周凤玺, 张家齐, 曹小林
(1.兰州理工大学 土木工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 730050;2.西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心, 甘肃 兰州 730050)
周凤玺1,2, 张家齐1, 曹小林1
(1.兰州理工大学 土木工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 730050;2.西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心, 甘肃 兰州 730050)
2.1 SH波传播的截止频率
图1 非均匀含液饱和材料Fig.1 Functionally graded fluid-saturated materials
2.2 Lamb波传播的截止频率
将式(23)、(24)和(26)、 (27)分别代入式(21),可得
3.1 精确性验算
3.2 数值计算
为了对平面弹性波的截止频率进行参数分析,选取多孔饱和介质的材料参数[17]为:λ0=2.0×107kN/m2,μ0=0.6×107kN/m2,α=0.908,M=1.29×107kN/m2,ρf=1 000 kg/m3,ρ=2 458 kg/m3,η=10-3Pa·s.考虑材料力学参数按式(38)沿厚度方向连续变化,对于不同非均匀参数、不同板厚以及不同孔隙率、不同渗透系数下P波以及S波的截止频率ωP、ωS进行分析.
取板厚h=15 cm,渗透系数kf=1.9×10-7m4/(kN·s),孔隙率n0为0.19,图2、3分别给出当非均匀参数β为-0.9~0.9时,S波和P波的前4阶截止频率随非均匀参数的变化曲线.可以看出,当饱和多孔板的厚度、密度、孔隙率、渗透系数一定时,截止频率随着非均匀参数的增加总体呈现近似于线性的增大,截止频率明显受材料非均匀性的影响.有非均匀参数在相同的区间内变化,P波的截止频率明显大于S波的截止频率.
图2 S波截止频率随非均匀参数的变化Fig.2 Relations between gradient coefficient and cut-off frequencies of S wave
图3 P波截止频率随非均匀参数的变化Fig.3 Relations between gradient coefficient and cut-off frequencies of P wave
图4 S波截止频率随板厚的变化Fig.4 Relations between plate thickness and cut-off frequencies of S wave
图5 P波截止频率随板厚的变化Fig.5 Relations between thickness and cut-off frequencies of P wave
为了分析板厚对截止频率的影响,在取kf=1.9×10-7m4/(kN·s),n0=0.19,β=0.5的情形下,当板厚h为10~20 cm时,图4、5分别绘出S波和P波的前4阶截止频率随板厚的变化曲线.可以看出,截止频率随着板的厚度增加呈现非线性减小且减小速率越来越小,截止频率明显受材料厚度的影响.
图6 S波截止频率随孔隙率的变化Fig.6 Relations between porosity and cut-off frequencies of S wave
图7 P波截止频率随孔隙率的变化Fig.7 Relations between porosity and cut off frequencies of P wave
图8 渗透系数和S波截止频率之间的关系Fig.8 Relations between permeability and cut-off frequencies of S waves
图9 渗透系数和P波截止频率之间的关系Fig.9 Relations between permeability and cut-off frequencies of P waves
如图6、7所示为当h=15 cm,β=0.5,n0为0.15~0.25时,S波和P波截止频率的变化.可以看出,当孔隙率较小时,截止频率随孔隙率的增加明显增大,而随着孔隙率的进一步增加,两类波的截止频率均变化不大.取h=15 cm,β=0.5,图8、9分别给出当kf为10-6~10-3m4/(kN·s)时S波和P波的截止频率.由图8、9可以看出,当渗透系数较小时,截止频率随渗透系数的增大而明显增大;当渗透系数大到一定程度后,S波和P波的截止频率随渗透系数的变化不是很大.
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Analysis of cut-off frequencies for functionally graded fluid-saturated materials
ZHOU Feng-xi1,2, ZHANG Jia-qi1, CAO Xiao-lin1
The analytical expression for the cut-off frequencies of the horizontal shear waves (SH wave) and Lamb waves (P-SV wave) in a functionally graded inhomogeneous fluid-saturated media was deduced by applying the WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) method based on Biot’s theory of poroelastic medium. In the process of solving, the cut-off frequencies of SH wave and P-SV wave were obtained with the limiting condition of the wave number approaching zero by simplifying the governing equation. The solution to the problem revealed that the cut-off frequencies were closely associated with the physico-mechanical properties and the heterogeneity of the material. The material parameter of the fluid-saturated poroelastic plate changing along the thickness direction as an exponential form was considered. The changing regularity of the elastic plane wave’s cut-off frequencies in the inhomogeneous fluid-saturated porous plate was analyzed by numerical examples. The numerical results showed that the cut-off frequencies were related to the material properties of the fluid-saturated material, including thickness of the plate, porosity, gradient index and permeability. The accuracy of the numerical solution was validated.
functionally graded materials; fluid-saturated poroelastic plate; propagation of wave; Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method; cut-off frequency
2015-01-10. 浙江大学学报(工学版)网址: www.journals.zju.edu.cn/eng
周凤玺(1979—),男,教授,从事岩土力学和非均匀材料结构力学的研究.ORCID; 0000-0003-4709-2419. E-mail: geolut@163.com
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