
2016-11-28 01:53:08KaseyEdwards铖铖也圆
意林(绘英语) 2016年5期

文/Kasey Edwards 译/铖铖 绘/也圆


文/Kasey Edwards 译/铖铖 绘/也圆

When Your Mother Says She's Fat

Dear Mum,

I was seven when I discovered that you were fat, ugly and horrible.

One night, we were dressed up for a party and you said to me, "Look at you, so thin,beautiful and lovely. And look at me, fat, ugly and horrible."

At first I didn't understand what you meant.

"You're not fat," I said earnestly①earnestly 英 ['ɜːnɪstlɪ] adv. 认真地;诚挚地and innocently②innocently 美 ['ɪnəsəntli] adv. 纯洁地;无罪地, and you replied, "Yes I am, darling. I've always been fat; even as a child."

With every grimace③grimace 英 ['ɡrɪməs; ɡrɪ'meɪs] 美 [ɡrɪ'mes] vi. 扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相 n. 鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情at your reflection in the mirror, every new wonder diet that was going to change your life, and every guilty spoon of "Oh-I-really-shouldn't",I learned that women must be thin to be valid and worthy. Girls must go without because their greatest contribution to the world is their physical beauty.

But now that I am older,and a mother myself, I know that blaming you for my body hatred is unhelpful and unfair. I now understand that you too are a product of a long and rich lineage of women who were taught to loathe themselves.

Before Dad left, he provided no balm④balm 英 [bɑːm] 美 [bɑm] n. 香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,香树膏for your body-image torment either.

That night at dinner I watched you implement Dad's "Energy In, Energy Out: Jesus, Jan, Just Eat Less" weight-loss cure. You served up chow mein for dinner. Everyone else's food was on a dinner plate except yours. You served your chow mein on a tiny bread-and-butter plate.

Silent tears streamed down your face. I said nothing. We all ate our dinner in silence. Nobody comforted you. Nobody told you to stop being ridiculous and get a proper plate. Nobody told you that you were already loved and already good enough. Your achievements and your worth—as a teacher of children with special needs and a devoted⑥devoted 英 [dɪ'votɪd] 美 [dɪ'votɪd] adj. 献身的;忠诚的 v. 献身于……;致力于……(devote的过去分词)mother of three of your own—paled into insignificance when compared with the centimetres you couldn't lose from your waist.

But I was wrong, Mum. Now I understand what it's like to grow up in a society that tells women that their beauty matters most,and at the same time defines a standard of beauty that is perpetually⑦perpetually 美 [pɚ'pɛtʃʊəli] adv. 永恒地,持久地out of reach. I also know the pain of 9)internalising these messages. We have become our own jailors⑧jailor 英 ['dʒeɪlə] n. 狱卒;看守监狱的人and we 10)inflict our own punishments for failing to measure up. No one is as cruel to us as we are to ourselves.

But this madness has to stop,Mum. It stops with you, it stops with me and it stops now. We deserve better—better than to have our days brought to ruin by thoughts of our "bad bodies," wishing we were otherwise.

Let us honour and respect our bodies for what they do instead of despising them for how they appear. We can focus on living healthy and active lives,letting our weight fall where it may, while consigning⑨consign 英 [kən'saɪn] 美 [kən'saɪn] vt. 交付;托运;寄存;把……委托给our body hatred⑩hatred 英 ['heɪtrɪd] 美 ['hetrɪd] n. 憎恨;怨恨;敌意to the past where it belongs. When I looked at that photo of you in the white bathing suit all those years ago,my innocent young eyes saw the truth. I saw unconditional love,beauty and wisdom. I saw my Mum.

Love, Kasey xx














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