
2016-05-12 07:54:20尼古拉·费拉拉,古丽亚娜·凯皮尼,圭多·费拉拉
风景园林 2016年10期


A new park for the poggio imperiale

这个古老的中世纪堡垒坐落于12世纪消失的波焦伯尼佐(Poggio Bonizio)镇上。如今这片被农业区包围的考古勘测区域周边种满了葡萄藤与橄榄树,位于波吉邦西(Poggibonsi)小镇的丘陵上。这座堡垒是同卢凯塞(San Lucchese)会堂一同在公元3世纪早期根据古典制式修建的,由波焦伯尼佐捐赠给阿西西的弗朗西斯。这里一直位于波焦帝国的美第奇城堡墙外,于1488年至1511年由桑加罗(Giuliano da Sangallo)在洛伦佐(Lorenzo il Magnifico)的指导下为佛罗伦萨城而建的,当时建设的主要目的是便于守住阵地,防止锡耶纳人的侵袭。



1 意大利波焦堡垒的现状平面图View from the air before intervention

2 被土壤掩埋的墙门A gate of the wall buried by earth

3 城墙上荒弃的小路An abandoned path over the walls

4 修复后的城门A gate after restoration

5 改造后可通行的大门A gate made accessible


锡耶纳大学的考古学院和英国园林设计师杰米•布坎南(Jamie Buchanan)合作进行总体规划的准备工作。实际上,在2003年波吉邦西市已经起草了整个环形外墙的修复、园路的设置和堡垒周边公共用地绿化的初步方案。由于城市可持续发展综合计划的制定,该项目最终在2013年投标成功,与Edil.Co Srl联合公司签订了中标合同。项目将由一个综合技术团队起草公园的详细设计方案,由费拉拉(Ferrara)公司进行景观设计,由Spira srl对遗留的历史建筑进行修复。

1 在城墙上诞生的特殊生态系统


6 城墙上的园路体系平面图General layout of the path on the walls


南欧朴(Celtis australis)是一种分布广泛的树种,但是它更集中地分布在山坡上和落叶植被区。因此,在特定区域之外很难发现大量南欧朴的存在。


2 沿着城墙行走,重新打开古老的大门








承包商: 意大利阿尔塔姆拉镇Edil Co. Srl公司

设计方:Nicola Ferrara, Ferrara Associati Team


其他设计团队: Spirasrl, GPA Ingegneriasrl, F. Fuzio, G. Mancini, F. Parotti



占地面积:5.6 hm2

工程造价:4 822 014.69 欧元



7 公园的新入口New access to the park

8 公园入口处的柯尔顿钢板Portals of Corten steel

The ancient medieval seat of the disappeared town of Poggio Bonizio of the twelfth century, today archaeological site in the heart of an agricultural area planted with vines and olive trees, is located in the hills above the town of Poggibonsi. Along with the basilica of San Lucchese, built in the early '200 and then, according to tradition, donated by the City of Poggio Bonizio to Francis of Assisi, the area is beyond the Medici fortress walls of Poggio Imperiale, built by Giuliano da Sangallo between 1488 and 1511 for the City of Florence under the direction of Lorenzo il Magni fi co, to face the war to the Siena Republic.

The years of abandonment and neglect have meant that today the work is almost entirely amalgamated with the surrounding landscape, but still in a good state of preservation, as proof of the strength and the care taken in its construction. The work is made mainly of bricks, with the exception of the corners of the seams for which was used the stone. The cavity of the walls has a gallery listening for enemy mines.

The fortress involves an impressive area, although it was never used for military purposes and since then - if not forgotten - remained absent from the historical events of Poggibonsi and Val d'Elsa district, although it is, in all evidence, a ofgreat signi fi cance complex.

9 打开的古堡大门Opening the ancient fortress door

No other urban enterprise undertaken in the fifteenth century in central Italy has the majestic features of this: the Poggio Imperiale he did not want to raise just a big fortress, but you wanted to start the foundation of a new city. Tuscan agricultural landscape has performed the miracle of forming conservative casket of building containers that history has fi rst built and then put aside. It 'a bastion forti fi cation of polygonal shape, composed of a formwork placed on the east side of the hill and a wall circuit interrupted on the north side.

