一是临时仲裁庭的裁决明显带有政治目的。澳大利亚学者说,裁决将中国逼入角落,但大国不会接受对自己有害的裁决。①KaiHe and Huiyun Feng,Griffith University,"South China Sea Ruling Won't Improve Regional Security",National Intereston line,August6,2016.在新加坡举行的有关研讨会上,一些资深法学家从纯法学角度点评这次裁决相当“大胆”,仲裁员们抱着“发展法律”的“使命”当裁判。有法学者提醒指出,“在法律上,‘大胆’、‘创造力’可不是什么褒义词,因为法官的责任是根据现有规则做裁判,不是发展新的规则。《公约》是由主权国家缔结的条约,标准岂是仲裁庭就能决定的?”②韩永红:《仲裁案的大胆裁决与影响》,《联合早报》2016年7月15日。澳大利亚格里菲斯大学国际关系学院的专家指出,南海仲裁裁决打破了南海争议的模糊平衡,不仅无法提升区域安全,相反对区域安全具有负面影响。对菲律宾来说,仲裁无法执行,裁决无法自动转化为实质性领土和海洋权益收益。裁决开启了南海争议新阶段,但不会改变基于实力的国际政治这一基本原则。③KaiHe and Huiyun Feng,Griffith University,"South China Sea Ruling Won't Improve Regional Security",National Intereston line,August6,2016.
二是仲裁庭裁决不专业。美国及欧洲一些国际法专家指出,受菲律宾仲裁案结果冲击的将远不止中国与菲律宾。仲裁庭对“岛”采取了很严格的标准,这开启了新的麻烦。仲裁庭将南沙最大岛屿即有着50万平方米的太平岛判定为“礁”,称其不具有海洋权利,这违背了国际法原则。彼德·柯伊(指出,菲律宾南海仲裁案裁决将对全球的专属经济区产生连锁反应,“美国和其他沿岸国家可能因此失去数百万平方海里的海洋,而这些海洋直到现在还是它们的专属经济区”。①PeterCoy,"Is Itan Island ora Rock?Ruling Could CostU.S.aHuge Swath of Ocean"July 29,2016.美国麻省理工大学学者翻出例子称,如果按照这次仲裁庭做出的司法先例与“高严标准”,世界上许多国家所拥有的“岛”,都该降格为“礁”,包括日本的冲之鸟礁、美国声称在北太平洋拥有200海里专属经济区的金曼礁(Kingman Reef),它们的定位都与这次裁决产生矛盾。②韩永红:《仲裁案的大胆裁决与影响》,《联合早报》2016年7月15日。
三是裁决严重干扰通过谈判处理相关分歧的努力。东南亚国家一些学者认为,菲律宾新政府在裁决前屡次释放信息,表示愿与中国通过双边协商解决南海问题。如今在国内亢奋的情绪下,菲律宾要牺牲本国已获得的利益变得更加困难。至于诉求被否决的中国,在强大的国内民族主义压力下,要示弱也更为不可能。这次裁决让妥协更加困难。③韩永红:《仲裁案的大胆裁决与影响》,《联合早报》2016年7月15日。新加坡尤索夫伊沙克研究所(Yusof Ishak Institute)研究员邓秀岷表示,东盟没有理由深陷仲裁案之中,“仲裁案并不是由东盟发起的,也不需要它来解决”。④"Beijing'sVoice Louder than the ASEAN on SCS",the Straits Times,July 29,2016.澳大利亚学者认为,各声索国原本对《公约》均作出有利于自己的解读,相互挑战对方声索,法理模糊为各方保持克制、谈判妥协提供了空间和灵活性。裁决结束了这种模糊性,但又无法解决争议。中国政府在国内面临压力,特别是国内民族主义情绪上升情况下,不得不采取军事演习等措施。裁决可能使菲律宾和其他受益国过度自信并导致其采取不明智举动。⑤KaiHe and Huiyun Feng,Griffith University,"South China Sea Ruling Won't Improve Regional Security",National Intereston line,August6,2016.
四是裁决结果将加大中美两个大国的竞争。澳大利亚学者在一篇题为“中国输在法庭,赢在海洋”的文章中指出,南海问题并不仅仅是中国和菲律宾以及其他南海主权声索国之间对于重叠海域的领土主权和海洋资源的争议,它也是中美两个超级大国如何处理双方权力格局变化的试金石。中美作为竞争双方,在该海域存在发生对抗和战略误判的可能性。一旦出现这种事态,将导致南海这条世界上最繁忙的贸易路线出现无法预知和控制的冲突。澳大利亚至今并不愿意过度靠近美国,不愿意参加由美国主导的在南海中国控制岛礁附近的巡航行动。⑥Jennifer Hewett,"China Loses in Court,Winsat Sea澳大利亚格里菲斯大学国际关系学院的专家认为,各方特别是中美应当冷静下来,降低预期,避免冲突,搁置争议,寻求合作。⑦KaiHe and Huiyun Feng,Griffith University,"South China Sea Ruling Won't Improve Regional Security",National Intereston line,August6,2016.
五是裁决可能损害南海地区的贸易安全与自由。美国媒体报道,裁决引起了对贸易安全的担忧,仲裁法庭否认中国对南海大部分地区拥有主权的判决,给地区航运和贸易带来巨大不确定性。航运公司一直以来都担心南海地区争议升级将影响全球商业。7月12日的判决“将鼓励南海周边小国更加强硬地捍卫其在该海域的权利,这将增加他们与中国对抗的风险,从而使该地区的自由航行受到干扰”。①Sara Schonhardt,"Sea Ruling RaisesWorriesover Trade",美国前驻东盟贸易代表艾里克·辛帕称,如果这些国家的政府以仲裁结果为法律基础,扩大在中国宣称拥有主权的海域进行捕鱼和油气勘探行动,将导致潜在冲突风险的上升。他强调,“如果政府支持的商业活动没有与中国进行很好的沟通,势必将导致冲突的潜在风险升温”。②Sara Schonhardt,"Sea Ruling RaisesWorriesover Trade",
六是菲律宾实质之“失”大于其表面之“获”。澳大利亚学者潘成鑫)在“南海仲裁案:谁真正获胜”文章中指出,南海仲裁案结果出乎很多预测菲律宾会获胜的专家的预料,“但仲裁案会使南海争端进入一个新的时期吗?会有利于菲律宾等小的声索国吗?我认为并非如此。”潘成鑫指出,应该认识到,争端从来都不仅仅是法律问题或者技术问题,仲裁一边倒的性质使其付诸实施的可能性大大降低。不管是不是岛屿,南海中的那些地貌在功能上早已经是国家主权的象征,这不是一个一边倒的裁决能够解决的。哈佛大学格雷厄姆·艾利森教授也指出,“联合国安理会五常没有一个国家曾经接受过任何对其主权和安全利益不利的国际法庭的裁决”。如果美国、菲律宾、越南和其他国家一道对中国发难,中国可能会通过在南海建设军事设施来作出实际回应。如果法律上的胜利使一些政客认为现在是时候来限制中国了,那么中国则可能变为更大的赢家。③http://thediplomat.com/2016/07/the−south−china−sea−ruling−who−really−won,visited on August20,2016.
七是裁决结果不会对中国的政策产生实际影响。俄罗斯科学院远东研究所副所长安德烈·奥斯特洛夫斯基在俄《真理报》刊文表示,海牙法院的判决对中国来说就像被蚊子叮了一下。原则上来说,海牙法院的判决对中国造成不了什么影响,它仅仅只是记录了当下欧美各国在政治领域对正在崛起的中国的担忧与不满,也就是所谓的“插楔子”。这项决议没有实际执行的意义。④http://m.dw new s.com/global/new s/2016−07−12/59753187.htm l,visited on August20,2016.印尼外长蕾特诺)指出,“每一个人都知道7月12日的裁决结果解决不了声索国之间有关领土划界问题的突出争议。关于划界问题,还得由声索国自己去谈。在东盟与中国外长会议上,菲律宾和中国都表示它们准备开始谈判。我们对此高度赞赏,我们应当让它们以它们认为合适的方式去谈判”。⑤Retno LPMarsudi,"We allhavemadean effort tomove things forward in Vientiane",The Jakarta Post,August1,2016.蕾特诺表示,印尼最关心的问题是稳定(Stability),“历史和经验一再表明,一旦一个地区常常出现大国展示力量的现象,这个地区的形势就会变得非常复杂。我们要做的事就是确保地区的和平稳定”。⑥Retno LPMarsudi,"We allhavemadean effort tomove things forward in Vientiane",The Jakarta Post,August1,2016.亚洲新闻台7月14日刊文称,东盟曾就南海问题表达过担忧,但都避免提及中国。菲律宾前驻联合国大使劳罗·巴加指出,东盟在仲裁裁决出来后没能集体发声,这就表明“由于南海问题可能导致东盟分裂,我们再也不要指望东盟会在将来通过针对中国的声明”。①"ASEAN to Keep Mum on South China SeaRuling:Diplomats",channelnew sasia,July 14,2016.
