mg/dL;(3)组织病理学检查:①显著的淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润和纤维化;②IgG4+/IgG+细胞>40%,且IgG4+浆细胞>10个/高倍视野。确定诊断:(1)+(2)+(3);很可能诊断:(1)+(3);可能诊断:(1)+(2)[6]。可见,组织病理检查对于IgG4-RD的诊断不可或缺。2015年,对于IgG4-RD治疗的国际共识再次强烈推荐组织病理检查确诊IgG4-RD,以除外恶性肿瘤及其他类似IgG4-RD的疾病[7],因此,组织病理检查对该病的诊断具有举足轻重的地位,应避免不经组织病理检查的实验性治疗,从而延误诊断。
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SUMMARY IgG4-related disease is a systemic disorder involving a spectrum of multiple indications, and various histopathological features are shared among different IgG4-related disease subtypes, which challenge diagnosis, although certain syndromes have organ-specific involvement. Among them, Mikulicz’s disease affecting the salivary and lacrimal glands, distinguished by often elevated levels of serum IgG4, infiltration of IgG4+plasma cells into target tissues, and diffuse swelling, mass formation, or fibrosis of affected organs. However, there are several diseases, which could manifest as salivary gland swelling, mimicking Mikulicz’s disease, such as Sjögren’s syndrome, mumps virus infection, obstruction of parotid duct, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and so on. So differential diagnosis is important and essential as to the salivary gland swelling. In this paper, we analyzed a case of a 59-year-old male with symmetric salivary gland swelling. Mikulicz’s disease was misdiagnosed at the beginning without biopsy. Prednisone treatment ever seemed to be effective and antibiotics had no effect. Besides salivary involvement, the patient also manifested as testicle swelling and severe pancytopenia with the development of the disease, which rarely appeared in Mikulicz’s disease. Physical examination showed skin, sclera yellow dye, swollen submandibular, sublingual and lacrimal gland and splenomegaly. As a result, biopsy of right submandibular gland was made, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma was confirmed by morphology and immunohistochemistry. Bone marrow biopsy also confirmed that lymphoma cells were found in the bone marrow. Finally, the diagnosis of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (Phase ⅣE, Group A) was made on the patient, who was transferred to the hematology department for the treatment. NHL, especially, primary extranodal lymphoma usually involves the salivary gland, and painless swelling of the salivary gland is a common manifestation, similar with Mikulicz’s disease. So although salivary gland swelling is often associated with autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome and IgG4-related disease, the awareness and suspicion of a possibility of NHL are essential for rheumatologists. Biopsy is a necessary examination to decrease or avoid misdiagnosis.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma mimicking Mikulicz disease: a case report
LIU Ai-chun1*, CHEN Yong2*, JIA Jin-song3, GAO Song-yuan4, LIU Yan-ying5△
(1. Department of Kidney, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Rehabilitation Centre for Chronic Disease, Taihe Hospital, Shiyan 442000, Hubei, China; 3. Department of Hematology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China; 4. Department of Pathology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China; 5. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China)
Mikulicz’ diease; Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin; Autoimmune diseases
时间:2016-10-31 16:28:46
△ Corresponding author’s e-mail, liuyanying20030801@msn.cn
* These authors contributed equally to this work