The Department of Archaeology at the University of Siena, with the cooperation of the English landscape designer Jamie Buchanan, proceeded in the 90 for the preparation of a master plan. Actually, in 2003 the City of Poggibonsi has taken the initiative of a draft recovery of the entire circuit of the exterior walls, as the de fi nition of a system of trails and a public green arrangement of land around on the Fortress. Thanks to an Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development, in 2013 the work on the fi nal project were awarded by tender of the integrated company Edil. Co Srl contract, which made use of the detailed design of the public park drawn up by an integrated technical team, with FerraraAssociates for landscape design and Spira srl for the architectural restoration of monument.

10 公园夜景Night view of the park

1 On the walls a peculiar ecosystem is born

If the Quarterdeck is the real fi nished work of military architecture, the imposing bastions erected in brick, laid along the slopes of the limestone hill, gave rise to a special relationship between the fort and the cultivated landscape, the presence of a true green belt grown spontaneously on top of the walls and the roots of which in some cases have made it problematic that the building preservation. But, the only case, this length of wood tongue of about one km. is the culmination of the walls and has important ecological and environmental quality. Were indicated as both the steps needed to overcome the degradation factors and those appropriate to highlight the positive aspects of an existing resource, according to the intentions of the City, it is an essential element for the creation of the historical and natural park of Poggio Imperiale. These are evergreen shrubs (Myrtle, Rosemary, Laurel, Viburnum, Fillirea), partly evolved and dominated by the oak species (Quercus petraea, Quercus ilex) flanked by ancillary species (Celtis australis, Fraxinus ornus, Ulmus campestris, Ficus carica, Ulmus minor).

Quercus petraea is usually found on much more humid and fertile soils than those present in the project area and in combination with completely different species from those found here. The recent evolution of the climate is a further threat to this species.

Celtis australis is a species widely distributed, but more sporadic in the hilly and mountainous deciduous formations; it is unusual to find numerous copies out of a restricted area.

The shrub vegetation is dominated by species typical of the warm Lauretum, structurally very different from the environments where normally there are two tree species here, conversely, are dominant. In conclusion, we are facing a very rare plantation training to understand the importance of which would need a vegetation study of the area.

2 Walk along the walls and reopen the ancient doors

From below, the walls are lined historically by a road that allows the performance of outdoor activities in the meadows, while from above they literally disappear within a campaign cultivated in balance, without their areas subject to expropriation which was planned for the construction of the public park. The landscape project has therefore had the task of binding the latter precisely to the structure of the surrounding cultivated land, including through the re-communication between above and below, made possible by the reactivation of the doors, and those fi t for use, before barred for security reasons and those impassable because invaded by old landfills. Today a path at altitude below the walls of their entire circuit, with furniture and rest areas, the shares of the formwork up to the archaeological site of Poggio Bonizio, with the refurbishment of old doors that create a circuit between above and below, and make alive the image of the fortress.

The system of polygonal areas of the upper paths was chosen in close relationship with thewall surface, within which dominate geometric shapes with sharp corners, such as typological characteristics of military architecture buildings. The set of benches, information panels, cypress and olive trees, travertine benches, constitute one order of furnishings in tune with the historic surrounding environment. In con fi rmation of this option, to mark the entrance areas to the path, parallel vertical plates were introduced in corten steel, so as to highlight the theme of access through a reinterpretation of ideals doors, read and material.

The seating areas, as a doubling of the polygonal path overlooking the walls, give shape to the space available and, directly related to the underlying foothills, overlooking the surrounding landscape and the Abbey of San Lucchese.

In doing so, the highlighting of the architectural pre-existence is combined with the perception of the grandeur of the surrounding agricultural landscape. In other words, the new park seems to be a structural and integrated part of the Tuscan landscape, but with a great emphasis of the architectural remains.

Project location: Poggibonsi, Siena, Italy

Client: Town Municipality of Poggibonsi

Contractor: Edil Co. Srl, Altamura, Italy

Landscape design: Nicola Ferrara, Ferrara Associati Team, Firenze, Italy

Landscape architects: Nicola Ferrara, Giuliana Campioni, Guido Ferrara (Ferrara Associati team)

Other design team: Spirasrl, GPA Ingegneriasrl, F. Fuzio, G. Mancini, F. Parotti

Date of design completion: 2013

Inauguration and opening to the public: 6 June 6th, 2015

Project area: 5.6 hectars

Work cost: € 4,822,014.69

Translation: LI Wen

Proofreading: WANG Xi-yue

11 圣卢凯塞教堂的夜景Night view towards S.Lucchese

12 修复后的大门夜景图Night view of the restored gate

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