
2016-06-27 08:16:24周君琳赵会秦永超陆铁
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2016年2期

周君琳 赵会 秦永超 陆铁




目的 通过生物力学研究,对比两种治疗肱骨近端骨折内固定结构的力学特性,为临床应用提供理论基础。方法 将36根经防腐处理的成人肱骨干随机平均分为6组:试验组(A1髓内钉压缩组、A2髓内钉拉伸组、B1锁定板压缩组、B2锁定板拉伸组)和对照组(C1压缩对照组、C2拉伸对照组)。试验前对所有肱骨干标本进行骨密度检查,计算小组间有无显著性差异以排除骨质情况对固定稳定性的影响。所有标本均拍摄前、后位及侧位X线片,以排除术前骨折及其他骨病。试验组按照统一标准制作肱骨近端3部分外科颈大结节骨折模型。A1、A2组使用施乐辉TRIGENTM钛合金肱骨交锁髓内钉固定,肱骨远端为2枚交锁髓内钉固定,肱骨近端为4枚交锁髓内钉固定。B1、B2组使用AO肱骨近端锁定钛板内固定,肱骨远端为3枚皮质骨螺钉固定,肱骨近端为5枚松质骨螺钉固定。C1、C2组不做骨折模型及固定。对A1、B1、C1组进行轴向压缩试验,对A2、B2、C2组进行轴向拉伸试验,以固定失效为试验终止点。分别记录极限载荷和位移曲线,计算刚度。试验结果用SPSS12.0版软件进行统计学分析,P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果 (1)A1、B1组的极限压缩载荷低于C1组(t=2.712、t=2.389,P值均<0.05),A1、B1组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.951,P>0.05),A2、B2组的极限拉伸载荷低于C2组(t=3.194、t=3.201,P值均<0.05),A2、B2组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=2.136,P>0.05);(2)A1、B1组的刚度低于C1组(t=2.826、t=2.837,P<0.05),A1、B1组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=2.004,P>0.05),A2、B2组的刚度低于C2组(t=2.357、t=2.481,P值均<0.05),A2、B2组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=2.108,P>0.05)。结论 肱骨近端交锁髓内钉和锁定接骨板在抗压缩和抗拉伸方面的生物力学强度无明显差异,交锁髓内钉可以提供与锁定板相近的固定强度。



资 料 与 方 法





图1 肱骨近端3部分骨折模型



将36根防腐处理成人肱骨干随机平均分为6组:试验组(A1髓内钉压缩组、A2髓内钉拉伸组、B1锁定板压缩组、B2锁定板拉伸组)和对照组(C1压缩对照组、C2拉伸对照组)。(1)A1和A2组:制作骨折模型,骨折复位后,使用施乐辉TRIGENTM肱骨近端钛合金交锁髓内钉固定(由北京施洛辉Smith&Nephew公司提供,其中主钉长度18cm,近端直径9mm,远端直径7.5mm,近端弯曲4°;近端锁钉10枚,长度36~60mm,直径5mm,螺距2mm;远端锁钉3枚,长度30mm,直径4mm,螺距2mm),肱骨干端为2枚锁钉固定,肱骨头端为4枚交锁螺钉固定。(2)B1 和B2 组:制作骨折模型,骨折复位后,于肱骨外侧使用AO/ASIF锁定肱骨近端钛板内固定(AO/ASIF五孔锁定肱骨近端钛合金接骨板及相关手术器械由PHILOS,Synthes公司提供,其中钛板长度114mm,厚度3.7mm,近端锁钉8枚,长度36~50mm,直径3.5mm,远端锁钉4枚,长度30mm,直径3.5mm),肱骨干端为3枚皮质骨螺钉固定,肱骨头端为5枚松质骨螺钉固定。(3)C1和C2组:不做骨折模型及固定。






结 果



图2 未操作前大体标本(A)和X线片影像(B)

图3 AO/ASIF五孔锁定肱骨近端钛合金接骨板固定后大体标本(A)和X线片影像(B)

图4 TRIGENTM肱骨近端钛合金交锁髓内钉固定后大体标本(A)和X线片影像(B)

图5 生物力学试验照片



表1 六组骨密度测试结果比较±s)



表2 三组压缩试验测试结果比较




讨 论



在内固定手术中,内固定材质的刚度通常不是内固定选择的影响因素。文献回顾发现过度的坚强内固定可以减小内固定的微活动,后续影响骨痂的形成,并导致延迟骨愈合甚至骨不连的发生。而对骨愈合影响最小的内固定角度、强度等参数尚且没有定论,既往的生物力学研究主要集中在循环负荷加载、扭转和其他的物理测试,而没有进行轴向负荷测试[11-12]。Edwards等[13]比较了肱骨近端髓内钉和3.5 mm锁定钢板的生物力学特性,发现锁定钢板优于髓内钉,但是他们仅仅进行循环负荷,而没有进行纯粹的轴向应力试验直到固定失败生物力学测试。在本研究中,不仅进行轴向压缩试验,也进行了拉伸试验,发现两者之间差异无统计学意义。



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周君琳,赵会,秦永超,等.肱骨近端交锁髓内钉和锁定接骨板治疗肱骨近端骨折的生物力学研究[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2016,4(2):87-92.




