王俊峰 付玉东阚强波 侯 波 吉红波 黄若山 李明学 贾国华 赵章勇
(曲靖市第一人民医院胸心外科,曲靖 655000)
王俊峰 付玉东*阚强波 侯 波 吉红波 黄若山 李明学 贾国华 赵章勇
(曲靖市第一人民医院胸心外科,曲靖 655000)
目的 探讨全胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术治疗早期肺癌、肺转移瘤和肺良性疾病的可行性。 方法 2011年1月~2016年1月我院行VATS肺段切除术30例,采用全胸腔镜三切口,用推结器丝线结扎或钛夹夹闭肺段动、静脉,切割缝合器闭合切断支气管,恶性肿瘤最后系统清扫区域淋巴结。 结果 30例成功施行全胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术,无中转开胸,其中切除左上肺舌段8例、尖前段1例、左下肺背段9例、基底段2例、右下肺基底段1例、背段9例,无围术期死亡。术后病理:ⅠA期肺癌20例,肺转移瘤2例,肺良性疾病8例(其中肺结核4例,支气管扩张2例,炎性假瘤2例)。ⅠA期肺癌手术时间(151.2±31.3)min,术中出血量(139.5±102.4)ml,术后拔胸管时间(4.6±1.3)d,术后住院时间(5.3±1.4)d。肺良性疾病手术时间(143.2±38.3)min,术中出血量(132.5±102.6)ml,术后拔胸管时间(4.1±1.4)d,术后住院时间(5.2±1.3)d。1例结肠癌肺转移手术时间150 min,术中出血量136 ml,术后拔胸管时间5 d,术后住院时间6 d。1例直肠癌肺转移手术时间141 min,术中出血量128 ml,术后拔胸管时间4 d,术后住院时间5 d。30例术后随访3~12个月,平均7.1月,均无复发及死亡。 结论 VATS解剖性肺段切除术安全可靠,在最大限度保留肺功能的前提下应用于ⅠA期肺癌、不易行肺楔形切除术的肺转移瘤和肺良性疾病患者,尤其适用于老年低肺功能患者,适合临床推广应用。
电视胸腔镜手术; 解剖性肺段切除术; 肺癌; 肺转移瘤; 肺良性疾病
1939 年Churchill等[1]首次报道肺段切除术治疗支气管扩张,随后又有治疗肺癌的报道[2]。近年来,随着电视胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery,VATS)的不断进步,越来越多的胸外科医师将VATS解剖性肺段切除应用于临床[3]。2011年1月~2016年1月我院行VATS解剖性肺段切除治疗30例早期肺癌、肺转移瘤和肺良性疾病,疗效满意,现报道如下。
1.1 一般资料
本组30例,男21例,女9例。年龄(59.0±12.4)岁。10例因咳嗽、咯痰、胸痛就诊,20例体检发现。30例均为单发病灶,病灶位置:左肺下叶背段9例、基底段2例,左肺上叶舌段8例、尖前段1例;右肺下叶背段9例、基底段1例。术前常规胸部增强CT提示肿瘤大小0.5~2 cm,平均1.5 cm,无明显纵隔淋巴结肿大。术前常规头颅CT、腹部彩超、骨扫描、肺功能检查等,怀疑肺癌者排除远处转移。5例年龄70~75岁,平均72.1岁,其中4例有吸烟史, 3例合并慢性肺部感染、肺气肿、原发性高血压等疾病,2例术前心电图提示窦性心动过速,2例提示不完全右束支传导阻滞, 5例术前肺功能检测分钟最大通气量的实测值/预计值百分比(MVV%)均<50%,第1秒用力呼吸容积的实测值/预计值百分比(FEV1%)均<40%。30例临床诊断:肺毛玻璃样变或小结节20例,结肠癌术后肺转移瘤1例, 直肠癌术后肺转移瘤1例, 良性疾病8例(临床表现为咳嗽、咯痰、肺部感染和咯血等)。
病例选择标准:①肺外周1/3的低度恶性病灶(如术前肺穿刺活检诊断原位癌、转移瘤等),直径≤2 cm,术中病检淋巴结无转移;②恶性肿瘤切缘距肿瘤≥2 cm;③肺外周1/3的良性病灶;④老年低肺功能(MVV%<50%或FEV1%<40%),不能耐受肺叶切除者。排除标准:①恶性肿瘤直径>2 cm;②恶性肿瘤切缘距肿瘤<2 cm;③中心型病灶;④拒绝肺段切除者。
1.2 方法
