Americans are lazy. And you know what? Id like to argue that laziness is a good thing. Laziness gets us going. It breeds innovation. After all, what do people want? They want something that can make their lives simpler. People will always buy that widget1) or gizmo2) that makes their day easier. So the forward-thinking lazy man will set his laziness aside for a few months to come up with something that promises to help people become lazier. Why? Because life is all about greed and money. And not only are greed and money good, so is good, old-fashioned laziness.
There was a time when people used to have to walk places. (I know, crazy, isnt it?) At that time, there was no other choice. Eventually, however, folks got tired of walking, got lazy and jumped on the back of a horse. Unfortunately, they came to find out that this horse was a bear to take care of. It needed a barn to stay in, which meant someone had to build it one. Someone had to feed the horse, brush it, and generally look after it. The whole undertaking was a pain. So some lazy slob, who was no doubt tired of walking or smelling horse manure, invented the engine. A car was born.
Basic communication began with smoke signals but I have to imagine it would be pretty tiresome building a fire every time you wanted to invite someone over for dinner. Thankfully, someone invented papyrus3) so that people could make up formal invites. Then, because it would take monks several weeks to make copies of those invites, along came Gutenberg4) with a press that could crank out ten invites in a day. This allowed monks everywhere the ability to return to not talking to each other and humming.
Delivering the invites probably took months, thanks to the Pony Express5), which meant that dinner was usually spoiled by the time folks received their dinner invitations. But then, along came Alexander Bell (who no doubt found opening an envelope burdensome and time consuming) to invent the telephone. This device allowed people to personally invite someone over for dinner. Sure, its always a pain getting up off the couch to answer the phone, but a much bigger problem is coming up with a spur-of-the-moment lie to justify declining the invitation. (No one wants to admit to being too lazy to attend.)
And so we have the answering machine. This device allowed the excuse of being out of town to become fashionable. Enter cell phones, allowing people to be reached at all times, a development that has made ducking invitations even more difficult than ever.
And what about our kids? Without question, children are an integral part of the American nuclear family. But their primary function is to engender laziness—to help the parents out on the tedious household chores. As soon as a child is able to walk, its legal to make the little runt6) a household slave. Why should you have to take out the trash when theres a kid around? The bright idea to assign chores to children was the secret reason behind the population boom. I suspect people were just plain tired of having to do the dishes and wash their clothes, and they figured kids were easy to boss7) around and fun to spank8). Let kids handle the stuff that adults hate to do. Brilliant!
(Note: This plan has ultimately backfired9) because many children have now become lazier than their parents.)
Yes, my friend, laziness breeds innovation. Throughout history, almost everything ever invented was born from slothfulness: the steam engine, the choo-choo train, the riding lawnmower10), the computer. Each of these things was concocted11) for one reason: to give us more time to rest. (Sleep is a beautiful thing.)
Many baby boomers12) remember the grueling13) days of having to sit through numerous commercials on TV. Ugh. (These were the olden days in which there were only three networks—and you had to play with rabbit ears to get them.) Luckily, some MIT genius, who was probably tired of having to put down his Twinkies and get up to switch over to Star Trek, came up with the greatest invention in the world: the remote control. This device revolutionized television watching and the slug14) was born. No more having to get up off the couch (groan) and change channels. No more sending your kid to do it for you. Now it was possible to just sit in one place and push a button to allow the world to unfold in front of you.
But commercials serve their own role in the promotion of laziness. Not a night goes by that several “as seen on TV” ads dont pop up on the screen, each hawking The Garden Weasel, Wonder Hangers, The Neckline Slimmer, Smart Mop, or that crazy little Ped Egg15). In such advertisements, hyper16), coked-up pitchmen17) swear they have items that will make our lives easier. (The only catch? Most of these miracle items last about a week.) No need to run to the farmers market when you can have giant blueberries in your own backyard! Toss Mr. Steamy18) in the dryer and never do any painstaking ironing! And how about the breakthrough technology of The Flowbee19)? Instead of having to waste energy by squeezing a pair of scissors together, now you can simply cut and vacuum your hair! No more dandruff20). Spill something? All those time-consuming trips to grab paper towels are things of the past when you buy a ShamWow21)!
But for my money22), the one item that epitomizes just how lazy Americans have become is The Clapper23), a device that has finally made our one form of exercise—getting up and turning off a light—obsolete. Im telling you, youve got to think lazy to be rich!
Thank God for lazy people. If you want to be wealthy, take an hour or two out of your daily television watching and invent something that will help people become lazier.
As for me, Im off to make my dinner. I dont know if I have the strength to cut up any vegetables tonight. Where the hell is my Slap Chop Food Chopper? Oh, and could someone please invent something that writes articles?
1. widget [?w?d??t] n. 小机械;小装置;(公司的某种)小产品
2. gizmo [?ɡ?zm??] n. 小发明;小装置,机械装置
3. papyrus [p??pa?r?s] n. 纸莎草纸
4. Gutenberg:即约翰内斯·古腾堡(Johannes Gutenberg, 1400~1468),德国发明家,是西方活字印刷术的发明人,他的发明推动了西方科学和社会的迅速发展。
5. Pony Express:驿马快信制,又译快马邮递或小马快递,是美国近代一项利用快马接力,在加利福尼亚州和密苏里州间传递邮件的系统。
6. runt [r?nt] n. 幼仔;(发育不全的)矮小动物(或植物、人等)
7. boss [b?s] vt. 对……发号施令;把……差来遣去
8. spank [sp??k] vt. (用手)打(小孩)的屁股
9. backfire [b?k?fa??(r)] vi. (计划)产生适得其反的结果
10. lawnmower [?l??n?m???(r)] n. [建]割草机
11. concoct [k?n?k?kt] vt. 调制;调合
12. baby boomers:(尤指1945至1965年间英国和美国)生育高峰期出生的人
13. grueling [?ɡru??l??] adj. 折磨人的;让人受不了的
14. slug [sl?ɡ] n. 懒散的人
15. 文中此处指各类新发明的产品。
16. hyper [?ha?p?(r)] adj. 亢奋的
17. pitchman [?p?t?m?n] n. 商品宣传者,广告员
18. Mr. Steamy:一款蒸汽干衣球,产品介绍宣称使用这款产品,衣服不需熨烫,自然平整。
19. The Flowbee:一款剪头发用的产品,集真空吸管和电动剪刀为一体。优点是不掉头发渣,头发渣全都被吸到吸尘器里了。
20. dandruff [?d?ndr?f] n. 头皮屑
21. ShamWow:一款抹布,产品介绍宣称其吸水性特别好。
22. for my money:据我看来,依照我的意见
23. The Clapper:一款声控电动开关,可用于控制两个电动装置,具体控制哪一个装置取决于用户拍手两次还是三次。