
2016-03-07 13:07


[主持人语] 在以质量为导向的新时期,高校如何深化外语教育教学改革,提高人才培养质量,是当今外语界普遍关注的问题。在本专栏的五篇文章中,作者从不同角度谈了他们的真知灼见。王文斌教授针对我国外语教学理论缺失的问题,提出应增强理论自信,推进英语专业教学理论本土化建设;束定芳教授针对英语专业发展中的迷茫状态,提出必须适应新的形势和发展趋势,充分考虑学校的特点,考虑高等教育的特点,结合国家、区域和学生个人发展的需求,同时着眼人类文化传承和世界文化发展的长远目标,做出审慎的规划和设计,并对此提出了改革与发展的6点建议;文旭教授针对英语专业人才培养的工具性倾向,提出英语专业人才培养应该“基于综合,立于专业,归于个性”,把学生培养成为既懂专业知识,又熟练基本技能,同时人格健全而完整的人;张绍杰教授针对外语教师评价中的问题和误区,提出并建构了“教学+”主导评价原则;刘正光教授针对大学外语教学培养跨文化交际能力的问题,指出这一任务单靠开设课程无法完成,应把跨文化交际能力的培养贯穿于外语教学课堂教学环节之中,并强调隐喻教学是重要的途径之一。这些观点和建议具有建设性、预见性和启发性,目的在于唤起对我国外语教育教学改革的关注,推动其沿着正确的方向发展。

Host’s words:How institutions of high learning deepen the reform on foreign language education and instruction so as to raise the quality of cultivating talents in the period of quality-orientation remains a common concern in the circle of foreign languages today. The five articles contributed in this column present the authors’ critical thoughts about it. Professor Wang Wenbin,addressing the gap that needs to be filled in by foreign language teaching theory,proposes that the theoretical confidence in ourselves should be intensified and the construction of nationalized theory for teaching English majors should be promoted; Professor Shu Dingfang,addressing the puzzling problems arising in English majors,suggests that to be adaptable to the new situational and developmental trend,a cautious planning and design should be made by taking into consideration the characteristics of the university involved and higher education itself in combining with the demand of the country and regions,and personal needs in career development as well as the long-term goal toward the inheritance of human culture and the world cultural development,and furthermore,six points are offered in terms of the reform and development; Professor Wen Xu,addressing the instrumentality tendency incultivating talents of English majors,suggests that the talent cultivation of English majors should be “synthesis-based,specialty-focused,and personality-hilighted” in order to make a whole person equipped with professional knowledge,proficiency in basic skills,and healthy personality; Professor Zhang Shaojie,addressing the problems and misunderstandings concerning teacher assessment in institutions of high learning,offers a proposal by constructing the guidance principle of “Teaching+” for foreign language teacher assessment; Professor Liu Zhengguang,addressing the issue over how to develop cross-cultural communicative competence in college foreign language teaching,argues that it is impossible to fulfill this task just by offering relevant courses,and instead,the fostering of such competence should be integrated into the whole process of teaching practices,among which metaphor instruction is one of the effective ways to make it. The views or suggestions as offered in these articles are constructive,predictive,and implicational. The purpose for this special column is to attract attention to the reform on foreign language education and instruction so as to make it move toward right directions.

Voices from Scholars on English Education and Instruction Reform in Institutions of High Learning

The Book Review of Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis
The Connection Between “Wolf Child” Story and “Poverty of Stimulus” Argument