
2016-05-12 07:54李鑫
风景园林 2016年10期


Bat Bridge Ready For Habitation,The Netherlands



1 蝙蝠桥将作为普尔区一部分,是一处带有自然河堤和鱼类产卵地的绿色休憩空间。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)Plan of the Vlotwatering bridge as part of the Poelzone, a new green recreational area with natural banks and spawn sites for fish. Courtesy: NEXT architects.

2、4 蝙蝠桥作为公园的入口标志在水上蜿蜒而过,拥有清晰开阔的全景视野。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)The bridge winds over the water and marks the scenic entrance to the park with a clear view of the area. The Vlotwtering is currently an important route for several species of bats. Courtesy: NEXT architects.

3 桥梁设计旨在给各类蝙蝠提供一个理想的栖息环境,以促进蝙蝠种群的繁衍。(雷蒙德·鲁特汀提供)The bridge design is intended to constitute the ideal habitat for various species of bats, so that a large colony will grow around the bridge. Photo: Raymond Rutting.

5 蝙蝠桥也是人行道和自行车路径的一部分。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)The bat bridge is part of the pedestrian- and cycle paths. Photo: NEXT architects.

6 蝙蝠桥的横截面。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)Cross section of the Vlotwatering bridge. Courtesy: NEXT architects.

7 哺乳动物协会的蝙蝠专家马塞尔•谢尔曼斯评价说:“该设计体现了功能服务与生态环保的完美融合。” (雷蒙德·鲁特汀提供)"A textbook example of how a functional object can at the same time serve nature," says bat-expert Marcel Schillemans from the Mammal Society. Photo: Raymond Rutting.

该桥横跨了Vlotwatering河,连接了两岸的城市地块,也成为普尔区(Poel zone)的入口标志。在桥的最高点处,人们可享受清晰开阔的全景视野。层层叠叠的木板缝隙展示了既通透又朦胧的河岸景色。该混凝土结构拱桥的跨度为25m,S型甲板由有精心设计的压力分布结构支撑着。

蝙蝠桥不仅成为了普尔区(Poel zone)的一部分,也成为了格兰文赞德(Gravenzande)、纳尔德韦克(Naaldwijk) 和蒙斯特( Monster)三个地区间的重要中心。同时,桥梁所连接的两侧河岸将成为新的绿色休闲区和水产基地。LOLA景观事务所负责该区域的景观设计工作,不仅强调了现有绿色景观和生态的联系,还渗透着自然环境与游憩价值相辅相成的理念。

9 蝙蝠桥成为荷兰地区不同路线之间的连接纽带( 雷蒙德·鲁特汀提供)As a piece of the puzzle, the bridge connects different routes in the Westland area. Photo: Raymond Rutting.

9 蝙蝠桥的横截面。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)Cross section of the Vlotwatering bridge. Courtesy: NEXT architects.




成本:1 200 000欧元


初步设计: 2014年1月

最终设计: 2014年3月

开工时间: 2014年12月

竣工时间: 2015年10月



联系人:艾恩 B.若瑟

建筑顾问:哈莱姆建筑技术公司 (佛兰克·梅耶尔)

成本顾问:拉恩建筑咨询公司 (特奥·拉恩)

生态顾问:哺乳动物协会 (赫尔曼·林佩)

承包商:Kroes B.V收养机构

设计团队:巴尔特·若瑟、玛金·申克、 米歇尔·斯瑞莫彻、朱瑞安·赫拉、西尔维娅·亨德里克斯、卢克·沃特曼、安娜·希尔格斯、 安娜·卡恩诺斯卡



10 在桥的最高点处,人们可享受清晰开阔的全景视野。(NEXT建筑事务所提供)At the highest point, the bridge makes a turn for a clear view of the area. Photo: NEXT architects.

The Vlotwateringbrug or popularly ‘bat bridge’has opened for the public in the beginning of October. The bridge has three speci fi c components that provide roost for several bat species. At the north side the abutment functions as a winter stay. The deck and the brick balustrade accommodate stays for bats during the summer. The bridge design is intended to constitute the ideal habitat for various species of bats, aiming to grow a large colony. “A textbook example of how a functional object can at the same time serve nature,” says bat-expert Marcel Schillemans from the Mammal Society.

The project is located along a flight route of several bat species. To optimize the suitability of the bridge for bats, the structure is made out of concrete. The mass of the concrete provides a stable and pleasant climate. The underside of the bridge is provided with entrance slots. The openings have a rough fi nish for grip. The slots are part of a pattern of grooves in the concrete arch. Clever use is made of the structural space in the cross section to implement the roosts.

Crossing the Vlotwatering the new bridge winds between two existing parcels and marks the entrance of the Poel zone. At the highest point, the bridge makes a turn for a clear view of the area. The wooden lamellas provide openness to the natural banks along the water. With a length of 25 meters the concrete arch spans the entire Vlotwatering. The S-shaped deck is supported with a pressure arc that slants under the bridge.

11 精细排列的薄木片象征着蝙蝠栖息的洞穴入口( NEXT建筑事务所提供)The wooden lamellae that mark the entrances to the bat caves are delicately detailed. Photo: NEXT architects.

The bat bridge becomes part of the Poel zone, an elongated area in the Westland between the existing centres of Gravenzande, Naaldwijk and Monster. Along the waterway a new green recreational zone with natural banks and spawn sites for fish will be realized. The landscape design by LOLA Landscape is made to strengthen the existing green and ecological connections in which natural and recreational values complement each other.

Type / Program / Purpose: Bridge

Location: Monster, The Netherlands

Span: 25 mtr

Cost / Value: € 1.200.000

Status: Completed

Preliminary design: Jan 2014

Final design: Mar 2014

Start building: Dec 2014

Completion: Oct 2015

Client: Municipality of Wateringen

Architect designer: NEXT architects

Contact person: Ir. B. Reuser

12 层层叠叠的木板缝隙展示了既通透又朦胧的河岸景色(NEXT建筑事务所提供)The bridge's wooden lamellas provide openness for the natural banks along the water. Photo: NEXT architects.

Advisor construction: Pieters Bouwtechniek Haarlem (Frank Meijer)

Advisor cost: Laan Bouwkostenadvies (Theo Laan)

Advisor ecology: Zoogdiervereniging (Herman Limpens)

Contractor(s): Kroes aannemingsbedrijf B.V.

Team: Bart Reuser,Marijn Schenk,Michel Schreinemachers, Jurriaan Hillerström,Sylvia Hendriks, Luuc Sonke, Anne Hilgers, Anna Korzeniowska

Translator: LI Xin

Proofreading: TANG Yu-wei

13 在桥的底面采用混凝土材质,为蝙蝠提供一个稳定且宜居的气候环境。(雷蒙德·鲁特汀提供)On the underside of the bridge, the mass of the concrete provides a stable and pleasant climate for bats. Photo: Raymond Rutting.

14 蝙蝠桥由跨度为25m的混凝土结构拱桥构成( NEXT建筑事务所提供)The construction consists of a concrete arch which spans 25 meters. Photo: NEXT architects.

设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所