(1 渭南职业技术学院 农学院,陕西渭南 714021;2 陕西师范大学 生命科学学院,西安 710119; 3 榆林学院 生命科学学院,陕西榆林 719000)
(1 渭南职业技术学院 农学院,陕西渭南 714021;2 陕西师范大学 生命科学学院,西安 710119; 3 榆林学院 生命科学学院,陕西榆林 719000)
鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron)是木兰科(Magnoliaceae)中比较特化的类群[2-6]。该属现仅存鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense(Hemsl.) Sarg.)和北美鹅掌楸(LiriodendrontulipiferaLinn.)2个种。鹅掌楸现主要分布于中国,延伸至越南边境,而北美鹅掌楸则主要分布于美国东部[7-8],它们被认为是分化相当好的2个种,在属内形成1对典型的东亚-北美间断分布的对应种[8-9]。由于该属树种是研究群体遗传结构、杂交和杂种优势、植物系统与进化、植物地理学等领域的理想材料,因此,国内外众多学者对其进行了大量的研究[10-16],其中也有一些木质部的研究[17-22],但这些研究中,木质部的研究都是利用光学显微镜进行观察的,缺乏扫描电子显微镜(SEM,以下简称扫描电镜)下对木质部尤其是对导管及其穿孔板进行的详细系统的研究。扫描电镜的应用对于导管的研究具有重要意义,如草珊瑚、水青树、昆栏树等无导管类群中导管分子的发现[23-27]、纹孔膜残留的发现[28]、蕨类植物导管的发现[29]等。因此,本文利用扫描电镜对鹅掌楸属仅存2个自然种的次生木质部导管穿孔板的特征进行详细观察,并对其导管穿孔板进行比较,以期为该属的研究提供更为详尽的系统学资料,也为木材的鉴定提供解剖学依据。
1.1 材 料
实验材料选取3年生以上枝。鹅掌楸取自陕西镇坪野生种(凭证标本:赵亮090504,SANU);北美鹅掌楸材料取自加拿大的Nova Scotia, Saint Mary’s University(凭证标本:任毅AUS001,SANU)。凭证标本存放于陕西师范大学生命科学学院植物标本室(SANU)。
1.2 方 法
1.2.1 离析材料处理 将材料以FAA固定,切成1cm长火柴棍粗细的细条,用Jeffrey 离析液(10%铬酸∶10%硝酸= 1∶1),在40 ℃下离析约48 h,离析后用清水冲洗备用。
1.2.2 观察方法 离析材料铺于载玻片,自然干燥,喷金镀膜后在Hitachi S-570扫描电子显微镜(SEM)下观察。
2.1 鹅掌楸
侧壁上可以看到网状穿孔板的存在(图版 Ⅰ,3、4)。
2.2 北美鹅掌楸
北美鹅掌楸导管侧壁同样无螺纹加厚(图版 Ⅲ,1~3),穿孔板也以典型的梯状为主,同时也观察到拟梯状、网状-梯状混合的穿孔板、单穿孔板等多种类型的穿孔板。
横隔粗细均匀的梯状穿孔板多数较短,横隔很细且数目较少(图版Ⅲ,1~5、7),横隔中有的细如丝(图版Ⅲ,1~4),有的稍粗(图版Ⅲ,5、7);横隔间穿孔较大(图版Ⅲ,1~5、8~12)。具1个横隔的穿孔板比较多(图版Ⅲ,1上、下,11,13左);穿孔板具短喙(图版Ⅲ,1上,9)或不具喙(图版Ⅲ,1下,4、5),也会有较长的喙部(图版Ⅲ,11、12、17)。横隔较粗的梯状穿孔板较长,横隔数量较多,横隔间穿孔较小(图版Ⅲ,6、7、13;图版 Ⅳ,3),同一穿孔板上穿孔大小也有差异。
此外,在梯状穿孔板类型中,有的在同一穿孔板上横隔粗细差异很大(图版Ⅲ,14),同时,有的穿孔板中2列梯状与横隔较细的梯状共同存在(图版 Ⅳ,2)。
网-梯混合的梯状穿孔板类型中,横隔较细的梯状穿孔板与网状同时出现在同一穿孔板上(图版Ⅲ,16;图版 Ⅳ,1)。网状横隔一般较粗,穿孔较小,与梯状部分差异明显。
梯状穿孔板中有些穿孔呈2列分布(图版Ⅳ,4),横隔的粗细各有不同。麻黄式穿孔板存在,其上穿孔只是形成小孔,甚至分成3列分布,且较长(图版Ⅲ,15;图版 Ⅳ,6)。
北美鹅掌楸中观察到了单穿孔板,具喙(图版 Ⅳ,9~10)或不具喙(图版Ⅳ,11)。在单穿孔带喙的穿孔板中,也观察到了喙上具很小的穿孔(图版Ⅳ,11)。
3.1 鹅掌楸与北美鹅掌楸穿孔板的特征及比较
表1 鹅掌楸属穿孔板的比较
3.2 鹅掌楸与北美鹅掌楸的系统关系
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图版Ⅰ 鹅掌楸的导管及穿孔板形态1. 2个导管分子的整体观,梯状穿孔板,箭头示侧壁无螺旋加厚;2. 1个导管分子整体观,箭头示侧壁无螺旋加厚;3. 示网状侧壁;4. 侧壁穿孔;5. 梯状穿孔板,具较长的喙(箭头所示);6. 具2个横隔的梯状穿孔板;7. 具3个横隔的梯状穿孔板,具短喙;8、9. 横隔为3的梯状穿孔板,不具喙;10. 梯状穿孔板,横隔为4,上面1个横隔较粗;11. 横隔为4,其下具穿孔;12. 横隔为5的穿孔板,箭头示横隔分叉;13. 横隔为4的梯状穿孔板,具喙;14. 梯状穿孔板,具较长的喙;15. 梯状穿孔板,横隔为6;16. 箭头示倾斜角度小,接近平截的穿孔板,其上有横隔的联合;17. 仅具1个横隔的穿孔板PlateⅠ Vessel elements and the perforation plates in secondary xylem of L. chinense under SEM.Fig.1. Two whole vessel elements with scalariform perforation plates, and arrow shows no spirally thicken on the lateral wall. Fig.2. A whole vessel element, arrow shows no spirally thicken on the lateral wall. Fig.3. The perforation plate with reticulate on lateral wall. Fig.4. Perforations in the lateral wall. Fig.5. The scalariform perforation plate with long tip (arrow). Fig.6. The scalariform perforation plate with two bars. Fig.7. The scalariform perforation plate with three bars and short tip. Fig.8-9. The scalariform perforation plate, no tips. Fig.10. The scalariform perforation plate with four bars, the first bar is wider than others. Fig.11. The scalariform perforation plate with four bars, with perforation under it. Fig.12. The scalariform perforation plate with five bars, arrow shows the forked bar. Fig.13. The scalariform perforation plate with four bars and tip. Fig.14. The scalariform perforation plate with longer tip. Fig.15. The scalariform perforation plate with six bars. Fig.16. Less obliquity perforation plate with forked bars. Fig.17. The scalariform perforation plate with one bar
