修订版PEP 六(上)Unit 6 How do you feel?(第四课时)

2016-04-16 06:23徐小玲
小学教学设计(英语) 2016年11期



Before class,ask students to sing an English song“If you are happy”.

Step 1.Warm-up/Review

1.Free talk.

T:Hello,everyone! I’m Kathy.


T:Today I’m your new English teacher.Welcome to our English class.There are some teachers join our class.How doyoufeel?Areyou happy, afraid or worried?Why?The teacher asks several students to answer.

T:OK,everyone.I wish all of you should enjoy our class.Today let’s have a race.Group 1 is Ant Mum;Group 2 is Little Ant;Group 3 is Ant Dad;Group 4 is Ant Doctor.Group 5 is Ant Grandma.If you are great,you will get a smile face for your groups.At last let’s see which group is the winner.

2.Review the last story.

T:(PPT出示 Little ant悲伤的表情)Do you know her?Who is she?What happened to her last lesson?How does Little ant feel? What’s wrong?Students answer.

3.Lead in.

T:(PPT出示 Little ant图片)How does Little Ant feel at last?Please continue to watch the story.

Step 2.Presentation

1.PPT show the story and students listen.


Mum:How do you feel?

Dad:I think I’m ill.

Mum:You should see a doctor.But it’s cold outside.You should wear warm clothes.

Little ant:Yes. You should drink some hot water,too.


Doctor:What’s wrong?

Dad:I have a cold.

Doctor:Don’t be worried.You should take some medicine and have a good rest.Look,you are too thin.You should eat some food and do more exercise.Don’t be angry.If you want to be angry,you should take a deep breath and count to ten.

Dad:Thank you.

Doctor:You’re welcome.


2.T:What’sthestory talking about?Students answer.

T:Her father is ill.What suggestions can you give?Students answer.

T:What suggestions can the Little Ant,Mum,Doctor give? Please learn to the phrases by yourself with your Tablet PC in group.Take out your Tablet PC and click the voice software, listen and imitate.(学生拿出平板电脑跟配音软件自学本节课的词组和句型)

3. Students learn the phrases by themselves with their Tablet PC in group.

4. Read the phrases.Teacher corrects pronunciation of students.

T:What suggestions can mum give?Please listen.(学生带着问题观看第一部分故事:妈妈的建议。看完故事回答问题)

S:You should see a doctor and wear warm clothes.

PPT:Doctor,doctor,see a doctor. You should see a doctor.A studentleads to read.Students read together.Someone reads.

PPT:Clothes, clothes,wear warm clothes.You should wear warm clothes.

Students chanttogether.Someone read.(Game:Magic hand.)

T:What suggestions can Little ant give?(学生带着问题观看第二部分故事:小蚂蚁的建议。看完故事回答问题)

S:You should drink hot water.

T:What suggestions can doctor give?(学生带着问题观看第三部分故事:医生的建议。看完故事回答问题)

S:You should take some medicine and have a good rest.You should eat some food and do more exercise.

PPT:Exercise,exercise,do more exercise.You should do more exercise.)

Boys read and girls read.(Game:Do and say.)Read in groups.

S:You should take a deep breath and count to ten.

PPT:Breath,breath,take a deep breath.

Students read together.(Game:Blow the balloons)Drive a train.

PPT:Count,count,count to ten.You should count to ten.

Students read together.(Game: Rock, scissors and paper)Read in pairs.

Students read together.Take a deep breath and count to ten.You should take a deep breath and count to ten.

5.Let’s chant.

T:OK!Now let’s chant together.

Doctor, doctor, see a doctor.You should see a doctor.

Exercise, exercise, do more exercise.You should do more exercise.

Clothes, clothes, wear warm clothes.You should wear warm clothes.

Breath,breath,take a deep breath.You should take a deep breath.

Count,count,countto ten.You should count to ten.

You should take a deep breath and count to ten.

Ask students to chant together.

6.T:How does Little ant feelatlast?Why?Students answer.

T:Do you like the story?

S:Now let’s voice to the story.

7.Students look at the PPT and voice to the story together.Then voice in role.


Step 3.Practice

Play card games.

T:In our daily life,we always need others’suggestions.Can you give me some suggestions?(Teacher shows the card:cold.T:I’m cold.What should I do?边说边出示板书)Students say their suggestions.

T:Do you havesome troubles in your life?Please take out your cards.Let’s play card games in pairs like this,OK?

Pair work:学生两人一组,拿出自己制作的感觉卡,互相抽卡;接着,两人根据所抽的感觉卡进行对话;然后,换另一位同学抽卡,再进行对话。

A student chooses a card and says:I’m ____.What should I do?

B studentanswer:You should______.

Then change.


Step 4.Consolidation and extension

1.Who is Lucky?

T:Some classmates meet different problems in our class.Can you help them?What suggestions can you give them?Today I’ll turn the turntable three times.We’ll have three lucky students.Now let’s look who is lucky?(教师点击转盘,指针指向谁,教师就点击谁的相片,电脑就播放谁的烦恼,大家就先给谁建议)


2.Advice for the classmates.

电脑语音提示:You have some e-mail without reading.

T:Oh,therearemany letters.Can you help me write back?You can choose one to write back.Now please read and write.


Letter 1:

Dear Kathy,

My classmate took my pencil away.I’m angry.What should I do?

Please help me! Thank you!

Wang Yi

Letter 2:

Dear Kathy,

I’m shortand thin.I can’t run fast.What should I do?

Please help me! Thank you!

Li Qiang

Letter 3:

Dear Kathy,

I have a fever.But I have a P.E.class today.I’m sad.What should I do?Please help me!Thank you!

Chen Wei

Letter 4:

Dear Kathy,

I’m lonely.Because my parents work in Guangzhou.I live in Huangshiwith my grandma.What should I do?Please help me!Thank you!

Ma Hui

Reply template:


Don’t be________.

You should___and___.Kathy

T:Now please read your letters. Students read their letters.


Step 5.Emotion sublimation and Summary

T:OK,children.You all did good job.Are you happy?Why?Students answer.

T:Please remember:Help the others!Be much happier!

T: Now look at the blackboard.Which group is the best?Congratulation!


Step 6.Homework

1.Read and write these five phrases.

2.Give some suggestions to your parents and your friends in trouble.

3.Try to tell the story to your parents.




Unit 6 How do you feel?

B Let’s learn

What should I do?

see a doctor.

Youshouldwearwarm clothes.

do more exercise.

take a deep breath and

count to ten.

Let’s play football.(部级优课)
A double inequality for the modulus of the Grötzsch ring in Rn