对于下一阶段的中国—东盟关系,王毅外长在万象提出了六项工作重点,得到东盟各国的积极响应。这六项分别是:一是办好中国—东盟建立对话关系25周年纪念峰会,推动会议取得成功;二是继续推进务实合作,使去年领导人会议期间签署的中国—东盟自贸区升级议定书尽快落地,进一步扩大经贸往来,促进产业转型升级;三是打造社会人文合作新支柱。双方已在政治安全和经贸合作两个领域取得巨大进展。下一步将以教育和旅游为优先方向,打造双方人文合作的新支柱。今年(2016)是中国—东盟教育交流年,明年(2017)将举办“中国—东盟旅游合作年”;四是深化政治安全合作,中方重申愿与东盟尽早商签“中国—东盟国家睦邻友好合作条约”,支持东盟建立东南亚无核武器区的努力,愿与东盟尽早签署有关议定书;五是培育次区域合作新平台,中方愿通过澜沧江—湄公河合作机制,帮助东盟缩小内部发展差距,为东盟共同体建设和一体化进程作出新贡献;六是共同维护地区和平稳定。双方都同意着眼大局,聚焦合作,妥处分歧,把地区和平稳定的钥匙掌握在自己手中,共同探索符合地区实际的发展之道。①http://asean.chinamission.org.cn/chn/ztbd/2016zhb/t1385414.htm,visited on August20,2016.
出乎人们意料的是,就在东盟外长公报避免提及仲裁裁决等敏感问题时,美国、日本和澳大利亚等与南海问题不相干的国家变得焦躁不安。这些国家对东盟外长公报没能支持裁决结果深为不满,对公报甚至没有提及仲裁这个词极为失望。在这一背景下,美日澳三国外长决定披挂上阵,冲到前台。7月25日深夜,美国伙同日本、澳大利亚匆匆抛出三方联合声明,声援仲裁庭的裁决,强调裁决具有约束力。7月26日,在第六届东亚峰会外长会上,美日澳等国外长在发言中继续拿南海仲裁案说事。很显然,人们看到,一方面本地区国家决心深化合作,期待南海局势降温,另一方面这个三方声明却还在煽动升温;一方面本地区国家都不愿在仲裁案上选边站队,认为这是中菲的双边问题,另一方面这个三方声明仍一口咬定充满争议的所谓裁决具有法律约束力;一方面世界上70多个国家以不同方式表达理解和支持中国的正当立场,另一方面这个三方声明仍在明里暗里指责中国。①http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/w jbzhd/t1384333.shtm l,visited on August20,2016.这个声明的发表很不合时宜,与形势的发展极不和谐。这个声明与本地区国家正在维护南海稳定的努力不相符合,与本地区人民希望南海局势降温的愿望不相符合,与域外国家应发挥建设性作用不相符合。
仲裁裁决公布后不久,媒体一度披露,美国政府通过“静悄悄”的外交劝说菲律宾、印尼、越南和其他东亚国家不要利用裁决采取过激行动。报道说,消息来源显示,“这些信息有些是通过美国驻各国大使馆或各国驻华盛顿使馆传递的,有些则是国防部长卡特和国务卿克里等高级官员直接传递的。美国呼吁各国保持冷静,而非纠结各国共同针对中国,为的是避免让这样一种猜测成为事实,即美国正在领导一个遏制中国的同盟。”②Lesley W roughton,"QuietDiplomacy to Ease SCSTensions",the Jakarta Post,July 15,2016.然而,上述消息与美国官员后来实际的所作所为有很大出入。从奥巴马总统到克里国务卿都多次声称,仲裁裁决是“最终的、有法律约束力的”。③Ben Otto,"Kerry Backs Bilateral Talks in Maritime Spat"美军太平洋司令部司令哈里斯在东京智库“日本重建倡议”(RJIF)主办的“日美军人政治家论坛”上发表演讲时,要求包括中国在内的相关国家“尊重基于《公约》的仲裁机制”。由于中国拒绝接受仲裁结果,哈里斯表示,亚太地区数十年来的和平与繁荣是“基于规则的秩序”带来的,“不能被特定国家随意左右”。④共同社:《美军太平洋司令部司令哈里斯在东京发表演讲》,2016年7月27日。哈里斯显然是暗示中国不守规则,谋求左右规则制定。
然而,包括哈里斯在内的美国官员心里明白,南海问题被炒得这么热,正是他们几年来努力的结果。至于规则,在他们看来,什么叫规则,以及谁可以左右规则,也只能由美国说了算。2009年以来,美国高官反复发表讲话,对中国的南海政策说三道四,对与中国有争议的国家则明确予以支持。美国在南海问题上奉行“双重标准”,一方面对中国的岛礁建设横加指责,另一方面却选择性无视越南、菲律宾等国在南海非法占领中国42个岛礁,并从上世纪80年代至今持续推进岛礁建设的事实。美国的“亚太再平衡”战略让一些声索国产生了幻觉,它们一厢情愿地认为,只要有美国撑腰,就能通过对抗解决南海问题。美国习惯于在全球事务中既当警察又当法官,喜欢制定评判是非的标准,并由自己来把握执行的尺度。中国坚定支持建立以公正合理的规则为基础的国际秩序,但国际法制应为整个国际社会所遵守,而不应沦为一些国家借以实现政治企图的工具。⑤Xu Bu,"US'Rebalancing'is Fishing in S.China Sea's TroubledWaters",The Straits Times,May 19,2016.
美国官方和舆论对东盟内南海声索国与中国进行双边谈判的阻挠也不会放松。在日本外相岸田文雄到访菲律宾之前,美国国务卿克里在今年东亚合作系列外长会结束后就匆匆前往访菲,一面说支持中菲谈判,另一面又强调所谓仲裁裁决的约束力。②Ben Otto,"Kerry Backs Bilateral Talks in Maritime Spat",美国记者维加·约瑟挑拨说,东盟各国的不同立场在万象外长会上彻底展示出来,“过去一直被吹嘘的东盟团结一团糟,中国将变得更加强硬”。③Vijay Joshi,"Chinaw illbe Tougherafter the ASEAN Foreign M inistersMeeting",The New York Times,July17.哈佛大学教授沃尔特·克莱门斯赤裸裸地呼吁东盟国家一致对抗中国。他说,“中国不希望面对一个团结的东盟,它总是在试图分化和压服各个国家。单独面对中国,东盟国家没有任何优势可言,中国反倒可以软硬兼施,逼迫各国就范。十个东盟国家只有团结起来才可以抵制和平衡一个扩张主义的中国”。④http://thediplomat.com/2016/07/asean−and−the−logic−of−collective−action/,July 28,2016,visited on August20,2016.一些西方学者把矛头指向柬埔寨,称其反对东盟支持仲裁裁决导致了东盟的分裂。美国伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心的贝恩德·谢佛认为,让柬埔寨这样一个不是南海声索方而且是东盟成员国中唯一一个尚未批准《公约》的国家在这一争议中承担如此重要的角色是“有违常理”的。⑤VOA,"Cambodia hasa Price to Pay"July 30,2016.
美国上述学者的观点充满了傲慢,其逻辑是强盗式的:似乎一个国家只有支持仲裁裁决,才是作出了正确选择;似乎东盟只有站在与中国对抗的一面,美国才能认可东盟是团结一致的;似乎中国只有甘愿让东盟批判自己,才不算是在分裂东盟;似乎别的国家不批准《公约》就没资格对有关问题发表看法,而同样是没批准《公约》的美国则可以为所欲为;似乎中国奉行睦邻友好的周边政策倒成了扩张主义者,而美国在世界上到处找敌人、到处采取军事行动倒是个和平主义者。这是西方文明优越论的典型表现,也是美国人根深蒂固的超级大国霸权观念的集中反映。这甚至引起西方自身一些舆论的疑问。美联社记者7月26日从万象发出的一篇报道指出,“一个很有趣的现象是,在美日澳就仲裁裁决发表强硬声明的同时,和解的情绪充斥在万象中国与东盟国家的外长会上,那些与中国存在领土争议的国家对指责中国反而没有太多热情。”这位记者写道,“菲律宾对东盟发表措辞强硬的联合声明也没有太过强求,菲一直强调仲裁案是菲单方面提起的诉讼,暗示东盟不应该介入其中。马来西亚外长则自始至终都没有出现在会议上。文莱在会议上称赞中国的领导能力。越南副外长黎怀忠告诉记者,越南倾向于同中国进行双边谈判解决领土争议”。①"The ASEAN CountriesVoice forReconciliation",The Jakarta Post,July 30,2016.
