
2016-05-30 20:25:49崔平远杨建峰平劲松杨生胜尚海滨
科技资讯 2016年23期

崔平远 杨建峰 平劲松 杨生胜 尚海滨

摘要:本研究以我国绕月探测工程获得的科学数据和工程数据为基础,密切结合我国探月工程二、三期任务规划,突破CCD影像的超分辨率重建、月球重力场反演与分析、月球着陆区的重构等关键技术,提高月球表面影像分辨率30%以上,反演出我国首个自研月球重力场模型,获得月球探测二、三期工程可借鉴的软着陆区模型,构建一套能够用于月球探测数据优化分析及月球软着陆方案演示验证的综合软件平台,为月球探测二、三期任务的规划提供辅助分析平台,推进我国月球探测技术的发展。 经过研究,在月球表面影像数据优化、月球物理特征信息反演、基于月球探测数据的工程应用与需求研究、月球探测数据优化分析与应用系统研究等方面取得了多项研究成果,突破了CCD影像数据的超分辨率重构、高阶月球重力场的反演、月球软着陆区重构、月球软着陆方针与演示等关键技术,形成了月球探测数据优化分析与应用系统。


Final Report of Research on Lunar Exploration Data Processing, Development and Application

Abstract:The research is based on the scientific and engineering materials obtained by the Chinas lunar orbiting exploration. The mission planning of the second and third phase of lunar exploration is closely combined with. Based on the research, breakthroughs are achieved in the related key technologies such as the super-resolution reconstruction of CCD images, analysis and inversion of the lunar gravity field, and the reconstruction of lunar landing area. The resolution of lunar surface images can be improved by over 30%. The first Chinas self-developed model of lunar gravity field is inverted. Meanwhile, a referential model of lunar soft landing area for the second and third phase of lunar exploration is obtained. Furthermore, an integrated software platform which can be used for both optimization and analysis of lunar data and the demonstration of lunar soft landing has been developed. The research results provide an assistant analysis platform for the mission planning of the second and third phase of lunar exploration. The technology development of China's lunar exploration thus can be propelled. According to the researches, a series of results have been achieved which are listed as follows: the optimization of lunar surface images, inversion of Selenophysical features, engineering and demand study based on the lunar exploration data, and the optimization analysis and application system of lunar exploration data. Breakthroughs are achieved in the key technologies of super-resolution reconstruction of CCD images, high-order inversion of the lunar gravity field, reconstruction of lunar landing area, and the simulation and demonstration of lunar soft landing. Finally, an optimization analysis and application system of lunar exploration data is developed.

Keywords:Lunar exploration, Change-1, Exploration data, Optimization and processing, Development and application


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