
2016-09-02 08:08:37刘巧菊
复旦学报(自然科学版) 2016年1期

刘巧菊,吴 荻

(复旦大学 生命科学学院 生理学和生物物理学系,上海 200438)


(复旦大学 生命科学学院 生理学和生物物理学系,上海 200438)


阿尔茨海默症; 蛋白质聚集; 分子动力学模拟

阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer’s Disease)是Alois Alzheimer于一个世纪以前发现并以他的名字命名的一类神经退行性疾病[1].该疾病在老年人群发病率很高,严重危害老年人的身心健康.大量研究表明该疾病患者脑内有大量A(Amyloid)蛋白质聚集形成纤维状形态[2-4].因此研究A蛋白质如何聚集对治疗阿尔茨海默症有重要意义.此外近期研究也表明A蛋白质的寡聚体(甚至是二聚体)也具有毒性[5-8].因此研究A蛋白质如何形成寡聚体同样具有重要意义.

1 方 法


本文使用NAMD分子模拟软件[35],用Charmm力场[36]及CMAP correction[37]进行模拟计算.图形显示使用VMD软件[38].A37-42的单体取自PDB文件2ONV,其序列为Gly-Gly-Val-Val-Ile-Ala.这里将其N末端与C末端分别加上Acetyl和N-Methylamide groups.先将单体放入水溶液中(TIP3P水模型),经平衡后在恒温(298K)、恒压(1atm)条件下再模拟一段时间,取其中16个不同形态的单体结构.然后将每两个单体放入水溶液中(TIP3P水模型),且两单体各非氢原子之间最短距离不小于13Å.整个模拟系统为正方体,边长均为50Å.这样总共得到8组初始的模拟系统.每个系统经能量最小化、恒温恒容、恒温恒压平衡总共约4.2ns后,再在恒温恒压下进行分子动力学模拟100ns.整个模拟过程采用PBC(Periodic Boundary Condition),用PME(Particle Mesh Ewald)来处理长距离静电作用力.模拟时间步长均为2fs,模拟温度为298K,模拟压强为1atm.


在结果分析中,我们定义CEN1为肽链A上6个Cα原子的中心位置,CEN2为肽链B上6个Cα原子的中心位置,d1为CEN1和CEN2之间的距离.我们以d1来表示两肽链主链之间的距离.同时我们定义SCi为肽链A上第i个氨基酸残基侧链上所有非氢原子的中心位置,SCj为肽链B上第j个氨基酸残基侧链上所有非氢原子的中心位置,d2为SCi和SCj之间的距离.我们以d2来表示两条肽链上每两对氨基酸残基侧链之间的距离.由于Gly的侧链上没有非氢原子,因此在计算d2时,不考虑Gly37及Gly38.通过分析该系统中16对氨基酸残基侧链之间的距离d2的分布图,我们定义了针对该系统的NSCC(Number of Side Chain Contacts)为小于7Å的d2的总数.另外我们定义d3为肽链A上Val39的Cα原子与肽链B上Ala42的Cα原子之间的距离;d4为肽链A上Ala42的Cα原子与肽链B上Val39的Cα原子之间的距离.目前文献中氢键的判断标准并不唯一(参照Berhanu等人在方法章节中的讨论[39]),本文参照Reddy等人使用的参数[40]即D(donor)、A(acceptor)原子之间的距离小于等于3.5Å并且D-H…A夹角大于等于135°.

2 结果与分析



图5是在A、B两条肽链的主链上有氢键形成时,每两对氨基酸残基侧链之间的d2的分布图.对比图4可以明显地看出当两肽链主链上开始有氢键形成时,有几对残基侧链之间的相互作用开始变得特别显著.这些侧链对是: Val39-Ala42、Val40-Val39、Ile41-Val40、Ile41-Ala42,和Ala42-Val39.如果我们分析这些侧链对之间的距离d2随时间的变化(图6(b)),在约65ns时,除Ala42-Val39外,其它侧链对的距离已经接近稳态结构时的距离.而Ala42-Val39则是经过一段时间的结构调整、再平衡,最终达到稳态结构的距离.综合分析图3~图5,在主链氢键未形成时,两肽链上的残基侧链已经有相互作用,尤其是Ile41在此过程中起到重要作用.这从一个侧面说明是疏水性残基侧链的相互作用促使两条肽链主链相互靠近,进而促进主链氢键的形成.


3 讨 论


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LIU Qiaoju, WU Di

(Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Life Sciences,FudanUniversity,Shanghai200438,China)

Alzheimer’s disease(AD) is a neurodegenerative disease usually affecting the elderly. AD can seriously affect the normal life of the patients and bring pains to their families. Therefore, scientists have tried hard to find out the solutions that can cure AD. Understanding how the disease is developed is essential for the treatment of AD. Researchers have found that the fibrils made of the amyloid(A) peptides are deposited in the brain of the AD patients. Therefore, it is necessary to study the amyloidpeptide aggregation process. Meanwhile, inhibiting the Aaggregation process is suggested as one of the possible ways for the treatment of AD. In this paper, we study the dimerization process of A37-42by the molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the two monomers approach each other due to the favorable hydrophobic interactions between their side chains. The dimerization process undergoes several intermediate states, through which the two chains adjust their interactions and conformations continuously. With the increasing number of the interchain hydrogen bonds and the newly formed side chain interactions, the dimer structure is stabilized finally. We also find that the contributions of Ile41 and Ala42 are nonnegligible in this dimerization process. Ile41 helps bring the two monomers close to each other with the aid of its hydrophobic side chain, and Ala42 contributes to the optimization of conformations in the late stage of the dimerization process. This study can help people understand more about the Aaggregation(especially the dimerization) process and may also provide some clues for the inhibition of the Aaggregation.

Alzheimer’s disease; protein aggregation; molecular dynamics simulation




刘巧菊(1989—),女,硕士研究生;吴荻,女,副教授,通讯联系人,E-mail: diwu@fudan.edu.cn.

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