丁 茜,张 帆,许保卫
(湖南工学院材料与化学工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421002)
Dasari[10-12]等借助电子显微镜和原子力显微技术对硅灰石增强PP复合材料的划痕形变进行研究,观察到纯PP的刮槽密度大于硅灰石填充PP复合材料,归因于填充PP复合材料拉伸模量的增加。另外,深入探讨了硅灰石粒子对PP结晶行为、应力发白现象和应变速率的影响,发现硅灰石加入能够提高PP的成核速率和结晶度。Hadal 等[13-15]也证实硅灰石的加入使PP的拉伸变形从银纹撕裂的脆性破坏变为楔形、脊状、纤维状的脆性破坏,PP力学形变的敏感性则主要依赖于硅灰石与PP界面的结合能力。
硅灰石也能够改善PP的热性能[17,24-25],Luyt等[17]通过溶胶-凝胶法合成纳米结构硅灰石并对填充PP的热性能进行研究,发现硅灰石填充PP复合材料的起始热分解温度移向高温,在硅灰石含量为6 vol%时PP的起始热分解温度达到435 ℃,远高于纯PP(363 ℃),原因是硅灰石阻碍了PP高分子链的流动,也可能是硅灰石与PP的不稳定降解产物之间存在相互作用,导致降解产物在熔融态PP中的扩散速度降低。郑水林等[24]发现硅灰石的加入能将PP的热变形温度从65.7 ℃提高至100.7 ℃。Radhakrishnan等[25]认为 PP的结晶行为依赖于熔体和环境之间的热传递过程,添加硅灰石等填料可以提高PP复合材料的热导率。
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Research Progresses of Properties of Polypropylene/Wollastonite Composites*
(Department of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Institute of Technology,Hunan Hengyang 421002, China)
Wollastonite filled polypropylene (PP) can improve its stiffness and significantly decrease its production costs. The research progress of the crystallization behavior, mechanical properties and thermal performance of PP/wollastonite composites were summarized. Wollastonite had heterogeneous nucleation effect on the crystallization of PP to increase crystallization temperature of PP. However, wollastonite filled PP composites mainly formed α-PP. Furthermore, wollastonite had good toughening and reinforcing effects on PP, which can improve modulus and impact strength of PP. With particular fiber structure, excellent reinforcement effect and low price, wollastonite has wide prospect of application in the field of polypropylene modification.
polypropylene; wollastonite; composites