图版 Ⅱ 鹅掌楸的穿孔板形态1. 示梯状穿孔板具长喙 (箭头);2~5. 网梯混合的穿孔板;6. 网状穿孔板;7. 梯状穿孔板,横隔为8,横隔较粗,8. 在一个大的穿孔中央出现一长截与侧壁相同的壁(箭头所示)。Plate Ⅱ Perforation plates in secondary xylem of L. chinense under SEMFig.1. The scalariform perforation plate with long tip. Fig.2-5. Reticulate- scalariform perforation plates. Fig.6. Reticulate perforation plate. Fig.7. The scalariform perforation plate with 8 bars, bars are a little wide. Fig.8. A perforation with wall as well as lateral wall in the middle.
图版 Ⅲ 北美鹅掌楸导管及其穿孔板形态 1. 2个导管分子,梯状穿孔板(上、下),仅1个横隔,不具喙,侧壁无螺旋加厚(箭头);2. 导管的整体观,侧壁无螺旋加厚(黑色箭头所示),左上为混合穿孔板(白色箭头所示),右上为梯状穿孔板,具喙,横隔数目为4,右下示梯状穿孔板,具喙,横隔数目为5;3. 梯状穿孔板(白色箭头),横隔数目为6;黑色箭头示侧壁穿孔板;4. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为3,横隔很细;5. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为3,横隔稍粗;6. 梯状穿孔板较长,穿孔较小,横隔粗;7. 梯状穿孔板较长,穿孔较大,横隔较多且粗;8. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为4,不具喙;9. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为3,具短喙;10. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为2,具短喙;11. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为1,具长喙;12. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为3,具长喙;13. 梯状穿孔板,左示穿孔板仅一横隔(左),横隔细,不具喙;右示长梯状穿孔板,多横隔;14. 梯状穿孔板,横隔粗细不均匀,中间横隔较细,上部为梯状,下部为拟梯状;15. 梯状穿孔板(左),穿孔板较长,穿孔较小,横隔较多且较宽;右侧穿孔板示穿孔呈孔状,非常小,呈拟梯状排列;16. 混合穿孔板,下部为横隔较细的梯状,上部为近网状或拟梯状;17. 梯状穿孔板,横隔数目为4,具喙,其喙上具均匀穿孔(箭头所示)。Plate Ⅲ Vessel elements and the perforation plates in secondary xylem of L. tulipifera under SEMFig.1. Two whole vessel elements with scalariform perforation plates(upper, lower), one bar, no tip; no spirally thicken on the lateral wall (arrow). Fig.2. Whole vessels, no spirally thicken on the lateral wall (blank arrow), mix perforation plate in the upper left, the scalariform perforation plate with tip and four bars in the upper right, the scalariform perforation plate with tip and five bars in the lower right. Fig.3. The scalariform perforation plate with six bars (white arrow), the blank arrow shows the lateral wall. Fig.4. The scalariform perforation plate with three bars and the bars are narrow. Fig.5. The scalariform perforation plate with three bars and the bars are wide. Fig.6. The scalariform perforation plate is long, the perforations are small and the bars are wide. Fig.7. The scalariform perforation plate is long, the perforations are big and the bars are many and wide. Fig.8. The scalariform perforation plate with four bars, no tip. Fig.9. The scalariform perforation plate with three bars, short tip. Fig.10. The scalariform perforation plate with two bars, short tip. Fig.11. The scalariform perforation plate with one bar, long tip. Fig.12. The scalariform perforation plate with three bars, long tip. Fig.13. The scalariform perforation plate, one bar (left), the bar are narrow, no tip; the perforation plate is long and the bars are many (right). Fig.14. The scalariform perforation plate, the bars are different, the bars are narrow in the middle and the scalariform in the upper and the scalariform like in the lower. Fig.15. The scalariform perforation plate, the plate (left) is long, the scalariform-like perforation (right) is small, the bars are many and wide. Fig.16. The mix perforation plate, the scalariform with narrow bars in the lower and the reticulate in the upper. Fig.17. The scalariform perforation plate with four bars, evenly perforations on tip (arrow)