采用全麻下双腔气管插管,健侧卧位、单肺通气。取三孔操作,观察孔取腋中线第7肋间,大小约1.5 cm,主操作孔取腋前线第4或5肋间,大小3~4 cm,副操作孔取肩胛下角线第8肋间,大小约1.5 cm。术中先探查确认肺段切除可行后,先切除第10、11、13组淋巴结送术中冰冻,结果示淋巴结均为阴性,遂均行肺段切除术。靠近肺实质处解剖游离,做到“骨骼化”,用电凝钩及超声刀解剖分离靶段静脉、动脉及支气管,用推结器丝线结扎或钛夹夹闭或Endo-GIA+白钉闭合切断肺段动、静脉,用Endo-GIA+绿钉闭合切断支气管,保证切缘距离肿瘤≥2 cm。恶性肿瘤最后系统清扫区域淋巴结。左侧清扫第5、6、7、9、10、11、13组淋巴结,右侧清扫第2、4R、7、9、10、11、13组淋巴结。用温碘伏盐水冲洗胸腔,检查肺创面无漏气后,留置1根胸管至胸顶引流,逐层关闭胸腔。
30例手术均顺利完成,无中转开胸,切除左上肺舌段8例、尖前段1例、左下肺背段9例、基底段2例、右下肺基底段1例、背段9例,无围术期死亡。不同病理类型的手术时间、术中出血、术后拔胸管时间、术后住院时间见表1。术后肺漏气1例, 经3 d持续胸腔冲洗引流治愈;肺不张2例,经床旁支气管镜吸痰及持续负压吸引后肺复张。术后病理:ⅠA期腺癌12例,鳞癌8例,肺转移瘤2例(结肠癌肺转移1例,直肠癌肺转移1例),良性疾病8例(肺结核4例,支气管扩张2例,炎性假瘤2例)。30例术后随访3~12个月,平均7.1月,均无复发及死亡。
表1 不同病理类型的手术数据
结合美国国立综合癌症网络(NCCN)指南,我们总结VATS解剖性肺段切除术的适应证如下:①肺外周1/3的低度恶性病灶(如原位癌、微浸润性腺癌等),直径≤2 cm,术中冰冻病理检查淋巴结无转移;②肿瘤切缘距离肿瘤≥2 cm;③肺外周1/3的良性病灶;④老年并低肺功能,不能耐受肺叶切除者。本组5例老年低肺功能,不能耐受肺叶切除,行VATS解剖性肺段切除。VATS解剖性肺段切除因肺段动脉较细小,我们术中用Endo-GIA+白钉处理血管时,造成血管扭转、受牵拉破裂出血,我们的经验是用推结器丝线结扎或用钛夹夹闭血管较安全。术中冰冻切片示恶性肿瘤者,给予常规清扫肺门、纵隔淋巴结,结果均为阴性。Shapiro等[15]报道VATS肺叶切除和肺段切除可获得相同的淋巴结清扫效果。
1 Churchill ED, Belsey R. Segmental pneumonectomy in bronchiectasis: The lingula segment of the left upper lobe. Ann Surg,1939,109(4):481-499.
2 Jensik RJ, Faber LP, Milloy FJ, et al. Segmental resection for lung cancer: a fifteen-year experience. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1973,66(4):563-572.
3 石 锋,李学兆,刘向前. 电视胸腔镜手术下解剖性肺段切除术的疗效及安全性.中华胸部外科电子杂志,2015,2(3):177-181.
4 Cioffi U,De Simone M,Baisi A.Is video-assisted thoracic lobectomy safe and successful for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2013,146(5):1302-1303.
5 杨 帆,李 晓,任斌辉,等.多中心全胸腔镜肺叶切除手术600例.中华胸心血管外科杂志,2010,26(5):307-309.
6 Li JF, Yang F,LI Y, et al. Continuous 100 cases of completely thoracoscopic lobectomy for clinical analysis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2009,16(1):1-4.
7 刘伦旭,车国卫,王 允,等.电视胸腔镜手术治疗肺良性疾病 128例.中国胸心血管外科临床杂志,2008,15(1):29-31.
