Ruirui Liu,Xiaomin Huand Huating Wu
Some Approximation Properties of Certain q-Baskakov-Beta Operators
Ruirui Liu,Xiaomin Hu∗and Huating Wu
.In this paper,we propose the q analogue of modified Baskakov-Beta operators.The Voronovskaja type theorem and some direct results for the above operators are discussed.The rate of convergence and weighted approximation by the operators are studied.
q-Baskakov-Beta operators,rate of convergence,weighted approximation.
AMS Subject Classifications:41A25,41A35
In recent years,the application of q calculus is the most interesting areas of research in the approximation theory(e.g.,[1]).Lupas¸[2]and Phillips[3]proposed generalizations of Bernstein polynomials based on the q-integers.More results on q-Bernstein operators were investigated(e.g.,[4,5]).Gupta and Aral[6,7]proposed certain q-analogues of the Baskakov operators and studied some approximation properties of q-Baskakov operators.
In approximation theory the Durrmeyer type integral modification of certain discrete operators is also an active area of research.Cai[8]investigated the convergence of modification of Durrmeyer type q-Baskakov operators.Gupta and collaborators(see[9-13],etc.)introducedseveralimportant q analoguesofdifferent Durrmeyertypeoperatorsand established interesting approximation results.In[14],Gupta observed that the Baskakov operators by taking weight functions of Beta basis function give better approximatin results.Wang[15]also estimated asymptotic formula for Baskakov Beta operators in generalized form.
The aim of this paper is to study the approximation properties of cerntain generalization of Baskakov Beta operators,based on q-integer.We first recall some concept ofq-calculus,which can be found in[16].In what follows,q is a real number satisfying 0<q<1.
For k∈N,the q integer and q factorial are given by
The q-binomial coefficients are defined as
The q-Pochhammer symbol is defined as
The q-Jackson integrals and the q-improper integrals are defined as(see[17,18])
and provided the sum converge absolutely.
The q-Gamma integral(see[19])is defined by
Also Γq(t+1)=[t]qΓq(t),Γq(1)=1.
The q-Beta integral(see[19])is defined by
whereIt was observed in that K(x,t)is a q-constant,i.e.,K(qx,t)=K(x,t).In particular for any positive integer n,one has
The q-derivative Dqis given by
Recently,Aral and Gupta[21]introduced a different q-generalization of the classical Baskakov operators.For f∈C[0,∞),q>0 and each positive integer n,the operators introduced in[21]are defined as
We denote by CB[0,∞)the space of all real valued continuous bounded funtion f defined on[0,∞),endowed with the norm
For every n∈N,f(x)∈CB[0,∞),the certain q-Baskakov Beta operators D∗n,q(f,x)are defined as
where x∈[0,∞),and
The above q-analogues of Baskakov Beta operators are defined on q∈(0,1).And these operators are linear and reproduce only the constant functions.The present paper is organized as follows:in the first section,we present the basic notations and the definitions of q analogues of Baskakov Beta operators.In the second section,we give the moment estimates and establish the recurrence relation for the moments of the operators by the q-derivatives.In Section three we give the basic convergence theorem and Voronovskaja type theorem.Section four and five,we study the local approximation and the rate of convergence of the operators.And we also estimate the weighted approximation properties.
Using(1.1),(1.4),(1.5)and Lemma 2.1,we may write
From Lemma 2.1,we get
we have
Again using Lemma 2.1,we obtain
Thus,we complete the proof.
Remark 2.1.Let n>2 be a given number.For every 0<q<1,from Lemma 2.1 we have
Proposition 2.1(see[7]).For n,k≥0,we have
Remark 2.2.For n,k∈N,from Proposition 2.1,we have
Proposition 2.2.If we define the mth order(m∈N)moment as
Then,for n>m+2 the following recurrence relation holds
Since[k]q=[k-1]q+qk-1,we obtain
Let us consider
Again using Remark 2.2(iii),we get
Using the q-intergal by parts
Finally,we have
This completes the proof of the recurrence relation.