裁决结果出来后,中方并未做出激烈反应,没有像西方媒体大量猜测并炒作的那样“在南海上空划设防空识别区,夺取其他南沙岛礁的控制权,退出《公约》”等。③Kor Kian Beng,"Beijing'sResponse restrained so far",the Straits Times,July 15,2016.新加坡《海峡时报》说,这是因为中方认为仲裁裁决不过是“一张废纸”,从另一个角度看,中方所展示的克制“体现了中国的自信”。④Kor Kian Beng,"Beijing'sResponse restrained so far",the Straits Times,July 15,2016.这个评论不禁让笔者想起了7月26日东亚峰会外长会后目睹的有趣一幕。针对美日澳三方于25日深夜发表的涉南海仲裁案三方声明,王毅外长在东亚峰会上进行了严辞批判。会议结束后,美国国务卿克里立即走到王毅外长跟前说,美日澳昨晚发表的三方声明最后一刻才到他手里,他没有仔细看内容就签发了,他对由此给中方带来的困惑感到抱歉。由于澳大利亚外长与王毅外长座位相邻,当克里对王毅外长说上述一番话时,澳大利亚官员也在现场。据说,美日澳三方声明是日本出的主意。
南海仲裁案是试金石,检验的是域外国家是真心维护地区和平还是要搅乱南海局势。对于本地区大多数国家而言,它们关注的是如何维护本地区的和平、稳定和发展。一些域外国家对临时仲裁庭作出的所谓裁决兴奋不已,干扰了本地区的正常秩序,损害了本地区国家的整体利益。这种状况正在引起越来越多国家的担忧、反感和抵制。环顾世界,很多地区形势动荡不定。东亚地区是本地区国家的共同家园,多年的稳定与发展来之不易。地区乱了,域外势力可以抽身而退,但本地区国家无路可退,而且还要面对和解决各种后遗症。正如王毅外长所说,无谓的政治操弄与炒作,必须尽快退烧降温,还南海以安宁,还地区以稳定。①http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/w jbzhd/t1384214.shtm l,visited on August20,2016.
The49thAMM and relatedmeetingswere convened in Vientiane,LaosPDR from 24 to26 July 2016. The Meetingswereheld againsta backdrop featuring East Asia haunted by a tense and fluid situation inthe South China Sea,fresh issuance of the award of arbitration case and certain forces both w ithin and outside the region trying to point fingersatChina.Therefore,theMeetingsattracted keenattention from the countries related and the international community.Therewere concernson how theMeetingswould proceed,whether theMeetingswould behijacked by the South China Sea issueandwhat theoutcome documentswould look like.TheMeetings later turned outthatmoreandmore regionalcountries feltupset about the regional practical cooperation being hijacked by the South China Sea issue,and showed resentmenttowardstheexternal forcesrecklessly hyping thearbitration case,which indicated thatseeking stability and cooperationwere still common aspirationsof the countries in our region.
On12 July 2016,anarbitral tribunalon theSouth ChinaSea issue,puttogetherona temporary basis upon theunilateral requestby the former government of the Republic of the Philippines,issued the so−called award.Itwaswellexpected thatthisbiased award completely supported the Philippines'position. As immediate responses from China,the ChineseM inistry of Foreign A ffairs(MFA)issued astatement to affirm China's staunch positionofnon−acceptanceand non−recognition on theaward.At the same time, theMFAwasalso authorized to issue the Statementof theGovernmentof the People'sRepublic of Chinaon China's TerritorialSovereignty and MaritimeRightsand Interests in the South ChinaSea,and theChinese Foreign M inisterWang Yialsomade remarkson this issue.On 13 July,the Chinesegovernment issued a White Paper titled China Adheres to the Position of Settling through Negotiation the RelevantDisputes between Chinaand the Philippinesin the SouthChina Sea.Chinamaintainsaclear−cutposition thattheso−called award is null,void and of no binding force,and China neither acceptsnor recognizes it.
Such countriesoutside the regionas the U.S.and Japan did theirutmostto hype thearbitration case and reck lessly m isinterpreted the UNCLOS,incited on purpose the arbitration court to abuse its authority and evenmanipulated the composition of arbitration tribunalmembersoutof politicalmotives. In fact,theessenceof the subject−matterof thearbitration is the territorialsovereignty oversome islands and reefs in the South China Seaandmustnotbeseparated from maritimedelim itation between Chinaand the Philippines.The issues concerning territorialsovereignty are notsubject to the UNCLOS.In 2006, inaccordancewith Article298of theUNCLOS,China filed thedeclaration toexclude,interalia,disputes concerning maritime delim itation from compulsory arbitration and other compulsory dispute settlement procedures.A lthough the Philippines claimed that they did not seek the rulings on issues concerning territorial sovereignty andmaritime delim itation,the Philippines,during thewhole arbitration process and especially in the courthearings,did insist to deny China's territorialsovereignty andmaritime rights in the South China Sea.In thissense,thearbitration casevirtually setavery bad precedentby discarding thepasteffectiveapproach to peacefully solve thedisputes through dialogueand consultationby theparties directly concerned,denying bilateralagreements between China and the Philippines to resolve disputes through consultationsand violating the Philippines'solemn comm itmentin theDeclarationon theConduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC)in 2002.
Atpresent,theUSand otherwestern countriesaredom inantinmanipulating themedia in theworld, thusenjoying enormousadvantages in agenda setting,opinion shaping,technologicaledge,top−notchequipmentsand communication capacities.Meanwhile,thedeveloping countries faceadilemmainstead, either follow ingwestern countriesatthe latter'sdisposal,orbeing regarded asdissidents,demonized and pressured by western countries.There exists a yawning gap of international rights of speech between emerging powersand developed western countries.When the award cameout,thewesternmedia tried itsutmost to blacken China'sname,slingingmud againstChina,churning outsuch issuesas so−called" international laws","rules"and"order",and labeling China as"law−breaker"and"rule−destroyer". However,therearestillsomeobvious loopholesand fallacies in thearbitration case found,evenby some western expertswho castquestionsand doubtson theaward,mainly as follows:
First,the so−called aw ard is politically motivated in obvious terms.The Australian experts said that the award virtually pushed the Chinese leaders into a tight corner,butnot a single great pow erwas likely to accept an international legal verdict thatm ight harm its national interests. A t a sem inar held in Singapore,some senior law experts commented that,from the perspective of international law,the aw ard w as quite"bold"and the arbitrators seem ingly comm itted them selvesw ith a"m ission"to further develop international law s.On law issues,"bold"and" innovative"are definitely not com p liments because the top priorities of arbitrators should be adhering to theexisting rules instead of introducing so−called new rules.TheUNCLOSwasa treaty signed by sovereign states and the ad hoc arbitral tribunal has no rightmaking decisions on any rules related.The experts from Griffith University of Australia pointed out that the tribunal's award broke the'ambiguous balance'in the South China Sea disputes.A lthough the arbitration should have beenmeant to resolve themaritime disputes in the South China Sea,the aw ard,on the contrary,resulted in unintended negative im plicationson regionalsecurity.For the Philippines, since the tribunal does not have enforcementmechanism,this nom inal victory canno t be automatically or easily transferred into substantial territorial and maritime gains.The arbitration may have ushered in a new eraof disputes,but itcannotchange thenatureof theworld politicswhich isbasedmoreon power than rules.
Second,theaward isquiteunprofessional.Someinternational law experts from theUSand European countriesmade it clear that the arbitral tribunal produced a strictdefinition of"island"and createdmore troubles rendering negative implications not only on China's dispute with the Philippines in the South ChinaSea.Thearbitral tribunalviolated theprinciplesof international law by downgrading the legalstatus of Taiping Island to a"rock"deprived ofmaritime rights,despite the fact that Taiping Island covers an area of about0.5 square kilometersas the largestnaturally formed island among Nansha Zhudao.Peter Coyw rote that,aChinesedisputehad a rippleeffectonexclusiveeconom iczonesaround theworld.The USand other littoralnations could losem illions of square nauticalm iles of ocean thatarenow in their exclusive econom ic zones.An expert from Massachusetts Institute of Technology also illustrated that, according to thehighand strictcriteriasetby theaward,the current legalstatusofsome"islands"claimed by related countrieswould be running against the award and should be downgraded to"rocks",such as Okinotoriclaimed by Japan and Kingman Reef claimed by the USw ith a 200−nautical−m ile exclusive econom ic zone in the North Pacific.
