刘月驹,秦士吉,李 升,陈 伟,王 娟,张英泽
(河北医科大学第三医院骨科,河北省骨科研究所,河北省骨科生物力学重点实验室,河北 石家庄050051)
(河北医科大学第三医院骨科,河北省骨科研究所,河北省骨科生物力学重点实验室,河北 石家庄050051)
张英泽教授等[4]提出不均匀沉降理论,该理论认为踝关节骨性关节炎和膝关节骨性关节炎一样,是由于腓骨支撑导致的胫腓骨在人体衰老过程中的不均匀沉降引起。经过初步生物力学实验证实,对于内踝骨性关节炎,在外踝上方6 cm处将腓骨截除1~2 cm,有利于踝关节所承受应力的重新分配,从而有效地缓解由内踝间隙变窄造成的疼痛(图1,2)。拟在下一步开展临床研究,其纳入标准为非手术治疗无效的内踝骨关节炎,排除标准为由于骨关节创伤、畸形和踝关节不稳定引起的终末期踝关节炎。
[1]Grunfeld R,Aydogan U,Juliano P.Ankle arthritis: review of diagnosis and operative management[J].Med Clin North Am,2014,98(2):267-289.
[2]Ahn TK,Yi Y,Cho JH,et al.A Cohort Study of Patients Undergoing Distal Tibial Osteotomy without Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Ankle Arthritis with Mortise Widening[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2015,97(5):381-388.
[3]Zaidi R,Cro S,Gurusamy K,et al.The outcome of total ankle replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Bone Joint J,2013,95-B(11):1500-1507.
[4]张英泽,李存祥,李冀东,等.不均匀沉降在膝关节退变及内翻过程中机制的研究[J].河北医科大学学报,2014,35(2):218-219. R,Aydogan U,Juliano P.Ankle arthritis: review of diagnosis and operative management[J].Med Clin North Am,2014,98(2):267-289.
[2]Ahn TK,Yi Y,Cho JH,et al.A Cohort Study of Patients Undergoing Distal Tibial Osteotomy without Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Ankle Arthritis with Mortise Widening[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2015,97(5):381-388.
[3]Zaidi R,Cro S,Gurusamy K,et al.The outcome of total ankle replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Bone Joint J,2013,95-B(11):1500-1507.
[作者简介]刘月驹(1983-),男,河北南宫人,河北医科大学第三医院骨科主治医师,医学博士,从事创伤骨科疾病诊治研究。 *通讯作者。E-mail:dryzzhang@126.com
The non-uniform settlement theory for ankle osteoarthritis
[Abstract]Based on the non-uniform settlement theory of professor Yingze Zhang,the tibia,as a load-bearing bone,takes place apparent settlement due to osteoporosis in the human aging process,which does not occur in the fibula.Therefore,it leads to medial compartment of knee and ankle arthritis simultaneously.For the medial compartment of ankle arthritis,the fibula can be cut 1-2 cm at 6 cm above the lateral malleolus.And it will restore ankle joint space,effectively relieve pain.