2016-10-13 08:12:22SONGYanhong
数学杂志 2016年5期

SONG Yan-hong

(School of Statistics and Mathematics,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)


SONG Yan-hong

(School of Statistics and Mathematics,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)

In the paper,we study the stochastic stability for non-linear autoregressive models.By establishing an appropriate Foster-Lyapunov criterion,a sufficient condition for geometric transience is presented.

geometric transience;non-linear autoregressive model;Foster-Lyapunov criterion

2010 MR Subject Classification:60J05;60J20;37B25

Document code:AArticle ID:0255-7797(2016)05-0987-06

1 Introduction

Consider a non-linear autoregressive Markov chainondefined by

First,let us recall some notations and definitions,see[3,5,6]for details.Denote by)the Borel σ-field on R,and write=.The n-steptransition kernel of the chain Φnis defined as

The chain Φnis Lebesgue-irreducible,if for every

Obviously,the subset of a petite set is still petite.By[7,Lemma 2.1]or[8,Theorem 1],we know that the non-linear autoregressive model is Lebesgue-irreducible,and every compact set inis petite.

be the first return and first hitting times,respectively,on A.It is obvious that τA=σAif Φ0∈Ac.Denote by L(x,A)=the probability of the chain Φnever returning to A.

The chain Φnis called geometrically transient,if it is ψ-irreducible for some non-trivial measure ψ,and R can be covered ψ a countable number of uniformly geometrically transient sets.That is,there exist sets D and Ai,i=1,2,···such that=D∪where ψ(D)=0 and each Aiis a uniformly geometrically transient set of the chain Φn.

To state the main result of this paper,we need the following assumptions:

Theorem 1.1Assume(A1)and(A2).Then the non-linear autoregressive model Φnis geometrically transient.

Remark 1.2It is easy to see that(A2)is equivalent to the condition in[9,Theorem 3.1],where transience for the the non-linear autoregressive model Φnwas confirmed.Here,we get a stronger result(i.e.geometric transience)in Theorem 1.1.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.1

This section is devoted to proving Theorem 1.1 by using the Foster-Lyapunov(or drift)condition for geometric transience.

It is well known that Foster-Lyapunov conditions were widely used to study the stochastic stability for Markov chains.For examples,Down,Meyn and Tweedie[10-13]studied the drift conditions for recurrence,ergodicity,geometric ergodicity and uniform ergodicity.The drift conditions for sub-geometric ergodicity were discussed in[1,4,14-17]and so on.In [18,19],the drift conditions for transience were obtained.

Recently,we investigated the drift condition for geometric transience in[6].One of the main results shows that the chain Φnis geometrically transient,if there exist some set,constants λ,b∈(0,1),and a function W≥1A(with W(x0)<∞for somesatisfying the drift condition

As far as we know,however,this drift condition can not be applied directly for the nonlinear autoregressive model considered in this paper.Alternatively,we will establish a more practical drift condition for geometric transience.First,we need the following two lemmas,which are taken from[6].

Lemma 2.1The chain Φnis geometrically transient if and only if there exist someand a constant κ>1 such that

Proposition 2.3The chain Φnis geometrically transient,if there exist a petite set,constants λ∈(0,1),b∈(0,∞),and a non-negative measurable function W bounded on A satisfying


ProofSince W is non-negative and),we have.Set

Hence by the comparison theorem of the minimal non-negative solution(see[20,Theorem 2.6]),we know from(2.3)and(2.4)that

By(2.5)and noting that D⊂Ac,we have for all x∈R,

Thus there exists some set C⊂A withsuch that

According to Lemma 2.1,in the following,it is enough to prove that for some κ>1,

Combining Lemma 2.2(1)with(2.5)and(2.1),we get for all x∈A,

Since W is bounded on A,

Noting that A is petite and C⊂A,according to(2.7)and the proof of[3,Theorem 15.2.1],we obtain that for all 1<κ≤λ-1/2<∞.This together with(2.6) yields the desired assertion.

Now,we are ready to prove Theorem 1.1.

Proof of Theorem 1.1By(A2),there exist constants θ>0 and c>0 satisfying


That is,

Noting that W is bounded,it is obvious that for some b∈(0,∞),

Combining this with(2.9),the drift condition(2.1)holds.Thus the non-negative autoregressive model Φnis geometrically transient by Proposition 2.3.


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date:2016-03-11Accepted date:2016-06-01

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11426219;11501576).

Biography:Song Yanhong(1983-),female,born at Yantai,Shandong,lecturer,major in probability.

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