Third,theaward seriously interferesw ith theeffortsto resolvedisputes throughnegotiations.ManySoutheastAsian scholarsheld theview thatthenew Philippinegovernment,on theeveof theaward being given,sentoutsignalson severaloccasions that the Philippineswould like to solve the South China Sea issuew ith China through bilateral consultation.However,with domestic hysterical sentiments towards theaward,itisevenharder for the Philippines togiveup theassumedly obtained rights.While forChina whose claimswere rejected,itisequally impossible to flyawhite flagundertremendousdomestic pressure ofnationalism.Itisnoteasy for the claimantstomakecomprom ises.Tang Siew Mun,a researcher from Yusof Ishak Instituteof Singapore viewed that,ASEAN had no reason to be deeply involved into the arbitration case because the arbitration itselfwasnot initiated by ASEAN and requiresno solutions from ASEAN.As the Australian scholars justsaid,differentclaimantshad interpreted the UNCLOS tomake claimsin theirown favor.No country had unchallenged claimsin the SouthChinaSea.The legalambiguity provided certain flexibility for all claimants tomanage their behavior and left room for comprom ise if deemed necessary.
Theaward virtually putanend to thisambiguity and itwould benaive to believe thatan award could resolve the disputes.Facing the domestic pressure,especially mounting nationalistic sentiments from w ithin,the Chinesegovernmenthad to take suchmeasuresasm ilitary exercises.Theaward also runsa risk of letting the Philippines and other potential beneficiaries of the award to becomemore assertive to takeunwiseactions.
Fourth,theawardw illgive rise tomore fiercecompetitionbetween Chinaand theUS.An Australia scholar said in hisarticle China Loses in CourtbutWins at Sea that the South China Sea issue does not onlymean disputes of overlapping territorial sovereignty ormaritime resources between China,the Philippinesand otherclaimants,butalsoa touchstone to testhow Chinaand theUS,astwomajorpowers, would dealw ith each other in the power shifting.As the strategic competitors,there exists possibility thatChina and the USmay end up in confrontation and strategicm iscalculation in the South China Sea. Once it happens,the world's busiest trade route will be haunted by unpredictable and uncontrollable conflicts.Up tillnow,Australia is actually reluctant to stay too close to the US,thus refraining from taking partin theUS−led patroloperationsaround the islandsand rocksunderChina'scontrol.Theexperts from theSchoolof InternationalRelationsofGriffith University of Australiasaid thatallparties,especially China and the US,should cool down emotions,lower expectations,avoid conflicts,shelve disputes and seek cooperation.
Fifth,theawardmay underm ine thesecurity and freedom of tradein the South China Sea.According to the USmedia,the award sparked theworries of trade security because the award by arbitral tribunal denying China's claim s overmost of South China Sea did bring about enormous uncertainties for regionalshipping and trade.Shipping companieshave longworried thatescalating tensions in the South China Sea could affectglobalcommerce.Theaward on 12 July"could embolden smallerAsian countries to bemoreassertive regarding their rights in thesewaters,increasing run−inswith China and leading to possible disruptions of freedom of navigation."Eric Shimp,a former U.S.trade representative to ASEAN,said thepotential for conflictincreases ifgovernmentsinterprettheaward asanasserted control. Heemphasized,"If thereisagovernment−backed increasein commercew ithouta concurrentconversation w ith the Chinese,that issomething that rampsup the potential for conflict".
Sixth,the Philippines'loss in essenceoutweighs itsgains in face.In hisarticle"The South China Seaarbitration case:Who reallywon?",the AustralianexpertChengxin Pan said,thearbitration award even shockedmany expertswho had alwaysanticipated China'sdefeat.But"Will theaward herald anew era in the long−running South China Sea disputes?Will theaward benefit the Philippinesand other small claimants?The jury,Ithink,is stillout."Chengxin Pan said,"We should notbeblind to the fact that the disputeshave never been purely a legalor technicalmatter.The biased and one−sided nature of the awardmakes iteven harder to be implemented.Whetherbeing islandsornot,these features in the South China Seahave longbeen regarded assymbolsofsovereignty.A one−sided arbitration is far from enough addressing the issue."AsHarvard ProfessorGraham Allisonnoted,"Noneof the fivepermanentmembers of the UN Security Councilhave ever accepted any international court's ruling when,in their view,it infringed upon their sovereignty or national security interests."If the US,along with the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries,now decide to drive a harder bargain against China,Beijing w ill feel compelled to build itsm ilitary infrastructure to respond in kind.Chinam ightemerge asabiggerwinner if this legalvictorymakes some politiciansacton thebelief that it'snow time to rein in Beijing.
Seventh,the award will have no substantive implications on China's policy.Andrei Ostrovsky, Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far Eastern Studies(IFES)of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),stated in hisarticle published on the Russian newspaper Pravda that,"For China,being given theaward by the arbitration court in the Hague is nomore than being stung by amosquito.In principle, the arbitration does not substantially impact China.It ismerely a record of anxieties of theWestern countries towards China's rising in political fields.In otherwords,it is the so−called wedging.The arbitrationhas littlevalue in termsofactual implementation."The Indonesian Foreign M inisterRetno LP Marsudinoted that,"Everybody knowsthatthearbitration rulingon12 July isnotaverdictthatw ill resolve anyoutstanding issueson borderdelim itation among claimantstates.As for the issueofdelim itation itself,itisup to the claimants to clear thingsup.During the ASEAN−China Foreign M inisterialMeeting, both the Philippines and Chinamade statements that they were ready to start negotiating,and that is somethingwehighly appreciate.We'llleaveitto them to carry outthenegotiationsasthey see fit.Foreign M inister Retno said,"Themain concern of Indonesia in the South China Sea is the issue of stability. History and experiencehaveshown timeand again thatoncean area isprone to powerprojections,itw ill becomeevenmore complicated.Once thepushand pullbegins,itbecomesvery difficult foreverybody. To ensure that the region remains peaceful iswhatwe strive for."Channelnewsasia.com published an articleon14 July saying that,ASEAN has released jointstatementsexpressing concernsover the issueof South China Sea,while taking carenotto singleoutChina.ASEAN failed to issuea jointstatementafter theaward,the formerPhilippineUN representative Lauro Bajasaid,"This indicatesthat,since the South China Sea issuew illpotentially divide ASEAN,we should no longerexpect in the future that therewill bean ASEAN statementon China".
The year2016marks the25thAnniversary of China−ASEANDialogueRelations.Both sidesstarted theirdialogueprocess in 1991and the relationshipwaselevated toastrategic dialoguepartnership in 2003.In theafternoon of24 July,afterhisarrival,Foreign M inisterWang Yiimmediately kicked off intensive bilateralmeetings.In themorning of 25 July,China−ASEAN Foreign M inisters'Meeting was held in Vientiane in a friendly atmosphere.80%of theMeeting focused on developmentand cooperation.For dialogue partnersof ASEAN,their respective session w ith ASEAN(also known as10+1)is themost substantiveone.For example,China−ASEANmeeting is themost importantone for China.It is the occasion onwhich Chinaand ASEAN hold their in−depth discussionson practical cooperation in allareas concerned and issue relevantstatementsordocumentson cooperation.The related ForeignM inistershave recognized that,among ASEAN's ten dialoguepartners,Chinastandsoutas the closestoneand China−ASEAN cooperation hasbeenmostpracticaland fruitful.
During the past 25 years,dialoguemechanisms have been established at all levels and in various areasbetween Chinaand ASEAN,and high−levelexchangesbetween the two sideshavebeen frequent. Amongalldialoguepartners,Chinawas the firstto sign the Treaty of Am ity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia,the firsttoestablishastrategic partnershipw ith ASEAN,the firsttoexpresswillingness to sign the protocol to SoutheastAsian Nuclear−Weapon−Free Zone Treaty and the first to confirm building a free tradeareaw ith ASEAN.The two sideshaveestablished a completedialogueand cooperation system at leaders',ministers'and seniorofficials'levels.Bothsideshavesetupm inisterialmeetingmechanismsrelated to theaffairsconcerningdiplomacy,economy,transport,directors−generalin chargeof customs,prosecutors−general,youth,health,telecommunications,press,quality control,combating transnational crimes, law enforcementand security cooperation.Atsenior−officialandworking levels,bothsideshaveestablished cooperation and dialoguemechanisms inmore than 20 areas.China and ASEAN concluded the Plan of Action to Implement the JointDeclaration on China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership for Peaceand Prosperity (2016−2020)in November2015,drawingablueprint forChina−ASEAN relationsover thenextfiveyears. Multi−tiered exchangesand practicalcooperationhaveprovided an importantplatform fordeepeningmutual trustand laid a solid foundation for the sound and stabledevelopmentof relations.
