孟娟 李连生
【关键词】直译 意译
2015年12月31日晚,国家主席习近平发表了2016年新年贺词。习主席的新年贺词朴实、真切、耐读、可亲,既振奋人心,又充满温情,体现了伟大领袖的胸襟和情怀。中国国际广播电台、新华社和中国日报用了同一个英文版本,中国中央电视台国际频道用英文字幕给出了另一个版本。为简便起见,我们不妨用CRI和CCTV代表两个版本。通过比较两个版本的译文,我们发现两个版本的译文直译与意译并举, 忠实与通顺双赢,都准确传达了习主席新年贺词的精神,向全国人民并且向世界人民传达了中国领导人的问候和祝福。下面就通过具体的几个例句与大家共同学习和体会两个版本的各自不同处理方法和各自精彩之处。
CRI: Fruitful gains come with persistent efforts.
CCTV: As long as we pay, there will be gains.
归纳:CRI 用的是简单句,CCTV用的是复合句,相比较来讲,后者的语气更适合。
2. 2015年,中国人民付出了很多,也收获了很多。
CRI: In the year of 2015, Chinese people have made great efforts in building their nation and have achieved enormously.
CCTV: In 2015, the great efforts of the Chinese people have paid off.
CRI: Our economic growth remained at the forefront of the world, our reforms intensified comprehensively, the reforms on judicial system deepened, the “three stricts” and “three steadies” carried out in earnest, and the fight against corruption advanced solidly.
CCTV: Chinas economic growth continues to lead in the world. Reform has been pushed forward comprehensively. Reform in the judicial system has been further deepened. The special educational campaign of “Three Stricts and Three Earnests” has promoted the improvement of the political eco-system. The fight against corruption has been carried out deeply.
归纳:“三严三实”CRI译作 “three stricts” and “three steadies”,而CCTV译作“three stricts” and “three steadies”;CRI的译文中略译了“专题教育推动了政治生态改善”。
CRI: Thanks to the great efforts of all Chinese people, the 12th 5-year plan from 2010 to 2015 successfully came to an end, which made the people in this country feel a heightened sense of gains.
CCTV: Through the joint efforts of the people of all ethnic groups across the country, we see a successful conclusion of the “12th Five-Year Plan”. The general public has enjoyed the increasing “sense of gain”.
归纳:“经过全国各族人民的共同努力” CRI 译成Thanks to the great efforts of all Chinese people,而CCTV译成Through the joint efforts of the people of all ethnic groups across the country;“圆满收官”CRI译成sccessfully came to an end,而CCTV译成a successful conclusion;“更多的获得感”CRI译成a heightened sense of gains,而CCTV译成 the increasing “sense of gain”,两者都同样精彩。
5.我国自主研制的C919大型客机总装下线, 中国超级计算机破世界纪录蝉联“六连冠”
CRI: our self-developed C919 jetliner was put on production line, Chinas super computer claimed top position for the 6th consecutive year, which is a world record,
CCTV: Chinas domestically-produced C919 large passenger aircraft rolled off the production line. Chinas super computer broke the world record for a sixth consecutive year.
归纳:“自主研制”CRI译成self-developed,而CCTV译成 domestically-produced; “大型客机” CRI译成jetliner,而CCTV译成 large passenger aircraft; “总装下线”CRI译成put on production line 而CCTV译成rolled off the production line;破世界纪录蝉联“六连冠”,CRI译成claimed top position for the 6th consecutive year, which is a world record,而CCTV译成broke the world record for a sixth consecutive year,这些表达很值得学习。
CRI: Tu Youyou became our first Chinese scientist winning a Nobel Prize ... All those facts have illustrated that dreams will eventually come true with determined perseverance.
CCTV: Tu Youyou became Chinas first scientist to win a Nobel Prize. These show that as long as we persvere, dreams can always be realized.
归纳:“我国首位获得诺贝尔奖的科学家”,CRI译成our first Chinese scientist winning a Nobel Prize,CCTV译成Chinas first scientist to win a Nobel Prize; “只要坚持,梦想总是可以实现的”,CRI译成dreams will eventually come true with determined perseverance,而CCTV译成as long as we persvere, dreams can always be realized,可谓异曲同工,殊路同归。