陈 辰, 李 琪, 孔令锋, 于 红
(中国海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266003)
陈辰, 李琪❋❋, 孔令锋, 于红
(中国海洋大学海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266003)
引用格式:陈辰, 李琪, 孔令锋, 等. 多元PCR技术在毛蚶家系鉴定中的应用[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(8): 18-23.
CHEN Chen, LI Qi, KONG Ling-Feng, et al. Parentage analysis in the ark shell (Scapharcakagoshimensis) based on microsatellite multiplex PCRs[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(8): 18-23.
1.1 材料
1.2 DNA提取与微卫星分析
亲本DNA提取使用优化苯酚-氯仿法[21];幼虫DNA提取方法参照Li等[17],使用Chelex树脂方法。选择前期开发的4组微卫星多元PCR体系[20],位点的序列信息见表1。PCR反应体系为10μL,每个反应体系中包括:50~100ng/μL的DNA模板,0.4 U DNA聚合酶,1×PCR Buffer(Mg2+Free),dNTP混合物200mmol/L,MgCl21.5mmol/L,正反向引物各1μL(2~5μmol/L)。为保证多元PCR的扩增效率,在反应体系中加入了强化组分,成分包括30%(w/v)PEG6000,2.5μg/μL BSA,5mol/L Betaine。PCR的反应程序为:94℃ 3min;94℃变性45s,54℃退火60s,72℃延伸75s,35~40个循环;72℃延伸10min,4℃保存。PCR扩增产物经95℃变性3min后,与变性剂等体积混合,使用6%聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离等位基因,使用弱碱法进行银染显色,选择10bp DNA Lad-der(Invitrogen)作为marker。
1.3 数据分析
使用χ2检验子代中位点的分离情况是否符合孟德尔遗传定律,子代表型期望分离比分别为1∶1,1∶2∶1和1∶1∶1∶1,差异显著性水平设定为0.01。使用CERVUS 3.0软件[22]计算各位点在5个家系中的等位基因数(NA),多态信息含量(PIC),以及位点的非排除能力(NE-1P,NE-2P,NE-PP)。使用FSTAT软件[23]计算每一位点在全部家系样本中的等位基因丰富度(AR),以校正样本数目差异产生的误差。混合5个单对交配家系135个子代的基因型数据,以检验多元PCR技术在家系鉴定中的效率。使用CERVUS 3.0软件进行家系的模拟鉴定以及实际鉴定计算,具体参数设置为:亲本数量10,模拟子代数10000,亲本检测率及位点检测率100%,分型误差率1%,置信水平95%。
2.1 微卫星位点的特征
表1 毛蚶4组微卫星多元PCR在5个全同胞家系中的特征
注: 上标a,b,c含义如下,a.单亲本的平均非排除率; b.已知单亲本基因型的平均非排除率; c.两亲本的平均非排除率。
Note: The meaning of superscript a,b,c are as follows. a. Average nonexclusion probability for one candidate parent. b. Average non-exclusion probability for one candidate parent given the genotype of a known parent of the opposite sex. c. Average non-exclusion probability for a candidate parent pair.
①Multiplex panel; ② Locus; ③GenBank accession number; ④Primer sequence (5'-3'); ⑤Size range
2.2 微卫星位点在子代中的分离模式
表2 10个微卫星标记在5个毛蚶全同胞家系中的分离
Note: X, Null allele; *, Genotypic ratios that are not in agreement with Mendelian segregation (P<0.01).
①Family; ②Multiplex panel; ③Locus; ④Dam; ⑤Sire; ⑥Offspring; ⑦Expected segregation ratio; ⑧Observed segregation ratio; ⑨Pvalue
2.3 多元PCR体系的家系鉴定成功率
在5个毛蚶单对交配家系中,4组微卫星多元PCR鉴定结果如图1所示。CERVUS 3.0软件分析结果显示,只使用1组多态性信息含量最高的多元PCR(Panel III),其家系模拟和实际的鉴定结果成功率分别为78%和72%。使用3组以上的多元PCR组合时,子代的亲本鉴定成功率可达100%。
(鉴定成功置信水平为95%。95% confidence interval.)
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Parentage Analysis in the Ark Shell (Scapharca kagoshimensis)Based on Microsatellite Multiplex PCRs
CHEN Chen, LI Qi, KONG Ling-Feng, YU Hong
(The Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)
Ark shell (Scapharcakagoshimensis) is a commercially important but dwindling natural resource bivalve species in the shallow coastal waters of the northwestern Pacific. In order to protect and exploit the resource of the species effectively, the inheritance mode of 10 microsatellite markers, which were pooled into 4 multiplex PCR panels, was investigated in newly hatchedS.kagoshimensislarvae from five full-sib families, and the feasibility of these markers for kinship estimation was also examined. The result showed that all of these loci were highly polymorphic. The average polymorphism information content was 0.809. The frequency of null alleles was estimated 9.5%. Two loci (Sk04, Sk05) showed deviation from Mendelian segregation in a family (F3) even though null alleles were considered. Parentage analysis showed that with the most informative multiplex set (Panel III), the simulated and real assignment success could be 78% and 72%, respectively, and 100% of the offspring were correctly allocated to their parents when three or more multiplex PCR panels were used. Our results showed that the four multiplex PCR panels of microsatellites are possible and can be used for rapid and highly efficient parentage assignment inS.kagoshimensis.
Scapharcakagoshimensis; microsatellite locus; multiplex PCR; parentage assignment
陈辰(1987-),男,博士生。E-mail: chenchen3729@163.com
Supported by the Grants from National Marine Public Welfare Research Program (201205023); Doctoral Program of Ministry of Education of China (20130132110009)