Tradeand investmentcooperation isan im portantpillar of China−ASEAN bilateral relations. Our trade volume topped US$472 billion in 2015,almost 60 times larger than that of 1991, w hich w asonly US$7960m illion.China has been ASEAN's biggest trading partner for seven consecutive yearsw hile ASEAN ranked as China's third largest trading partner for five consecutive years.Our tw o−w ay investment in aggregate grew from US$500 m illion in 1991 to US$156.4 billion in 2015,more than 300 times larger.China and ASEAN are cooperating in 11 major fields:agriculture,IT,human resource development,investment,theM ekong Riverdevelopment, transport,energy,culture,tourism,public health and environment.Our cooperation in trade, investment and industry has been g row ing c loser and c loser to form an interdependen t and interconnected pattern of grow th.Both sides established the largest Free Trade A rea(FTA)of developing countries in 2010,and reached the agreementon upgrading our FTA in 2015,which has entered into effect on 1 July 2016.We have prom oted rem arkable peop le−to−peop le exchanges.The peop le−to−peop le exchange volume in 2003 only stood at 3.87m illion person times.The figure rocketed to 23m illion in 2015.Chinahasbecome the largestsource of foreign tourists to ASEAN.
China has actively participated in the ASEAN−led mechanisms of regional cooperation.The two sides have conducted various cooperation and exchanges under such frameworks as ASEAN−China (10+1),ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF),ASEAN Defense M inisters'Meeting Plus(ADMM−Plus) and ASEAN−China,Japanand South Korea(APT).Chinahasproposedover100 initiativesof cooperation under the framework of10+1.Under the frameof APT,Chinahasproactively participated and promoted cooperationon key areas,i.e.financialsecurity,tradeand investment,agricultureand poverty reduction, thuselevating the construction of the East Asian Econom ic Community.Chinahasactively safeguarded the EASasa"leaders−led strategic forum"and advanced cooperation in six key areas,thusmaking itsdue contribution to the development of the EAS.China always actively participates in the dialogue and cooperationunder the ARF framework.Chinahasheldmore than40 cooperation projectssince theForum was founded and cooperation projectsundertaken by Chinaaccount forone third of the totalARFprojects each year,ranking the firstamong ARFmembers.It fully shows thatChinasupports the developmentof the ARFw ith concreteactions.
Dealing w ith non−traditional security threatshas constituted an importantpartof China−ASEAN security cooperation.The two sideskeep expanding theirm ilitary and defenseexchangesand cooperation. In 2011,the defensem inistersof Chinaand ASEAN had exchanges for the first time.In 2015,the1st China−ASEAN DefenseM inisters InformalMeetingand theChina−ASEANM inisterialDialogueon Law Enforcementand Security Cooperation were held.The tw o sides have held the ASEAN Plus China M inisterialMeeting on Transnational Crime(AMMTC+China)every two years since1997 and signed the China−ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Non−Traditional Security.Under thismechanism,the two sideshavemaintained close cooperation in combating drug trafficking,illegalm igration,pirates,terrorism,armssmuggling,money launderingand international econom ic and cyberspace crimes.The Chinese Prem ier LiKeqiang proposed at the18th China−ASEAN Leaders'Meeting to jointly elevatesecurity cooperation,noting thatChinahopes to see the current Informal DefenseM inisters'Meeting institutionalized atanearly date,and explorewith ASEAN setting up adirect linebetween theChineseand ASEAN defenseauthoritiesand establishaChina−ASEAN law−enforcement academy in due course.Prem ier Lialso suggested thatChinawould provide2,000 training opportunities for the law−enforcementagenciesof ASEAN countries in thenext five years.
China−ASEAN relations are standing at a critical pointof linking the past and the future.At the China−ASEAN ForeignM inisters'Meetingon25 July,ForeignM inistersofASEAN countriesunderlined the significanceof China−ASEAN relationsand looked forward tomaking them even stronger.Foreign M inister Vivian Balakrishnan of Singapore said thatsharing the same goalofmaintaining the peace and stability of the region,ASEAN and China should takea forward−lookingapproach.M inisterof Foreign A ffairs and Trade IILim Jock Seng of Brunei said that China hasmade significant contributions to maintaining regional peace and stability.China's"One Belt,One Road"initiative aswellas the Asian Infrastructure InvestmentBank(AIIB)initiated by Chinawillbring about largeropportunities for the development in the region.Foreign M inister Don Pramudwinaiof Thailand mentioned that China is a close neighbor to ASEAN.The two sides have great potential for cooperation in the fields of trade, investment,tourism and connectivity.State Counselor and Foreign M inister Aung San Suu KyiofMyanmarnoted thatChina isagood friend to bothMyanmarand ASEAN asawhole.Despite theexisting divergences,the two sides are confident thatdivergences could be solved properly.Foreign M inister Saleumxay Kommasithof Laos said thatthe developmentofChinabringsabouttremendousopportunities for ASEAN countries.The two sides share common interests.Laos thanks China for itshelp to Laos' econom ic development.Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay of the Philippines said that,in the past 25 years,China−ASEAN relationshaveyielded fruitful results.Chinahasbecome thebiggesttrading partner. The AIIBw illhelp boost theeconom ic grow th of ASEAN countries.Foreign M inister Pham Binh M inh of VietNam pointed out that ASEAN−China tiesare themostsubstantialand fastest−growing among all dialoguepartners.VietNam attachesgreatimportance to thisspecial relationw ithChina.ForeignM inister Retno LPMarsudiof Indonesiamentioned thatChinaand ASEAN are friends,whose tradeand econom ic relations are growing closer and closer.Peace,stability and security are vital to the two sides.The Secretary General Tan SriOthman Hashim ofMalaysian Foreign M inistrymentioned that therehavebeen frequentexchanges inallaspectsand hoped thattheyearof 2017,tobe themed asChina−ASEAN Tourism Cooperation Year,could bring aboutmorepeople−to−peopleexchanges.Secretary of Stateand M inister of Foreign Affairsand International Cooperation Prak Sokhon of Cambodia said thatChina is the closest cooperation partner.Substantialprogresshasbeenmadeacross theboard.
As for thenextphaseof China−ASEAN relations,China put forward six key tasks,which received positive response from ASEAN countries:First,the two sides need to well host the commemorative summ itmarking the25thanniversaryof theestablishmentofChina−ASEANDialogueRelations.Through close cooperation,both sidesshould promote thesuccessof the Summ itsoas to send outapositivesignal. Second,the two sidesshould continue to promotepracticalcooperation so thatthe protocolonupgrading theChina−ASEAN Free Trade Areasigned in 2015China−ASEAN Leaders'Meeting could beeffectively implemented as soon as possible,econom ic and trade contacts can be further expanded,and industrial transformation and upgradew illbeadvanced.Third,the two sidesneed to createnew pillars for social, people−to−peopleand cultural cooperation.The two sideshave achieved tremendous progress in both fieldsofpoliticalsecurity,andeconom ic cooperationand trade.For thenextstep,both sidesw illprioritize educationand tourism and generate new driving forces for people−to−people exchangesand cultural cooperation.This year is China−ASEAN Education Exchange Year and China−ASEAN Tourism Cooperation Yearw ill be held in 2017.Fourth,the two sides should deepen cooperation in political security.China reiteratesitsw illingness tonegotiateand sign the Treaty ofGood Neighborly and Friendly Cooperation between China and the ASEAN with the ASEAN as soon as possible.China supports the ASEAN'sefforts in building the Southeast Asian nuclearweapon−free zone and isw illing to sign the related protocolw ith the ASEAN atan early date.Fifth,the two sidesneed to develop new platform s forsub−regional cooperation.China isw illing to help the ASEAN to narrow down internaldevelopment gap through the Lancang−Mekong Cooperation Mechanism andmakenew contributions to thebuilding of ASEANCommunityand the ASEAN integration process.Sixth,the two sidesshould jointly safeguard regionalpeaceand stability.Weagree toproceed from theoverallsituation,focuson cooperation,properly dealw ith differences,hold the key of regionalpeaceand stability in ourown handsand jointly explorea developmentpath conform ing to regional reality.
