Hongbin Wangand Yihong Wu
1School of Science,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo,Shandong 255049,China
2Department of Recruitment and Employment,Zibo Normal College,Zibo,Shandong 255130,China
Commutators ofLittlewood-PaleyOperatorsonHerz Spaces with Variable Exponent
Hongbin Wang1,∗and Yihong Wu2
1School of Science,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo,Shandong 255049,China
2Department of Recruitment and Employment,Zibo Normal College,Zibo,Shandong 255130,China
.Let Ω∈L2(Sn-1)be homogeneous function of degree zero and b be BMO functions.In this paper,we obtain some boundedness of the Littlewood-Paley Operators and their higher-order commutators on Herz spaces with variable exponent.
Herz space,variable exponent,commutator,area integral,Littlewood-Paley gλ∗function.
AMS Subject Classifications:42B25,42B35,46E30
The theory of function spaces with variable exponent has extensively studied by researchers since the work of Kov´aˇcik and R´akosn´ık[7]appeared in 1991.In[9]and[10],the authors proved the boundedness of some Littlewood-Paley operators on variable Lpspaces,respectively.
Given anopenset E⊂Rn,and ameasurable function p(·):E-→[1,∞),Lp(·)(E)denotes the set of measurable functions f on E such that for some λ>0,
This set becomes a Banach function space when equipped with the Luxemburg-Nakano norm
Define P0(E)to be set of p(·):E-→(0,∞)such that
Define P(E)to be set of p(·):E-→[1,∞)such that
Denote p′(x)=p(x)/(p(x)-1).
where Br(x)={y∈Rn:|x-y|<r}.Let B(Rn)be the set of p(·)∈P(Rn)such that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator M is bounded on Lp(·)(Rn).In addition,we denote the Lebesgue measure and the characteristic function of a measurable set A⊂Rnby|A| and χArespectively.The notation f≈g means that there exist constants C1,C2>0 such that C1g≤f≤C2g.
In variable Lpspaces there are some important lemmas as follows.
Lemma 1.1.If p(·)∈P(Rn)and satisfies
then p(·)∈B(Rn),that is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator M is bounded on Lp(·)(Rn).
Lemma 1.2(see[7]).Let p(·)∈P(Rn).If f∈Lp(·)(Rn)and g∈Lp′(·)(Rn),then fg is integrable on Rnand
This inequality is named the generalized H¨older inequality with respect to the variable Lpspaces.
Lemma 1.3(see[5]).Let q(·)∈B(Rn).Then there exists a positive constant C such that for all balls B in Rnand all measurable subsets S⊂B,
where δ1,δ2are constants with 0<δ1,δ2<1.
Throughout this paper δ1,δ2is the same as in Lemma 1.3.
Lemma 1.4(see[5]).Suppose q(·)∈B(Rn).Then there exists a constant C>0 such that for all balls B in Rn,
Next we recall the definition of the Herz-type spaces with variable exponent.Let Bk={x∈Rn:|x|≤2k}and Ak=BkBk-1for k∈Z.Denote Z+and N as the sets of all positive and non-negative integers,χk=χAkfor k∈Z,˜χk=χkif k∈Z+and˜χ0=χB0.
Supposethat Sn-1is the unit sphereof Rn(n≥2)equipped with normalized Lebesgue measure.Let Ω∈L1(Rn),be homogeneous function of degree zero and
Motivated by[8,9],we will study the boundedness for the Littlewood-Paley operators and their commutators on the Herz space with variable exponent,where Ω∈L2(Sn-1).
A nonnegative locally integrable function ω on Rnis said to belong to Ap(1<p<∞),if there is a constant C>0 such that
where p′=p/(p-1),Q denotes a cube in Rnwith its sides parallel to the coordinate axes and|Q|denotes the Lebesgue measure of Q.