Background Proximal humeral fracture is a common fracture in elderly patients with osteoporosis, locking plate and intramedullary nail fixation are the most popular methods for its surgical treatment at present. There are advantages and disadvantages for both methods of internal fixation treatment. Currently, the choice of internal fixation method is a problem faced by traumatic orthopedic doctors. In this study we used proximal humeral locking plate or interlocking intramedullary nail for fracture fixation in vitro human samples with anticorrosive treatment tosimulate theload condition of shoulder joint after internal fixation, measured and calculated the axial load and stiffness of the fracture model, and discussed the fixed strength of the two internal fixation devices. We also analyzed the characteristics of these two kinds of internal fixation methods from the perspective of biomechanics.Methods (1)Selection of humeralsamples.A total of 36 humeralsamples with antiseptic treatment wereselected from 18 specimens of 60-85 years old, including 14 male samplesand 22 female samples. The X-ray films of the samples were taken to exclude congenital deformity, fracture and tumor. We appliedUnigamma X-ray Plus bone mineral density instrument to measure bone mineral density (humeral head area were unified delimited), results in each group were recorded for variance analysis.(2)Construction of fracture model with internal fixation.According to Neerclassification and the method introduced by Kwon, we produced three-partproximal humeral fracture model. We cut the humeral head with a oscillating saw at the surgical neck plane, the thickness of saw blade was 1 mm, confirmed the position of intertubercular sulcus on the osteotomy plane, then saw the bone along intertubercular sulcus to the distal humerus, thedirection is perpendicular to the osteotomy plane, until to the base of the lesser tubercle level, cut the greater tuberosity from proximal humerusat the base of lesser tuberosity, the direction is perpendicular to the long axis of the shaft.(3)Grouping and internal fixation method.All operationswere performed by a same team in the surgical lab of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University, postoperative X-ray filmswere taken to confirm the location of the internal fixation screws.Thirty-six embalmed adult shaft samples were divided into 6 groups randomly: the experimental group (A1 intramedullary nailing compression group, A2 intramedullary nail stretching group, B1 locking plate compression group, B2 locking plate stretching group) and control group (C1 compression control group, C2 stretching control group).A1 and A2 groups: (1)Producedfracture models, the fractures were fixed with TRIGENTM titanium alloylocking proximal humeral intramedullary nail (provided by Beijing Smith & Nephew company, of which the main nail length is 18 cm, proximal diameter is 9 mm, distal diameter is 7.5 mm, proximal bending is 4°, there were 10 proximal interlocking screws, the length is 36-60 mm, the diameter is 5 mm, there are 3 locking screws at distal humerus, the length is 30 mm, the diameter is 4 mm), humeral shaft were fixed with 2 locking screws, humeral headwere fixed with 4 locking screws.(2)B1 and B2 group: produced fracture models, the humeral fractures were fixed with AO/ASIFlateral titanium proximal humeral locking plate (AO/ASIF titanium alloy proximal humeral locking plate with five holesand related surgical instruments provided by the Synthes company, the length ofthe plate is 114 mm, the thickness is 3.7 mm, there are 8 proximal screws, length is 36-50 mm, the diameter is 3.5 mm, there are 4 distal locking screws, the length is 30 mm, the diameter is 3.5 mm), there are 3 cortical bone screws in the humeral shaft, 5 cancellous bone screws in the humeral head for fixation. (3)C1 and C2 groups: no fracture modelor fixation.All samples in 6 groups were sawed off from 10 cm above the humeral condyle,both ends were fixed in cylindrical steel pipe clamp, embedded with methyl methacrylate (Shanghai Nutrinen company).(4)Biomechanical test method and parameter.(A)Axial compression test: There were 6 samples in A1, B1 and C1 group respectively.Samples were place vertically on the electron universal biomechanical testing machine controlled by WDW4100 microcomputer (produced by Changchun testing machine institute, China), distalhumeral shift were fixed on the gripper at thebottom of the machine, modified the position of the pressure plate forcompletely contact with proximal of the samples, simulating theload state of human shouldersduring sustained compression, set the loading speed to 0.01 mm/s, until fixation failure.Fixation failure criteria: (a) new fracture occurred;fracture linesbroadening obviously;deviation or interruption of the linear load curve appeared in stress-strain curve, one of above is the mark of fixation failure. (b)fixationfailure load is same with the ultimate compression load. (c) record compressive-displacement curve and ultimate compression load.(B)Axial tensile test: There were 6 samples in A2, B2,C2 group respectively. Samples were placed vertically on the biomechanical test machine, with proximal humeral fixed to the gripper at the top of the machine, distal humeral shift fixedto the bottom of the tester, simulating human shoulder force of gravity stretch, set the stretching rate to 0.01 mm/s, until fixation failure. Fixation failure criteria: (a) new fracture occurred, fracture lines broadening obviously, deviation or interruption of the linear load curve appeared in stress-strain curve, one of above is the mark of fixed failures. (b) fixation failure load is same with the ultimate tensile load;(c) record tensile-displacement curve and ultimate tensile load.(5)Statistics processing.Data from density of bone samples and biomechanical test were analyzed by SPSS12.0 statistics software, the results were compared with variance analysis andttest,andP<0.05wasconsideredsignificant.ResultsTheultimatecompressionloadoffixationgroupswerelowerthanthatofthecontrolgroup(P<0.05),nosignificantdifferencebetweengroupsoffixations(P>0.05).Thetensileloadoffixationgroupswerelowerthanthatofthecontrolgroup(P<0.05).Thestiffnessofthefixationgroupswerelowerthanthatofthecontrolgroup(P<0.05).Nosignificantdifferencewasdetectedbetweenthefixationgroupswithdifferentloads(P>0.05).ConclusionsBiomechanicaltestingofmodernfixationoptionsforproximalhumeralfractureexhibitedthatthebiomechanicalstrengthincompressionandtensileresistanceissimilaraffordedbyPHNandLPHP,bothdevicescanprovidestablefixationinthetreatmentofproximalhumeralfractures.However,prospectiveclinicaltrialswithlongerfollowing-uparerequiredfordefinitiveassessmentoftheidealfixationchoiceforsurgicaltreatmentofproximalhumeralfractures.







西南军医(2016年4期)2016-01-23 02:19:16