AttheMeeting,some countriesdidmention the South China Seasituation and the related issues. Foreign M inisters,in the spirit ofmutual respectandmutual trust,have exchanged views on these issues from a positive perspective.They allbelieve that the disputes over some islands and reefs of Nansha Zhudao are not an issue between China and ASEAN.These issues shall neither define China−ASEAN relationsnor com prom ise the overall developmentof China−ASEAN relations in the meantime.ASEAN,as awhole,takes no position on the arbitration case unilaterally initiated by the former Philippinegovernment,makesno commentson theaward and takesno sides.ASEAN regards the South China Sea issue asa bilateral issuebetween Chinaand the Philippinesand supports the two sides to seek solutions through bilateral dialoguesand consultations.Foreign M inisterWang Yisaid thattheaward given by the tem porary arbitral tribunal is fundamentally flawed and completely lacks legal basis.As this page has been turned over,the fever of unnecessary sensation caused by itshould be cooled down and thingsneed to beset right in the South China Sea issue.The Philippine Foreign Secretary Yasay also said that the Philippines didn't seek support from ASEAN or the international community during the process ofarbitration,and the Philippines didn'tw ant to see a divided ASEAN or an angered China because of arbitration.The arbitration award is notwhat ASEAN needs tohandlew ith,butthe issuebetween the Philippinesand China.Secretary Yasay also pointed out thatw hether you believe the victory belongs to the Philippines or China,w hat really counts is thatwe are seeking to peacefully resolve the disputes.Themost practicalway out for the disputes is stillup to the Philippinesand China.
In order tobring the South China Sea issueback onto the righttrack,Chinaproposed thatForeign M inisters of China and ASEAN countries issue a Joint Statem ent on the Full and Effective Implementationof theDOC,whichwasunanimously supported by allASEANMember States.China always believes that the DOC is a regional rule commonly agreed upon and upheld by China and ASEAN countries asw ell as a guideline to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. Denying thebinding forceof the DOC simply by a pieceof ruling isan actdefam ing thedeterm ination and credibility ofallDOC signatories.This isunacceptable.The core contentsof the JointStatement issued on 25 July are that the disputes should be peacefully settled by parties directly concerned through dialogues and consultations and that the stability in the South China Sea should be jointly safeguarded by China and ASEANmembers.This is precisely the"dual−track approach"proposed by ASEAN and advocated by China.China believes that the"dual−track approach"isan effective and correctway tomaintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and resolve the South China Sea disputes.The Joint Statement has sent a clearmessage that China and ASEAN w ill jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.Italso shows thatChinaand ASEAN have the capability andw isdom tomake the South China Seaaseaof peaceand cooperation.Ithelpsallparties enhancemutual trustand return to the right track of resolving disputes through bilateral dialogue and negotiation,aswellas sending a positive signal thatChinaand ASEAN w ill jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.It also shows that China and ASEAN are jointly comm itted through this Joint Statement to pull the South China Sea issue back to the right track of peacefully solving the disputes through consultation by parties directly concerned.
The EastAsiameetingson cooperationare convened on three levels:SeniorOfficials'Meetings(usual ly attended by officials at the vice−ministerial level),Foreign M inisters'Meetings and Leaders'Meetings. Normally,SOMsw illbeheld twiceayear,while FMMsand Leaders'Meetingsareheld onceayear.These meetingsareboth independentand interrelated.Theoretically,SOMs,FMMsand Leaders'Meetingsallhave theirownagendasettings.Meanwhile,SOMsmakepreparations forFMMsand FMMsprepares for Leaders' Meetings.Leaders'Meetingsareseenastheclimax eventseach year.As for theabove−mentionedmeeting arrangements,each level isaccordinglymadeup ofmeetingscovering suchmechanismsas internalsessions among ASEAN Member States(AMS),10+1 sessionsmeaning meetings held between ASEAN and its dialoguepartners respectively,10+3 sessionsorknownasAPT sessions,EASsessionsand ARFsessions.
These seriesofmeetingsalwaysbeginw ith AMS internalsessions,to be followed by 10+1,10+3, EASand ARFsessions.Both EASand ARFare forum−likesessions.Thedifferencebetween the two is thatEAS isa"leaders−led strategic forum"focusing,based on itsoriginaldesign,on six priority areas of environmentand energy,education,finance,global health issues and pandemic diseases,natural disastermanagement,and ASEAN connectivity.ARF only convenes at senior officials'and foreign m inisters'levels,focusing on discussing security issues,establishing confidence−building measures, conducting preventive diplomacy,exploring ways to resolve conflictsand other relatedmatters.Under the ARF framework,countriesconcerned usually hold avariety ofsem inars,training coursesconcerning security issuesand exercises to dealwith non−traditionalsecurity issuesover the years.China is theone thathasundertaken themostprogramsandmade the largestcontribution among the ARFmembers.
Among theabove−mentionedmeetings,AMM istheonewithspecialsignificance.First,theAMM's agenda is themostwide−ranging and practical.Second,the AMM usually concludes themeeting with a JointCommuniqué,whichwould be issued after roundsof consultationsamong allmemberstates to show ASEAN'spositiononvarious issues.Third,unlike theAMM,othermeetingsincluding Leaders'Meetings willonly issueChairman'sStatementsasthemeeting documents.Therefore,the AMM JointCommuniqué isusually seen as themost formal and comprehensive outcome document.Fourth,the AMM Joint Communiquéisnotonly an importantbasis forall the related Chairman'sStatements,butalsoan important reference to the relevantdocumentsof the Leaders'Meetings tobeheld later.Since ASEAN emphasizes its centrality in regionalcooperation,and thecountriesoutside the regionhave repeatedlyexpressed theirsupport for ASEAN Centrality in regionalaffairs,the AMM JointCommuniquéisalso considered to be themost importantdocumentof all the East Asiameetings on cooperation.That's the reason why the AMM Joint Communiquéalwaysattractsextraordinary attention from the countriesbothwithinand outside the region.
The AMM this yearwas held on 24 July in Vientiane,Laos.The Foreign M inisters of ASEAN Member Stateshad discussions on w ide−ranging topics centering on the theme of"Turning Vision into Reality foraDynam ic ASEANCommunity".2016marks the firstyearsince theestablishmentof ASEAN Community.The Meeting recognized that ASEAN hadmade greatachievements in building ASEAN Political−Security Community,ASEANEconom ic Community and ASEANSocio−CulturalCommunity,butASEAN still faces considerable challenges.The titleof AMM JointCommuniquéthis year isalso" Turning Vision into Reality foraDynam ic ASEAN Community",breaking into9 parts,namely ASEAN Community Building,ASEANPolitical-Security Community,ASEANEconom icCommunity,ASEAN Socio−Cultural Community,ASEAN Connectivity,External Relations,ASEAN Regional Forum, Regional and International Issues,and the 50th AMM.Since the 49thAMM and related meetings are among themost important regionaldiplomatic eventsheld after thearbitration case,the South China Sea issue and the arbitration award received peculiar attention from western countries.Normally the Joint Communiquéshould be issued shortly after the AMM,but some external forces imposed enormous pressure onto ASEAN countries and countries like the Philippines and Vietnam made every effort to put wordings related toarbitration,large−scale constructionof islandsand reefsand othermattersinsinuating China into the JointCommuniqué,which wasopposed to by someother ASEAN countries and resulted in thedelay of issuance.Inorder to secureanearly ASEAN consensuson thewording related to the South China Sea issue,the Lao Foreign M inister Saluemxay followed the advice by the Indonesian Foreign M inisterRetnoand convened aspecialsessionof AMM.In themorningof25 July,the JointCommuniqué of the49thAMM was finally issued,w ithoutmentioning thearbitration caseon the South China Sea issue or its so−called award.
The South China Sea issue should be something only among the related claimants.Outof the four ASEAN claimantcountries,Vietnam and the Philippineshave significantdifferenceswith China,while Malaysia and Bruneiare comparativelymore low−key and rational in dealing w ith the South China Sea issue.The recentyearshasseen the issueheated up rapidlywhile the reasonsbehind arequitecomplicated. Ingeneral,firstand foremost,somecountriesm isjudged thesituationand attempted tounderm ineChina's sovereignty interests.They thought thatChinawould swallow thebitter fruits.Second,the politicians in some countrieswithin this region tried to take advantage of nationalism in order to shiftoff domestic problems and snatch politicalgains.Third,some countries outside the region are becom ingmore and more anxious aboutChina's rapid econom ic grow th,enhanced national strength and rising influence in the neighborhood.They tried to sow discord and drive wedges between China and its neighboring countries,especially ASEAN countriessoas toobstructChina−ASEAN friendly relationsand cooperation, and interferewith China's developmentprocess.Under such circumstances,the situation in the South China Seawashyped up since the US launched its so−called"Rebalance to Asia−Pacific Strategy".The countriesoriginally irrelevant to the South China Sea issuewerealldragged into this dispute.