Lemma 2.3.For all f∈CB[0,∞),n=1,2,···,and q∈(0,1),we have
Proof.For x∈[0,∞),we get
which completes the proof.
Theorem 3.1.Let qn∈(0,1).Then the sequence{D∗n,qn(f)}converges to f uniformly on[0,A],A>0 for each f∈CB[0,∞)if and only if limn→∞qn=1.
Theorem 3.2(Voronovskaja type theorem).Assume that qn∈(0,1),qn→1 and qnn→a as n→∞.For any f∈CB[0,∞),if f′,f′exists on[0,∞),the following equality holds
uniformly on any[0,A],A>0.
Proof.Let x∈[0,∞)be arbitrary but fixed.From the Taylor's theorem,we may write
In view of Remark 2.1,we have
uniformly in x∈[0,A].
uniformly in x∈[0,A],when n→∞.By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality,we have
We observe that r2(x,x)=0 and r2(·,x)=0∈CB[0,∞).Then it follows from Theorem 3.1 that
uniformly in x∈[0,A].Now from(3.3),(3.4)we getNow combining(3.1)-(3.5),we get the required result.
Let δ>0 and W2∞={g∈CB[0,∞):g′,g′∈CB[0,∞)}.For f∈CB[0,∞),we consider the following K-function:
By seeing[22],there exist an absolute constant C>0 such that
is the second order modulus of continuity.The usual modulus of continuity for f∈CB[0,∞)is given by
Theorem 3.3.Let f∈CB[0,∞)and q∈(0,1),then for every x∈[0,∞),there exists an absolute constant C>0,such that
Proof.we define
From Lemma 2.1,we obtain
Let g∈W2∞,using Taylor's formula,we have
We get
Which implies that
In view of(3.9),we obtain
From Lemma 2.3,we get
Using(3.11),(3.12)in(3.9),we obtain
Taking the infimum on the right hand side over all g∈W2∞and applying(3.6)we get
Using(3.7),we have
This completes the proof.
The usual modulus of continuity of f on the closed interval[0,a],a>0 is
we know that for a function f∈Cx2[0,∞),the modulus of continuity ωa(f,δ))tends to zero.
Now we give a rate of convergence theorem for the operators D∗n,q.
Theorem 4.1.Let q∈(0,1)and ωa+1(f,δ))be its modulus of continuity on the finite interval[0,a+1]⊂[0,∞),where a>0,then for every f∈Cx2[0,∞),we have
Proof.For x∈[0,a]and t>a+1,since t-x>1,we have
For x∈[0,a]and t≤a+1,we get
with δ>0.
From(4.1)and(4.2),we can write
for x∈[0,a]and t>0.Hence,by Schwarz's inequality we have
Using Remark 2.1,for every q∈(0,1)and x∈[0,a],we obtain
By taking
we get the assertion of our theorem.
We shall discuss the weighted approximation theorems in this section,and we assume that{qn}is a sequence such that qn∈(0,1)and qn→1 as n→∞.
Proof.Using the Korovkin's theorem in[23],it is sufficient to verify the following three conditions
the first condition of(5.1)is fulfilled for m=0.
By Lemma 2.2,we have for n>1
and the second condition of(5.1)holds for m=1 as n→∞.
Again using Lemma 2.2,we can write for n>2
which implies that
Thus the proof is completed.
Next we give the theorem to approximation all function in Cx2[0,∞)in the following.This type of result for locally integrable functions is discussed in[24].
Theorem 5.2.For each f∈Cx2[0,∞)and α>0,we have
Proof.Let x0∈[0,∞)be arbitrary but fixed,we have
we get
Let ε>0 be arbitrary,we choose x0to be so large that
In view of Theorem 3.1,we obtain
Now using Theorem 4.1,the first term of the inequality(5.2)implies that
Combining(5.3)-(5.5),we get the desired result.
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the referees for many helpful comments on this paper.
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.Email addresses:Rrui,,
22 March 2016;Accepted(in revised version)7 June 2016
Analysis in Theory and Applications2016年2期