"Deliberateness" in the Normal State Xinjiang Bazhou Heshuo Government Square
1 平面图Master plan
2 深秋时节的落叶,缓解略显刻意的构图Leaves in late autumn alleviate the deliberate composition.
23×30m的中央广场水盘,影映荒料石块的自然叠堆,承载着多重空间的功能;镶嵌了厚20mm边条的5×5m正方形种植池,自然凹凸纹理的显像表现,刻意中的随意;中轴两侧各宽8.7m的树阵,隆起的梯形台地,界定着中轴线空间的领域,强化礼仪感的秩序,交错排序的小白杨树群,规整与自然散植相间,有序中的无序;中轴两侧高60cm的台地与自然散植林下的河滩石(φ500—1 400mm),场地中的细微高差变化,颠覆了平坦空间的印象;悬铃木与小白杨的乔木种植,反衬四季分明的地域特证,拉近了日常生活的距离;高低,疏密,错落有至的地被旱生花卉,限定中的自由表白。直线条的路,种植,铺装纹理。曲线条的车行线,高耸的密植小白杨,明确的种植池边缘,条带状的旱生地被种植带,自然散植的乔木与地被……每个异质要素的出现均被清晰的界定,同时这些被用来表述的材料,又恰恰是当地最常见,最廉价,最平常的“东西”。以此来传达我们对本项目的一种态度,并希望能成为容易被理解的设计语言——常态中的“刻意”。
方案:章俊华、张筱婷扩初+施工设计:章俊华、白祖华、胡海波、张筱婷、范雷、于沣、汤进、钱诚 、李婧电气、水专业:杨春明、徐飞飞
英文校对:琳赛·洛特(Lindsay Rutter)
3 行列与线形地被的种植,营造空间的整体氛围Linear cultivation creates the overall space atmosphere in site.
4 野花组合的花带,彰显时序的演变Combination of wildflowers highlights the evolution of timing
5 无序的乔木地被种植,规整中不失自然的表述Unordered tree planting that structured without losing the natural expression
6 通透平坦的空间,构筑场地的特质Transparent flat space builds the site characteristics
In a similar fashion to conventional administrative squares, a north to south axis has been constructed consisting of a central square together with nine planted areas stablishing a space between the central square and the building entrance.
An east to west axis has also been formed to separate the landscaped areas and the traffic flow areas. Next, four paved areas have been constructed running north to south on each side of the central axis. Poplars that grow well in the local area have been planted on each side of the paved areas maintaining a transparency in the north to south direction yet producing a closure in the east to west direction. The orientation of the axis is strengthened as it generates a distinct spatial feature for the square.
7 加长的整石座椅,功能与线形的结合Lengthened stone seat that combines the function and linear composition.
8 中央方形水池,虚实演绎的交融The central square pool that blends the virtual and actual sight.
The two obliquely opposed axes enrich the spatial pattern. Finally, a driveway for vehicular traf fi c in the shape of an arc has been formed at the entrance to the building together with four symmetrical arches on each side thus relieving any excessive neatness or stiffness created with regard to traffic flowing in an east to west direction. Materials of a common and cheap nature have been adopted in this project to convey an attitude towards the whole project....the "deliberateness" in the normal state.
9 材料大小方向的变化,尝试细节的局部刻画Material changes in the size and direction portray the details