If carefully reading through the AMM JointCommuniquéthis year,one could see that the Foreign M inistersof ASEAN countries have covered aw ide range of issuesand focused on how to further build ASEAN Community and strengthen practical cooperation among ASEAN Member States in political, econom ic,social,culturaland connectivity fields.The JointCommuniquéall in all includes9 parts and 192 paragraphs.The South China Sea issuewasmentioned in thesecond−to−the−lastpart"Regional and International Issues"and tookup8 paragraphs,accounting foronlyabout4%of the totalJointCommuni qué.Obviously,the South China Sea issuewas hyped by some countries,but itwas actually not the focus ofmost ASEAN countries.Sim ilar situation also appeared at China−ASEAN Foreign M inisters' Meeting(10+1)and APTForeignM inisters'Meeting(10+3)held on25 July.Mostof ASEANForeignM inisters stressed thatas the globaleconomy slowed down and regional countries faced challenges in improving people's livelihood,itshould be the top priority tomake thebestuseof the leading roleofChina's economy.When the Foreign M inisters of some individual countriesattempted to bring up the South ChinaSea issueatthemeeting,theThaiForeignM inisterDon clearly pointed outthatweshould putmore effortsonhow toachievesustainabledevelopment,instead ofwastingour timemeetingwith ForeignM inisterof such an importantcountry,China.
How ever,itwasunexpected that,as the AMM JointCommuniquérefrained from mentioning the arbitration award and other sensitive issues,such irrelevant countries to the South China Sea issueas the US,Japan and Australia became agitated and anxious.They w ere greatly dissatisfied that the AMM JointCommuniquédidn'tsupport the arbitration award and deeply disappointed that the JointCommuniquédidn't evenmention theword"arbitration".In this context,the USState Secretary and Japanese and Australian Foreign M inisters decided to throw in their gauntlets and came onto the stage.In the late night of 25 July,the US,Japan and Australia issued in haste a Tripartite Joint Statement to support the arbitration award and stress its legally binding nature.At the 6thEAS Foreign M inisters'M eeting on 26 July,the US State Secretary and Japanese and Australian Foreign M inisters continued to bring up topics concerning the arbitration.So people could clearly see that,on theonehand,countries in the region were determ ined to strengthen and deepen cooperation and looked forward to reducing tension in the South China Sea,while on the other hand,this Tripartite Joint Statementwas attempting to hype up the situation.On the one hand,countries in the region were reluctant to take sides on the arbitration issue and regarded it as a bilateral issue betw een China and the Philippines,while on the other hand,the Tripartite Joint Statement still insisted that the already controversial arbitration aw ard was legally binding. On the one hand,more than 70 countries in the world have expressed their understanding and support to China's justified stance in differentw ays,whileon theother hand,this Tripartite Joint Statement w as still trying to blame China straightforw ardly and obscurely.Therefore,this documentw as very ill−timed and w ent against the development of situation.It didn'tserve the effortsmade by regional countries tomaintain stability in the South China Sea,didn'tsuit thew ill of the peoples in the region to reduce the tension in the South China Sea,and didn'tgo along w ith a constructive role that the countries outside the region should have played.
Shortly after the issuanceof thearbitration award,somemedia reported that the USwasconducting quietdiplomacy to persuade the Philippines,Indonesia,Vietnam and otherAsian countriesnottouse the award and take aggressive actions.The reports said thatnews sources indicated that"some information was sent through the US embassies abroad and foreignm issions inWashington,and other information was conveyed directly to top officialsby Defense Secretary Ash Carter,State Secretary John Kerry and other US senior officials.This is a blanket call for quiet,not some attempt to rally the region against China,whichwould play intoa falsenarrative thattheUSis leadingacoalition to containChina".However, what the UShasbeen doing is fardifferent from theabove-mentioned reports.Both PresidentObamaand State Secretary Kerry have repeatedly claimed that the aw ard is"final and legally binding".At the Japan−USM ilitary Statesmen Forum held by a Tokyo−based think tank Rebuild Japan InitiativeFoundation(RJIF),Harry B.Harris,theUSCommanderof PacificCommand,requested thecountries including China to"respect the rightofarbitrationmechanisms provided forunder theUNCLOS".Since China refused to accept thearbitration award,Harris said that the peaceand prosperity of East Asia for decades are"the by−products of the rules−based order",and should not"subject to thewhims of any one country".Clearly,Harriswas implying thatChinawas theone thatdidn't follow the rulesand sought to manipulate the rule−making process.
However,the USofficials including Harris should be clear that ithasbeen their efforts for years to give rise to hyping of the South China Sea issue.As for the so−called"rules",in their view,only the UShas the finalsay aboutwhat the rulesareandwho couldmanipulate the rules.Since 2009,the US officials repeatedlymade irresponsible remarkson China's South China Sea policy and openly supported the countrieshaving disputeswith China.TheUSalwayspracticesdouble standardswhen itcomes to the South China Sea issue.While pointing fingersatChinaand criticizing China's construction effortson its own islandsand reefs,the US chose to ignore the fact that the Philippinesand Vietnam had illegally occupied allinall42 islandsand reefsin the South China Sea,and carried out land reclamationon relevant islandsand reefs starting from asearly as the1980s.The US rebalancing strategy did render illusions to some claimantcountries.They arew ishfully thinking that,w ith USenhanced backing,they could deal w ith the South China Sea issue through confrontation instead of consultation.The UShas becomeused to acting asa policeman or judgeon globalissues,and indulges itself inmaking rulesand dictatingways toexecute them.Chinaisastrong supporterofa rule−based internationalorder.However,theinternational ruleof law iswhat theentire international community follows,nota tool to beexploited by ahandfulof countries to pursue theirpoliticalagenda.
From the ASEAN Foreign M inisters'Meetingand relatedmeetings thisyear,we could sensea fierce confrontationbetween two forcesand two viewpoints.Some countrieswerenotw illing to see the tension relieved and keenly interested inmakingm ischief and driving wedges.The Japanese officialswere especially enthusiastic abouthyping up the South China Sea issue.Japanese PrimeM inister Shinzo Abe and Foreign M inister Fum io Kishida took every chance to hype up the South China Sea issue and the arbitrationaward.On12August,M r.Kishida finished his firstvisitto the Philippinesafter the issuance of award.As one of themain deliverables of his visit,Japan willgive away two patrol vessels to the Philippines.M r.Kishidaalso urged the Philippinenew government to stick to thearbitration award and not to hold bilateralnegotiationswith China.The Japanese Kyodo News Agency commented that Japan and the Philippines seemed to bewell coordinated in their positions,but the truth was that they differed in attitudes."Japanhopes thatthe Philippinescould continue to takeahard-linepolicy on the South China Seaissue,while thePhilippinenew governmentattachesgreatimportance to its relationswith China,and doesnotwantto intensify thedispute."NikkeiEnglishNewscommented thatif the Philippines isinclined to hold bilateral talkswith China,the ASEANm ightnotbeable tomarch in step anymore.It isobvious that Japan ismoreworried than any other country that the Philippinesm ight launch bilateralnegotiationsw ith China.Thisweird thinking is really hard to understand.
The USgovernmentandmediawon'tgive ita break thwarting the bilateral talksbetween the South China Sea claimant countriesand China.Before M r.Kishida's visit to the Philippines,the USState Secretary Kerry paid a brief visit to the Philippines right after the AMM and relatedmeetings this year. Secretary Kerry said thathesupported the talksbetween Chinaand the Philippineson theonehand,while healso stated thatallpartiesmustabideby theso−called award.TheUS journalistVijay Joshicommented thatall the ASEAN countries'positionsbecame clearatmeetings thisweek of Asia−Pacific and Southeast Asian nations,and the vaunted unity of the 10−member ASEAN ended in disarray because of China's musclesbulging.ProfessorWalterClemonsofHarvard University called onallASEAN countries to stand againstChina.Hesaid,"Beijing doesnotwish to faceaunited frontin SoutheastAsia.Instead,itlabors to divideand subdue.Dealing w ith these statesoneby one perm its Beijing to choose from itsquiverof soft and hard power,potential concessions and hammer blows.The ten ASEAN countries could resist and balance against an expansionist China."SomeWestern scholars turned against Cambodia,and criticized Cambodiaof splitting ASEAN by notsupporting the South China Seaaward.Bernd Schaefer w ith theWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars said that itwent"against the grain"to have Cambodia play such an importantrolewhen it isnota claimant in the disputeand theonly country in ASEAN yet to ratify the UNCLOS.
