
2016-10-27 14:57:44罗瑞芬张建刚杜文举


(兰州交通大学数理学院,甘肃兰州 730070)



(兰州交通大学数理学院,甘肃兰州 730070)




1 一个带有随机参数的新的二维混沌系统的正交多项式逼近



的正交性,可以得到等价的确定性系统.当M →∞,方程(5)严格成立,否则方程(5)就是个近似方程.本文中取2M=,可得等价确定性的近似方程如下:

2 随机Hopf分岔分析

2.1 Hopf分岔的存在性


2.2 分岔的趋势和稳定性


当 L1<0时,平衡点渐进稳定,发生超临界的Hopf分岔,并且在平衡点附近存在稳定的极限环;当 L1>0时,平衡点不稳定,发生亚临界的Hopf分岔,并在平衡点附近存在不稳定的极限环.

令Cn是一个定义在复数域C上的非线性空间,p, q∈Cn,其中q∈Cn是特征值 Ρ1所对的特征向量,p∈Cn是一个伴随特征向量,满足:

当a=a0时,方程(6)有平衡点 o(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),方程(6)能表达成:

这里的x=(x0,y0, x1, y1, x2,y2),B(x, y),C(x, y, z)分别是双线性和三线性函数,可表示为:



3 结 语


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Stochastic Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of a Novel Two-dimensional Chaotic System with Random Parameters

LUO Ruifen, ZHANG Jiangang, DU Wenju
(School of Mathematics and Physics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China 730070)

It is probed in this paper that a novel two-dimensional chaotic system with random parameter is proposed. First of all, the system is trasformed from two-dimensional chaotic system with stochastic parameters to the equivalent deterministic system based on orthogonal polynomials approximation. Then the Hopf bifurcation of equivalent deterministic system is studied by the calculation of the first Lyapunov coefficient method. It is discovered from the research that the stochastic system differs from the deterministic system. The critical value of stochastic Hopf bifurcation is determined not only by deterministic parameters but also the intensity of random parameters in stochastic system which is one of the decisive factors. Finally, the numerical simulations results show the effectiveness of the method and the correctness of the theoretical results in the paper.

Stability; Stochastic Chaos; Stochastic Hopf Bifurcation; Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation




10.3875/j.issn.1674-3563.2016.01.004 本文的PDF文件可以从xuebao.wzu.edu.cn获得


罗瑞芬(1990- ),女,甘肃临夏人,硕士研究生,研究方向:随机动力学

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