曹 建, 贾子才, 丛培旭, 陶素媛, 李兆杰, 徐 杰, 薛长湖
(中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266003)
曹建, 贾子才, 丛培旭, 陶素媛, 李兆杰, 徐杰❋❋, 薛长湖
(中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266003)
引用格式:曹建, 贾子才, 丛培旭, 等. 冰岛刺参和南非花刺参脑苷脂分子种的比较[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(9): 38-44.
CAO Jian, JIA Zi-Cai, CONG Pei-Xu, et al. Comparison of cerebroside molecular species from sea cucumbersCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatus[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(9): 38-44.
脑苷脂又称酰基鞘氨醇己糖苷,是存在于细胞膜中的内源性活性化合物,由神经酰胺(Cer)连接一分子己糖构成,神经酰胺通过C-1位上羟基与己糖通过β糖苷键连接而成,包括葡萄糖脑苷脂和半乳糖脑苷脂,属于神经鞘脂类[1]。神经酰胺是由长链脂肪酸中的羧基与神经鞘氨醇(又称长链碱(Long-chain base,LCB))的氨基经脱水以酰胺键相连形成的一类酰胺类化合物[2]。神经鞘氨醇是最简单的鞘脂[3],根据神经鞘氨醇的不同,脑苷脂可以分为鞘氨醇型脑苷脂(d型)和植物鞘氨醇型脑苷脂(t型)。鞘氨醇羟基位于C-1和C-3位上,氨基位于C-2位上。植物鞘氨醇羟基位于C-1、C-3和C-4位上,氨基位于C-2位上。不同结构的神经酰胺和长链碱在体内的吸收和代谢不完全相同,Sugawara等[1]研究发现小肠上皮细胞内的一种转运机制使得植物鞘氨醇的吸收利用率远低于鞘氨醇。
1.1 仪器、试剂与材料
1290 Infinity Series液相色谱仪,G6540 Q-TOF质谱仪(美国Agilent公司);AB 135-S分析天平(梅特勒-托利多集团);T10 basic分散机(德国IKA公司);DTU-1C氮吹仪(日本TAITEC公司);Milli-QA超纯水系统(美国Millipore公司)。
甲醇(色谱纯,德国Merck公司),乙酸铵,乙酸(色谱纯,美国Sigma公司);其它试剂均为国产分析纯;SGF254薄层色谱硅胶预制板(烟台市化学工业研究所);柱层析硅胶(试剂级,300~400目,青岛海洋化工厂);Supelclean ENVI-18固相萃取柱(3mL,美国Supelco公司);0.22μm有机滤膜(美国Agela公司生产)。
1.2 样品制备
冰岛刺参和南非花刺参各取6只干品粉碎为干粉(100~200目),混合均匀后各称取0.1g(每种海参样品平行3份)。加入氯仿∶甲醇(2∶1,V/V)5mL振摇5min,超声浸提30min,过滤,反复浸提5遍。滤液用氮气浓缩至干。加入100μL的4mol/L氢氧化钾溶液以及1.0mL甲醇,置于37 ℃水浴中皂化1h,再分散于0.8mL水中,用2mL氯仿萃取5遍,有机相用氮气浓缩至干,得到冰岛刺参和南非花刺参脑苷脂粗提物。再通过Supelclean ENVI-18 SPE正相硅胶柱(3mL)净化,以氯仿/甲醇溶液梯度洗脱(100∶0~90∶10,V/V),分部收集洗脱液,采用TLC法初步检测收集物的组成及脑苷脂纯度,合并脑苷脂组分,氮吹后,以500μL甲醇溶解,待LC-Q-TOF分析。
1.3 LC-Q-TOF操作条件
1.3.1 液相色谱条件采用Agilent Plus C18色谱柱(100mm×2.1mm,3.5μm);流速0.2mL/min;95%甲醇-水溶液(含5mmol/L乙酸铵和0.05%乙酸)等度洗脱;柱温30℃;进样体积5μL。
1.3.2 质谱条件电喷雾离子源(ESI);正离子扫描模式;干燥气(N2)流速5L/min,温度280℃;毛细管电压3.5kV;喷雾气压2.1×105Pa;鞘气(N2)流速11L/min,温度280℃;喷嘴电压500V;裂解电压135V。一级质谱采集范围m/z700~900,扫描速率100ms;自动二级质谱采集范围m/z100~900,扫描速率100ms;每个循环最大分析母离子数为5,离子计数阈值为2 000,碰撞能25eV。
2.1 LC-Q-TOF法分析冰岛刺参脑苷脂分子种结果
图2为d17∶1-C24∶1的二级质谱图,可发现LCB(m/z250.252 6)离子碎片,并有脂肪酸(FA)子离子碎片(m/z366.368 4),据此可推测出长链碱为d17∶1,其脂肪酸链为C24∶1。高分辨质谱测得[M+H]+峰的精确质量数为796.661 8,偏差为-5.9×10-6,长链碱偏差为-4.12×10-6,可计算出其分子式为C47H89NO8,验证其结构为d17∶1-C24∶1。另外,将其一级离子提取色谱图的离子峰以及脱水峰的积分面积进行加和,采用面积归一化法,得到该结构脑苷脂的相对含量。同理,可分析出冰岛刺参脑苷脂的其他分子种和南非花刺参脑苷脂分子种及相对含量。
(a.冰岛刺参脑苷脂 Cerebrosides fromCucumariafrondosa; b.南非花刺参脑苷脂Cerebrosides fromStichopusvariegatus)
Fig.1Total ion chromatogram (TIC) and precursor neutral loss chromatogram (pNLC) of cerebrosides
2.2 冰岛刺参和南非花刺参脑苷脂分子种分析比较
(FA:脂肪酸Fatty acids;LCB:长链碱Long-chain base;Cer:神经酰胺Ceramide)
Note: ①Relative content; ②Cucumariafrondosa; ③Stichopusvariegatus
(a.不同种类长链碱的相对含量; b.植物鞘氨醇长链碱与鞘氨醇长链碱相对含量比例。a.The percent of different species of LCB; b.The ratio of phytosphingosine and sphingosine.)
