Abdullah Mirand G.N.Parrey
1Department of Mathematics,University of Kashmir,Srinagar,190006,India
2Department of Mathematics,Islamia College of Science and Commerce,Srinagar,190002,India
On Growth of Polynomials with Restricted Zeros
Abdullah Mir∗and G.N.Parrey
1Department of Mathematics,University of Kashmir,Srinagar,190006,India
2Department of Mathematics,Islamia College of Science and Commerce,Srinagar,190002,India
.Let P(z)be a polynomial of degree n which does not vanish in|z|<k,k≥1. It is known that for each 0≤s<n and 1≤R≤k,In this paper,we obtain certain extensions and refinements of this inequality by involving binomial coefficients and some of the coefficients of the polynomial P(z).
Polynomial,maximum modulus princple,zeros.
AMS Subject Classifications:30A10,30C10,30C15
Let Pnbe the class of polynomials
of degree n,z being a complex variable and P(s)(z)be its sthderivative.For P∈Pn,let M(P,R)=max|z|=R|P(z)|.It is well known that
The inequality(1.1)is a famous result of S.Bernstein(for reference,see[9])whereas the inequality(1.2)is a simple consequence of Maximum Modulus Principle(see[8]).It was shown by Ankeny and Rivlin[1]that if P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<1,then(1.2)can be replaced by
Recently,Jain[5]obtained a generalization of(1.3)by considering polynomials with no zeros in|z|<k,k≥1 and simultaneously have taken into consideration the sthderivative of the polynomial,(0≤s<n),instead of the polynomial itself.More precisely,he proved the following result.
Theorem 1.1.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k≥1,then for 0≤s<n,
Equality holds in(1.4)(with k=1 and s=0)for P(z)=zn+1 and equality holds in(1.5)(with s=1)for P(z)=(z+k)n.
In this paper,we obtain certain extensions and refinements of the inequality(1.5)of the above theorem by involving binomial coefficients and some of the coefficients of polynomial P(z).More precisely,we prove
Theorem 1.2.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then for 0≤s<n and 0<r≤R≤k,we have
The result is best possible(with s=1)and equality in(1.6)holds for P(z)=(z+k)n.
Remark 1.1.Since if P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then by Lemma 2.5(stated in Section 2),we have for 0≤s<n,
which can also be taken as equivalent to
Since R≤k,if we take t=R in(1.8),we get
where γ=ka1/na0,has absolute value≤1,according to inequality(2.4)of Lemma 2.5.
Now as
is an increasing function of|γ|in[0,1],hence
Combining(1.9)and(1.10),the following result immediately follows from Theorem 1.2. Corollary 1.1.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then for 0≤s<n and 0<r≤R≤k,we have
The result is best possible(with s=1)and equality in(1.11)holds for P(z)=(z+k)n. Remark 1.2.For r=1,Corollary 1.1 reduces to inequality(1.5).
Next we prove the following theorem which gives an improvement of Corollary 1.1(for 1≤s<n),which in turn as a special case provides an improvement and extension of the inequality(1.5).In fact,we prove
Theorem 1.3.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then for 1≤s<n and 0<r≤R≤k,we have
The result is best possible(with s=1)and equality in(1.12)holds for P(z)=(z+k)n. Remark 1.3.Since P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,therefore,for every λ with|λ|<1,it follows by Rouche's theorem that the polynomial P(z)-λm,has no zeros in|z|<k,k>0 and hence applying inequality(2.4)of Lemma 2.5(stated in Section 2),we get
If in(1.13),we choose the argument of λ suitably and note|a0|>m,from Lemma 2.3,we get
If we let|λ|→1 in(1.14),we get
which further implies by using the same arguments as in Remark 1.1,that
Now,using(1.15)and(1.16)in(1.12),the following improvement of Corollary 1.1(for 1≤s<n)and hence of inequality(1.5)immediately follows from Theorem 1.3.
Corollary 1.2.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then for 1≤s<n and 0<r≤R≤k,we have
where m=min|z|=k|P(z)|.
The result is best possible(with s=1)and equality in(1.17)holds for P(z)=(z+k)n. Remark 1.4.The inequalities(1.11)and(1.17)were also recently proved by Mir(see[7]).
For the proof of these theorems,we need the following lemmas.
The first lemma is due to Aziz and Rather[2].
Lemma 2.1.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k≥1,then for 1≤s<n,we have
where c(n,j)are the binomial coefficients defined by
From Lemma 2.1,we easily get
Lemma 2.2.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k≥1,then for 0≤s<n,we have
Lemma 2.3.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then|P(z)|>m for|z|<k,and in particular
where m=min|z|=k|P(z)|.
The above lemma is due to Gardner,Govil and Musukula[4].
Lemma 2.4.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k≥1,then for 1≤s<n we have
where m=min|z|=k|P(z)|.
The above lemma is due to Mir[7].
Lemma 2.5.If P∈Pnand P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,then for 0≤s<n,we have
in|z|<k,k>0.Let z1,z2,···,znbe the zeros of P(z),then|zν|≥k;1≤ν≤n,and we have
where ω(n,s)is the sum of all possible products of z1,z2,···,zntaken s at a time.From(2.5c)and(2.5d),we get
which completes the proof of Lemma 2.5.
Lemma 2.6.If
is a polynomial of degree n having no zeros in|z|<k,k>0,then for 0<r≤R≤k,we have
The above result is due to Jain[6].
Lemma 2.7.If
is a polynomial of degree n having no zeros in|z|<k,k>0,then for 0<r≤R≤k,we have
where m=min|z|=k|P(z)|.
The above lemma is due to Chanam and Dewan[3].
Proof of Theorem 1.2.Since P(z)/=0 in|z|<k,k>0,the polynomial P(Rz)has no zero in |z|<k/R,k/R≥1.Hence using Lemma 2.2,we have for 0≤s<n,
which gives
Now,if 0<r≤R≤k,then by Lemma 2.6,we obtain forµ=1,
Combining(3.1)and(3.2),we obtain
which proves Theorem 1.2.
Proof of Theorem 1.3.Since P(z)has no zero in|z|<k,k>0,the polynomial P(Rz)has no zero in|z|<k/R,k/R≥1.Hence using Lemma 2.4,we have for 1≤s<n,
where m′=min|z|=kR|P(Rz)|=min|z|=k|P(z)|=m.This gives
The above inequality when combined with Lemma 2.7(forµ=1)gives inequality(1.12)and this completes the proof of Theorem 1.3.
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.Email address:mabdullah mir@yahoo.co.in(A.Mir)
14 November 2015;Accepted(in revised version)6 May 2016
Analysis in Theory and Applications2016年2期