(1.College of Information Technology,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun,130118)
(2.School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
On Reducibility of Beam Equation with Quasi-periodic Forcing Potential
(1.College of Information Technology,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun,130118)
(2.School of Mathematics,Jilin University,Changchun,130012)
In this paper,the Dirichlet boundary value problems of the nonlinear beam equation utt+∆2u+αu+ϵϕ(t)(u+u3)=O,α>O in the dimension one is considered,where u(t,x)and ϕ(t)are analytic quasi-periodic functions in t,and ϵ is a small positive real-number parameter.It is proved that the above equation admits a small-amplitude quasi-periodic solution.The proof is based on an infinite dimensional KAM iteration procedure.
beam equation,infinite dimension,Hamiltonian system,KAM theory,reducibility
2010 MR subject classification:37K55,35B15
Document code:A
Article ID:1674-5647(2O16)O4-O289-14
Bogolyubov[3]proved reducibility of non autonomous finite-dimensional linear systems to constant coefficient equations by KAM's method.Since then,the reducibility of finitedimensional system can be dealt by means of the KAM tools.Then,for infinite dimensional system in[4],Dinaburg and Sinai proved that the linear Schr¨odinger equation
is reducible for“most”large enough λ,when ω is fixed and satisfies the Diophantine conditions
where γ>1,σ>r-1 are fixed positive constants.The latest result is in[5],Eliasson and Kuksin proved that the linear d-dimensional Schr¨odinger equation
about x-periodic and t-quasi-periodic,which can be reduced to an autonomous equation for most values of the frequency vector ω by KAM theory.
In this paper,we prove that the non-autonomous nonlinear beam equation admits smallamplitude quasi-periodic solution.The important point is to reduce the beam equation to the system which can be used by KAM theory.
Consider the following nonlinear beam equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions:
where ϵ is a small positive parameter,ϕ(t)is a real analytic quasi-periodic function in t with frequency vector ω=(ω1,ω2,...,ωd)⊂Rd.Considering the non-autonomous equation(1.1)in the complex Hilbert space ℓa,ρ,first,we choose any fixed lattice points
without loss of generality,we suppose J={1,2,...,n}.
Let A=-∆2+α.The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the operator A with Dirichlet boundary conditions are as follows
When ϵ=O in(1.1),the solution of the linear equation
with Dirichlet boundary conditions are given by
Let us state our main result as follows.
Theorem 1.1Consider the 1D nonlinear beam equation(1.1)with Dirichlet boundary condition(1.2),where ϕ(t)is quasi-period function with t.For each index J={j1<j2<...<jn}and all α>O,there exists a Cantor set O*⊂O such that ξ∈O*.Then the boundary value problem(1.1)-(1.2)has a linearly stable quasi-period solution.
Let v=utand A=-(∆2+α),x,t∈R.Then(1.1)can be read as
which may be viewed as the(infinite-dimensional)Hamiltonian equations
associated with the Hamiltonian
where〈.,.〉denotes the inner product in ℓa,ρ.
We introduce coordinates q=(q1,q2,...),p=(p1,p2,...)with finite norm
where a≥O and ρ>O,which satisfies the following relationship
Substituting(2.2)into(2.1),we obtain the Hamiltonian
with respect to the symplectic structuredqj∧dpjon ℓa,ρ×ℓa,ρ.
Lemma 2.1Let a≥O and ρ>O,I be an interval,and I∋t-→(q(t),p(t))be a real analytic solution of(2.3).Then
is a real analytic solution of(2.1)on I×[O,π].
Let φ(θ)=φ(θ1,...,θd)=φ(w1t,...,wdt)=ϕ(t).Then(2.2)can be changed into
and the coefficients
An easy computation show that Gijkl=O unless if i±j±k±l/=O.In particular,we have
Before proving Theorem 1.1,we first switch to complex variables
and introduce standard action-angle variables
Then we have the Hamilton system
with the following Hamiltonian
(i)There is a constant with
where id is identify map.
(ii)Ψ∞can transformed(2.5)into
In the following,our goal is to investigate the reducibility of Hamiltonian(2.5)by KAM iteration.
At the same time,we expand P into the Fourier-Taylor series
and let R be the truncation of P given by
Next,we prove Theorem 3.1 by a KAM iteration,which involves an infinite sequence of change of variables.At each step of KAM iteration,we reduce angle variable θ and make the perturbation smaller than that in the previous step.In the last,we prove the convergence of the iteration and estimate the measure of the excluded set after infinite KAM step.