8 刘伦旭.胸腔镜肺癌切除:多样化的手术切口和流程. 医学与哲学(临床决策论坛版),2011,32(9):11-13.
9 Puri V,Meyers BF.Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy for lung cancer.Surg Oncol Clin N Am,2013,22(1):27-38.
10 刘永靖,于 奇,缪 军,等.单操作孔全胸腔镜肺叶切除术的临床应用.临床肺科杂志,2014,19(10):1855-1857.
11 杨富涛.电视胸腔镜肺叶切除术和传统开胸肺叶切除术治疗Ⅰ-Ⅱ期非小细胞肺癌的疗效.中国临床药理学杂志,2013,29(5): 328-330.
12 陈 康,艾孜子·阿不来提.全胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗非小细胞肺癌临床疗效分析.河北医学,2014,20(10):1641-1644.
13 张雪飞,史小男,韩 彪.胸腔镜与开胸肺叶切除术治疗非小细胞肺癌近期疗效的系统评价.中国肺癌杂志,2012,15(7):422-428.
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15 Shapiro M,Weiser TS,Wisnivesky JP,et al. Thoracoscopic segmentectomy compares favorably with thoracoscopic lobectomy for patients with small stage Ⅰ lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2009,137(6):1388-1393.
16 刘 瀚,陈 亮,朱 全,等.完全胸腔镜下解剖性肺段切除术与肺叶切除术治疗肺部小结节的近期疗效比较.中华临床医师杂志:电子版, 2012,6(13):103-105.
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Total Thoracoscopic Anatomic Pulmonary Segmentectomy in 30 Patients
Objective To investigate the feasibility of total thoracoscopic atatomic pulmonary segmentectomy for the treatment of early-stage lung cancer, pulmonary metastasis and benign lung diseases. Methods There were 30 cases of total thoracoscopic atatomic pulmonary segmentectomy in our hospital from January 2011 to January 2016. The surgery was performed by using three totally thoracoscopic incisions. Segmental artery and vein were managed with node pushing silk ligature or titanium clipping. The bronchus was cut and closed with the cutter stapler. The malignant tumor in the end system was managed with cleaning regional lymph nodes. Results Thirty patients successfully underwent total thoracoscopic atatomic pulmonary segmentectomy, including 8 cases of left upper lobe lingular segment and 1 case of apical and anterior segment, 9 cases of left lower lobe dorsal segment and 2 cases of basal segment, 1 case of right lower lobe basal segment and 9 cases of dorsal segment. There was no conversion to thoracotomy or perioperative mortality. Postoperative pathological examinations showed 20 cases of stage ⅠA lung cancer, 2 cases of lung metastases, and 8 cases of benign diseases (including 4 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 2 cases of bronchiectasis, and 2 cases of inflammatory pseudotumor). For stage ⅠA lung cancer, the operation time was (151.2±31.3) min, the amount of bleeding during the operation was (139.5±102.4) ml, the postoperative time of chest tube drainage was (4.6±1.3) d, and the time of postoperative hospital stay was (5.3±1.4) d. For benign lung diseases, the operation time was (143.2±38.3) min, the amount of bleeding during the operation was (132.5±102.6) ml, the postoperative time of chest tube drainage was (4.1±1.4) d, and the time of postoperative hospital stay was (5.2±1.3) d. For 1 case of plumonary metastasis of colon carcinoma, the operation time was 150 min, the amount of bleeding during the operation was 136 ml, the postoperative time of chest tube drainage was 5 d, and the time of postoperative hospital stay was 6 d. For 1 case of plumonary metastasis of rectal carcinoma, the operation time was 141 min, the amount of bleeding during the operation was 128 ml, the postoperative time of chest tube drainage was 4 d, and the time of postoperative hospital stay was 5 d. All the patients were followed up for 3-12 months (mean, 7.1 months). No recurrence or death occurred. Conclusions Total thoracoscopic atatomic pulmonary segmentectomy is safe and reliable. With the maximum retention of pulmonary functions, it can be applied to stage ⅠA lung cancer, and lung metastatic tumors and benign diseases inapplicable to pulmonary wedge resection operation, especially suitable for the elderly patients with low pulmonary functions. It is suitable for clinical application.
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery; Atatomic pulmonary segmentectomy; Lung cancer; Plumonary metastasis; Benign lung disease
* 通讯作者, E-mail:wjf541100@sina.com