Theabove−mentioned commentsby theUSscholarsare fullofarroganceand backed by"the logic of agangster".Itseems thatonlywhen a country chooses to support thearbitrationaward,itcould beseen making the rightchoice;onlywhen ASEAN standsagainstChina,theUScan recognize theunity ofASEAN; onlywhen Chinaacceptsallof ASEAN's criticism,China could be seen notsplitting ASEAN.Itseems thata country hasno rightinexpressing itsopinionsif itdoesnot ratify theUNCLOS,while theUScould dowhatever itwants even that ithasnot ratified the UNCLOS.Itseems thatChina has been seen as an expansionist though it is comm itted to the good−neighborly peripheral diplomacy,while the US has becomea pacifist though ithasbeen looking for enemiesand takingm ilitary actionsallaround theworld. Theseare typicalmanifestationsof superiority com plex held by western civilizations,and the deep−rooted thinkingof theUSsuperpowerhegemony,whicheven roused somedoubts inwesternmedia.The Associated Press journalists reported from Vientiane on 26 July that"Diplomatswho attended the Laos meetings said itwas interesting to see that claimant countries appeared less enthusiastic than others in wanting to rebukeChina."The reportssaid,"Even thePhilippineswasnottoo forcefulinasking forstrong language in the ASEAN JointCommuniqué.It repeatedly pointed outthat theaward by arbitration panel was the result of its'unilateral'lawsuit,implying that ASEAN should not get involved."Malaysia's Foreign M inister didn'teven show up for themeetings.Ata latermeeting of ASEAN and Asia−Pacific nations,Bruneitook painsto praiseChina's leadership.Vietnam'sDeputy ForeignM inister LeHoaiTrung told the Associated Press thathiscountry prefersbilateraldialoguewith China.
Theanalysisof ProfessorPaulGevirtz from YaleUniversity canexplain theUSgovernment'sconflicting thinking.HepointedoutinhisarticleonWashington Postthatlaw cannotsolveallthedisputesin theSouth China Sea.The tribunalhasnoenforcementpowers,no police force,no sanctionssystem andnoability to levy fines,whichunderscore the limitsof law in resolving thesedisputesinpractice,aswellastheurgentneed tomoveaheadwithnegotiations,supportedby prudentpowerpolitics.Another fundamentallimitisthatthe tribunallacks legal power to resolve underlying and potentially explosive conflicts regarding sovereignty over land featuresand disputesovermaritimeboundaries.Andofcourseno court'sdecision can fullyaddressthecoregeopoliticalissues atstake:China'senormousnew capacities,widespreaduncertaintyaboutChina'sregionalintentions,andwhether Chinaand theUScan find termsof coexistence in the Asia-Pacific.Professor Gevirtz alsomade policy recommendations to the USgovernmentinhisarticle.TheUnited Statesand other countries should strongly supportthetribunal'sjudgmentasabindingdecision inwordsand deeds.ButtheObamaadministrationalsomust guard againstescalation.The possibility exists thata rebuked Chinaw ill launch new provocations,and a legally empowered Philippinesmightask the US to use itsmilitary to enforcewhat the tribunal cannotenforce, both ofwhichwould createmajor risks for theUS.Instead,the USshould encourage its Filipinoallies,with their legalvictory inhand,topursuedirectnegotiationswithChinaasthebestnextstep in looking forreal-world, peacefulsolutions.ChinashouldnotinsistthatthePhilippinesrenouncethearbitrationaward,and thePhilippines shouldnotinsistthatChinaacceptthe legalrightsawardedby the tribunal.Negotiationsshouldbeginwitha focus on lowering tensions,looking for trade−offsand pursuing common developmentprojects.Rules−based Codeof Conductbetween theASEAN nationsand Chinashould alsobea top priority.ProfessorGevirtz'sanalysiswillbe furthertestified by the futuredecisionmakingby theUSgovernment.
The complexity in the currentstrategic situation of EastAsia isunprecedented.The US is still theonly superpower,enjoying significantpolitical,military andeconomic influencein EastAsia.Chinahasbecome thesecond largesteconomy in theworld,thebiggest trading partner and important investmentsource to all ASEAN countries.Japanand Australiaareworriedaboutthereality thatChinaisrising tobethemostimportant politicaland econom icpower in EastAsia.Especially,Japan isgettingmoreandmoreanxiousaboutitsown declining influence.Some ASEAN countriesarealso doubtfulaboutChina's rise,and wish to counton the USbalancingChina'sinfluence.Atthesame time,thesecountriesalso try toenhance theirpracticalcooperation with China because they recognize China's leading role in the politicaland economic terms in this region. ASEAN countriesallknow that thearbitration hasnotchanged the reality,and the relevantdisputesstillhave to be resolved peacefully through diplomatic negotiations.The USofficialsarealso clear that thearbitration awardwon'thaveany actualeffect,and rather itwilldogreatharm to theUS−China relationsif theUS insists going too far.ButtheUSstillwishestostirmoretrouble todisruptthestability inChina'sneighborhood through using thearbitration caseand rousinganger in ASEAN countriesagainstChina.That'swhywesee from time to time the contradictionsbetween thewordsand actionsof theUSofficials.
When the arbitration award came out,the Chinese government did notmake strong reactions as speculated andhypedby somewesternmedia like"declaringanairdefenseidentificationzone(ADIZ)over the South China Sea,seizing controlofother islandsand reefs in Nansha Zhudao and withdrawing from theUNCLOS."The Straits Timescommented thatitwasbecause the Chinesegovernment insisted thatth e rulingwas justa"uselesspieceof paper"and China'srestraintalso reflected itsconfidence.Thiscomment mademe recallan interesting sceneafter the EASForeign M inisters'Meeting on 26 July.At theMeeting, Foreign M inisterWang Yiseverely criticized the Tripartite JointStatementby theUS,Japan and Australia on the South China Seaarbitration.When theMeetingwasadjourned,Secretary Kerry cameup toM inister Wang and explained that the Joint Statementonlywent to hisoffice desk at the lastm inuteand he hastilyapproved itw ithoutcarefulscrutinizing.Kerry said thathewas sorry about them isunderstanding that the documenthad caused.TheAustralian ForeignMinisterwas justsittingnexttoM inisterWangwhen Secretary Kerry talked to him.Itwassaid that the ideaof releasing such a JointStatementcame from Japan.
The South China Seaarbitration case isa litmus test to provewhether the countriesoutside the region are trulymeanttomaintain regionalpeaceordisturb thesituation in the South China Sea.Formostregional countries,their priority is how to preserve regional peace,stability and development.Some external forceswereexcited about theso−called arbitration award,which hasdisturbed thenormal regionalorder and underm ined theoverall interestsof regional countries,which started to invoke concern,resentment and even opposition from more andmore regional countries.Looking around theworld,there are still many places plagued with turmoil.EastAsia is the common home for all the regional countries,and it hasenjoyed ahard−won long period of stability and development.If this region falls into chaos,outside countries could just leavewhile the regional countriesw illhavenowhere to go and have to addressall the problems leftbehind.JustaswhatM inisterWang Yihassaid,relevantparties should stop this pointless politicalmanipulation and speculation,and cool down such feverish actionsas soon as possible so as to restore tranquility in the South China Seaand stability in the region.
Observationson the South China Sea Issue through ASEAN Foreign M inisters'M eeting and Related M eetings
Such externalpowersas theUSand Japan racked theirm inds in hyping thearbitration caseon the South China Sea issue initiated by the Philippines,recklessly m isinterpreted the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS),incited on purpose the arbitration court to abuse its authority and evenmanipulated the composition of arbitration tribunalmembersoutof politicalmotives. The49th ASEAN ForeignM inisters'Meeting(AMM)and relatedmeetingswereheldagainstabackdrop featuring EastAsiahaunted by tension,fluid situation in the South China Seaand fresh publication of the award ofarbitration case.Some forcesoutside the regionattempted tomakeChina the targetofaccusations. More andmore countries in our region aregettingworried that the regionalsituationwould be kidnapped by the South China Sea issue and they are also expressing the resentment against these external powers blindly cooking up the South China Sea issue.
AMM and related meetings;the arbitration case on the South China Sea issue; China−ASEAN relations;Vientiane−Laos PDR