2.1KAM Step
First,we show detailed KAM iteration.Initially,we set the initial values ϵ=ϵ0,λj,0=λj,
furthermore,‖XPo‖D(ro,so),Oo≤ϵ0.Suppose that after vth KAM step,we arrive at
To simplify notations,the quantities without subscripts refer to quantities at the vth step,while the(v+1)th step which will be subscripted by+.We wish to find a special function F=Fv=ϵvF defined on a smaller domain D+=D(r+,s+),such that a symplectic transformation Φ+which is in smaller frequency and phase domains.Then transformation Φ+carries the above Hamiltonian into the next KAM cycle.The transformed Hamiltonian should be of a form similar to(2.1O)with a smaller perturbation term.
Then we construct a map
such that the vector field XH◦Φdefined on D(r+,s+,ϵ+)satisfies
Now,we consider the Hamiltonian H=N+P defined in D(r,s)×O.And we suppose that ξ∈O satisfies the following
2.2The Homological Equation
By the second order Taylor formula,we have
where the function F is determined by the homological equation as follows:
Then(2.15),(2.16)and(2.17)are equivalent to the following equations:
By Cauchy estimate,we have
At the same idea,the following inequality can be arrived
Next,we proceed to estimate XF.Similar to the above discussion,we get the following estimates:
Lemma 2.2For δ>O and ν>O,the following inequality holds true:
The proof can be found in[3].By Lemma 2.2 and(2.2O),we can get
This can be shown in the following lemma.
Lemma 2.3Define
where C is a constant.
2.3Estimation for the New Perturbation
In order to the KAM step continue,we have to estimate the new perturbation term. Lemma 2.4If‖XF‖D(r,s)<ϵ′and‖XG‖D(r,s)<ϵ′′,then
By the paper[7],we have the following result
By Lemma 2.4,we get
We define s,r,γ,ϵ as following sequences
We assume that ω satisfies the following relations:
3.1Estimate on the Transformation Φ
then we have that
thus from(2.2O),if
then we get
is well defined.Let
By Cauchy inequality,it follows that
We get
In this subsection,the iteration procedure is proved to be convergent.Let
Noting that
we have
We throw away the following resonant set.Let
Then we can get
For fixed O<γ<1,we have
Let Ω00=[ϱ,2ϱ]Ω1.Then
If we let
in the same idea,we have
In the following,we prove the existence of quasi-period solutions by using KAM theory.
where the constant C depends only on ρ.
By using the above lemma,we can prove the following lemma.
If i,j,k,l are non-zero integers such that i±j±k±l=O,but(i,j,k,l)/=(r,-r,t,-t),then for ϱ>O,O<γ<1,and parameter ω∈¯Ω,
with uniquely determined coefficients
By Lemma 4.1,we have
with coefficients
is independent of{wj}j/∈J.Hence,we have
In the following,we introduce action-angle(θ,I)which satisfies
By symplectic transformation,the normal form can be transformed into
By Proposition 4.1,we obtain
It follows from(4.12)that in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin in la,ρ,the time 1-map is well defined and gives rise to a real analytic,symplectic change with the estimates. Since
For Lie bracket,it also holds.These two facts show that XK∈A(la,ρ,la+2,ρ),the same hold for X¯G,XˆG∈A(la,ρ,la+2,ρ).
Next,in order to prove our main result,we need to the infinite dimensional KAM theorem,which was first proved by P¨oschel[7],so we should estimate three conditions.
Non-degeneracy:Since A is reversible,the map ξ-→ω(ξ)is Lipschitz between Rnand its image.Moreover,for all integer〈l,β〉/=O,1≤|l|≤2.When ξ is sufficient small enough,Bξ is sufficient small also,hence〈l,Ω(ξ)〉/=O,1≤|l|≤2.
Spectral asymptotic and the Lipschitz property:Since
Base on[9],by using infinite dimensional KAM theorem,the Theorem 2.1 can be proved.
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date:April 7,2010.
The Science Research Plan(Jijiaokehezi[2016]166)of Jilin Province Education Department During the 13th Five-Year Period and the Science Research Starting Foundation(2015023)of Jilin Agricultural University.
E-mail J).
Communicated by Li Yong
Communications in Mathematical Research2016年4期