Fig.3The percent of LCB from sea cucumberCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatus
(a.不同碳数脂肪酸的相对含量;b.非羟基脂肪酸与2-羟基脂肪酸的相对含量比例;c.饱和脂肪酸与单不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量比例。a.Relative contents of different carbon numbers of fatty acids; b.Relative contents of non-hydroxyl fatty acids and 2-hydroxyl fatty acids; c.Relative contents of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids. NFA:非羟基脂肪酸Non-hydroxyl fatty acids;HFA:2-羟基脂肪酸2-hydroxyl fatty acids;SFA:饱和脂肪酸Saturated fatty acids;MUFA:单不饱和脂肪酸Monounsaturated fatty acids.)
Fig.4Relative contents of different species of fatty acids in cerebrosides from sea cucumberCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatus
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Comparison of Cerebroside Molecular Species from Sea CucumbersCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatus
CAO Jian, JIA Zi-Cai, CONG Pei-Xu, TAO Su-Yuan, LI Zhao-Jie, XU Jie, XUE Chang-Hu
(College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)
To compare cerebroside molecular species from sea cucumbersCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatus, liquid chromatography—quadrupole-time-of-flight (LC-Q-TOF) mass spectrometry was used. The cerebrosides from sea cucumbers were extracted with chloroform-methanol (2∶1, V/V) solution, saponified, and purified by a SPE cartridge. In positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode, the mass spectra of precursor ion scan and product ion scan were obtained simultaneously through the automatic MS/MS mode. Cerebroside molecules were separated and identified on the basis of both mass and hydrophobicity. According to total ion chromatogram (TIC) and neutral loss chromatogram (NLC) of 180 Da, the shapes of TLC and NLC were nearly the same. Cerebroside molecular species were screened by identifying overlapping peaks with signal to noise ratio (S/N) > 10. Fifty-six cerebroside molecular species fromCucumariafrondosaand 109 cerebroside molecular species fromStichopusvariegatuswere identified rapidly. After comparison, more than 15 long-chain bases (LCB) of cerebrosides were found inStichopusvariegatusthan inCucumariafrondosa(11 LCB). The percentage of the total sphingosines of cerebrosides inCucumariafrondosaandStichopusvariegatuswas 91.84% and 85.97%, respectively. For fatty acids, the carbon number varied between 17 and 25. The 24 carbon fatty acids were predominant. The relative ratio of saturated fatty acids to monounsaturated fatty acids of cerebrosides fromCucumariafrondosawas about 2∶3, and the percentage of 2-hydroxy fatty acids was about 33.50%. The relative ratio of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids fromStichopusvariegatuswas about 2∶1, and the percentage of 2-hydroxy fatty acids was about 76.73%. Major fatty acids composition of cerebroside molecular species fromStichopusvariegatuswas similar to that fromCucuma-riafrondosa; however they were highly hydroxylated, which regulate mammalian cell function significantly. This study indicated that cerebrosides fromStichopusvariegatusmight have a better perspective than those fromCucumariafrondosain inhibiting tumor cell growth and preventing cancer. In addition, the study provided a basis for the evaluation of bioactivity and nutrition of cerebrosides from different sea cucumbers.
cerebroside; liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry;Cucumariafrondosa;Stichopusvariegatus; molecular species
曹建(1990-),男,硕士生。E-mail: caozijian1106@163.com
❋❋通讯作者:E-mail: xujie9@ouc.edu.cn
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31201329)