Lemma2.1(see[3]).Suppose that Ω∈Ls(Sn-1)(s>1)satisfying(1.3).Ifω∈Ap/β,max{s′,2}= β<p<∞,then there is a constant C,independent of f,such that
Now we give the main theorem in this section.
we have
Now we estimate I1.By the Minkowski inequality we have
Note that z∈Ajand|y-z|<t.So we know that|y-z|~|y|,then for Ω∈L2(Sn-1)we have
For λ>2,we take 0<θ<(λ-2)n.Since|x-z|≤|x-y|+|y-z|≤|x-y|+t,by(2.4)we have
Similarly,noting that|y-z|~|y|,by(2.4)we have
Note that x∈Ak,z∈Ajand j≤k-2.By(2.5),(2.6)and the generalized H¨older inequality we have
By Lemma 1.3 and Lemma 1.4,we have
Thus we obtain
If 1<p<∞,take 1/p+1/p′=1.Since nδ2-α>0,by the H¨older inequality we have
If 0<p≤1,then we have
Let us now estimate I3.Note that x∈Ak,y∈Ajand j≥k+2,so we have|y-z|~|y|. By(2.3)-(2.6)and the generalized H¨older inequality we have
By Lemma 1.3 and Lemma 1.4,we have
Thus we obtain
If 1<p<∞,take 1/p+1/p′=1.Since nδ1+α>0,by the H¨older inequality we have
If 0<p≤1,then we have
Therefore,by(2.1),(2.2),(2.8),(2.9),(2.11)and(2.12),we complete the proof of Theorem 2.1.
Let us first recall that the space BMO(Rn)consists of all locally integrable functions f such that
where fQ=|Q|-1RQf(y)dy,the supremum is taken over all cubes Q⊂Rnwith sides parallel to the coordinate axes and|Q|denotes the Lebesgue measure of Q.
Let b∈BMO(Rn).The weighted(Lp,Lp)boundedness of[b,µΩ]have been proved by Ding,Lu and Yabuta[4].
Lemma 3.1(see[4]).Suppose that Ω∈Ls(Sn-1)(s>1)satisfying(1.3).For an integer m≥1,if b∈BMO(Rn)and ω∈Ap/β,max{s′,2}=β<p<∞,then there is a constant C,independent of f,such thatZ
By Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 2.2,it is easy to get the(Lp(·)(Rn),Lp(·)(Rn))-boundedness of the commutators[bm,µΩ,S]and[bm,µ∗Ω,λ].
Next,we will give the corresponding result about the commutator[b,µΩ]on Herztype Hardy spaces with variable exponent.
In the proof of Theorem 3.1,we also need the following lemma.
Lemma 3.2(see[6]).Let p(·)∈B(Rn),m be a positive integer and B be a ball in Rn.Then we have that for all b∈BMO(Rn)and all j,i∈Z with j>i,
where Bi={x∈Rn:|x|≤2i}and Bj={x∈Rn:|x|≤2j}.
Then we have
Now we estimate J1.By the Minkowski inequality we have
Note that x∈Ak,z∈Ajand j≤k-2.By(2.5),(2.6)and the generalized H¨older inequality we have
By Lemma 1.3,Lemma 1.4 and Lemma 3.2 we have
Thus we obtain
If 1<p<∞,take 1/p+1/p′=1.Since nδ2-α>0,by the H¨older inequality we have
If 0<p≤1,then we have
Let us now estimate J3.Note that x∈Ak,y∈Ajand j≥k+2,so we have|y-z|~|y|.
Similar to(3.4),we get
By Lemma 1.3,Lemma 1.4 and Lemma 3.2,we have
Thus we obtain
If 1<p<∞,take 1/p+1/p′=1.Since nδ1+α>0,by the H¨older inequality we have
If 0<p≤1,then we have
Therefore,by(3.1),(3.2),(3.5),(3.6),(3.8),(3.9),we complete the proof of Theorem 3.1.
Since[bm,µΩ,S](f)(x)≤Cλ[bm,µ∗Ω,λ](f)(x),we easily obtain the following theorem.
The authors are very grateful to the referees for their valuable comments.
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.Email addresses:wanghb@sdut.edu.cn(H.Wang),wfapple123456@163.com(Y.Wu)
11 December 2015;Accepted(in revised version)11 April 2016
Analysis in Theory and Applications2016年2期