图版 Ⅳ 北美鹅掌楸穿孔板形态1. 梯状穿孔板,中间穿孔较大,横隔较细,上部和下部横隔较粗,拟梯状或网状;2. 梯状穿孔板,上部横隔较细,下部横隔较粗且分为两列;3. 梯状穿孔板,较长,横隔较粗;4. 拟梯状穿孔板;5. 梯状穿孔板,横隔粗细不均匀,具纹孔膜残留(箭头所示);6. 麻黄式穿孔板,较长;7. 梯状穿孔板,穿孔较窄,具纹孔膜(箭头所示);8. 示纹孔膜残留;9. 单穿孔板,具喙,喙上有穿孔;10. 单穿孔板,具短喙;11. 单穿孔板,无喙。Plate Ⅳ Perforation plates in secondary xylem of L. tulipifera under SEMFig.1. The scalariform perforation plate, the perforations in the middle are big and the bars are narrow, the wide bars in the upper and lower. Fig.2. The scalariform perforation plate, the bars in the upper are narrow and the bars in the lower are wide. Fig.3. The scalariform perforation plate,long and wide bars. Fig.4. The scalariform-like perforation plate. Fig.5. The scalariform perforation plate, the bars are different, arrow shows pit membrane remains. Fig.6. Epledroidforation. Fig.7. The scalariform perforation plate, the perforations are narrow, arrow shows pit membrane remains. Fig.8. Pit membrane remains. Fig.9. Simple perforation plate with tip, some perforations on tip. Fig.10. Simple perforation plate with short tip. Fig.11. Simple perforation plate, no tip
Comparative Investigation of Vessel Elements in the Secondary Xylem ofLiriodendron
LI Hongfang1,2, LIU Jiangmei3
(1 College of Agriculture, Weinan Vocational and Technical College, Weinan, Shaanxi 714021, China; 2 College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China; 3 College of Life Sciences, Yulin College, Yulin, Shaanxi 719000, China)
The perforation plates of vessel elements in secondary xylem ofLiriodendronwhich include 2 species were observed in detail by scanning electron microscope (SEM), and many details were observed that were not reported by light microscope. Reticulate-scalariform perforation plates exist inLiriodendron, and the simple perforation plate, epledroidforation and pit membrane remnants were observed inL.tulipifera. The results showed: (1) forLiriodendronchinense(Hemsl.) Sarg., the perforation plates are typically scalariform with a few bars and reticulate-scalariform perforation plates, but occasionally are reticulate perforation plate; (2) forLiriodendrontulipifera, the perforation plates are scalariform perforation plates and reticulate-scalariform perforation plates, but occasionally are simple perforation plates; (3) part of scalariform perforation plates inL.tulipiferawith wider and more bars; (4) perforation plates with a few bars are more inL.chinensethan inL.tulipifera; (5) the perforated plates inL.tulipiferaare more inclined than inL.chinense; (6) epledroidforation and pit membrane remnants were observed inL.tulipifera. The conclusion is that the perforation differentiation ofL.tulipiferais more violent.
Liriodendron;LiriodendrontulipiferaLinn.; Magnoliaceae; perforation plate; vessel elements
李红芳(1975-),女,博士,副教授,从事植物系统发育研究。E-mail: hflee@126.com