
2015-12-28 23:09刘习文
高中生学习·高三版 2015年12期







例1 (2013年高考湖北卷·阅读理解E)

A German study suggests that people who were too optimistic about their future actually faced greater risk of disability or death within 10 years than those pessimists who expected their future to be worse.


Lang and his colleagues believed that people who were pessimistic about their future may be more careful about their actions than people who expected a rosy future.

“Seeing a dark future may encourage positive evaluations of the actual self and may contribute to taking improved precautions (预防措施),” the authors wrote.

Pessimism may be positive in some way because it causes people .

A. to fully enjoy their present life

B. to estimate their contribution accurately

C. to take measures against potential risks

D. to value health more highly than wealth

解析 C。细节理解题。


根据第6段中的may be more careful about their actions和第7段中的may contribute to taking improved precautions (预防措施),就知道C是正确的。选项A,充分享受现有的生活,文中没有提及;选项B(悲观主义让人准确估计他们的贡献),选项D(更看重身体,而不是财富),这些都不是科学规律,而且与原文无关。


例2 (2015年高考新课标I卷·阅读理解C)

Salvador Dali was one of the most popular of modern artists. The Pompidou Centre in Paris is showing its respect and admiration for the artist and his powerful personality with an exhibition bringing together over 200 paintings, sculptures, drawings and more ...

Which of the following best describes Dali to Paragraph 1?

A. Optimistic B. Productive

C. Generous D. Traditional

解析 B。细节理解题。

首段讲述了达利的200多幅油画、雕塑和绘画作品等将在巴黎的The Pompidou Centre展出,对其生平和贡献进行了总体概括,用数字体现了他的作品之多,所以选择B(多产的)。其他选项,A(乐观的),C(慷慨的),D(传统的),在首段和全文中都没有提及。

例3 (2015年高考重庆卷·阅读理解E)

首段 The values of artistic works, according to cultural relativism (相对主义), are simply reflection of local social and economic conditions. Such a view, however, fails to explain the ability of some works of art to excite the human mind across cultures and through centuries ...

第三段首句 In a 1757 essay, the philosopher argued that because “the general principles of taste are uniform (不变的) in human nature”...

尾段 Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art. ...

Which of the following can best serve as the title of passage?

A. Are Artistic Values Universal?

B. Are Popular Arts Permanent?

C. Is Human Nature Uniform?

D. Is Cultural Relativism Scientific?

解析 A。主旨大意题。


关键词universality和选项A的universal同根,核心词values,可提炼主旨为选项A(艺术作品的价值是普适的吗?)。选项B中的popular arts指流行艺术,偷换概念,指涉的范围明显变小,且parmanent与文章主题无关。选项C讲人性是否不变,外延扩大;the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature(普遍的品味原则是不变的),本文主要是谈艺术作品的价值上的普适性,不是谈人性的不变。选项D问文化相对主义是否科学,文化相对主义只是一种引用的理论,引用的目地在于谈论艺术作品的价值问题,而不在于谈论其本身是否科学。


1. 寻找显性目标,顺藤摸瓜,发现问题。如:

例4 (2015年高考新课标I卷·阅读理解C)

The visitor will enter the World of Dali through an egg and is met with the beginning, the world of birth. The exhibition follows a path of time and subject with the visitor exiting through the brain.

How are the exhibits arranged at the World of Dali?

A. By popularity.

B. By importance

C. By size and shape.

D. By time and subject.

解析 D。细节理解题。

根据同义异构的原则,即命题选项一般会用与原文意思相同或相近的不同的词,如原文中用follow,exhibitions,题干用arrange,exhibits,可直接定位在第二段最后一句话The exhibition follows a path of time and subject with the visitor existing through the brain. (按照时间和主题来组织作品展览)。

文章说观众从鸡蛋形状的入口进去(enter ... through an egg),从大脑形状的出口出来(exiting through the brain),里面的作品是(follow a path of time and subject)。故选项C中提到的大小和形状不是展览安排的方式,应排除。文章没有说到展出作品的重要性,更不是按照重要性来安排展览的,故选项B应排除。选项A,按照流行度安排,文中没有提及,故排除。

2. 分析事物的相关性,判断各对象之间的关系来挖掘隐性目标;或通过多个对象的共同元素来抽象概括,提炼目标。

例5 (2015年高考新课标I卷·阅读理解D)

... Over the years, Parisian cafes have fallen victim to changes in the French lifestyle—longer working hours, a fast-food boom and a younger gernerationss desire to spend more time at home. Dozens of new theme cafes appear to change the situation.

33. How are cafes affected by French lifestyle changes?

A. They are less frequently visited.

B. They stay open for longer hours.

C. They have bigger night crowds.

D. They start to serve fast food.

解析 A。推理判断题。

根据题干中的French lifestyle, 要找到cafes如何受法国生活方式变化的影响,首先定位到原文第二段,“多年来,巴黎的咖啡馆成了法国生活方式改变的受害者”。句中破折号后的内容就是说明生活方式具体发生了什么变化,更长的工作时间,快餐的兴起和年轻人更喜欢花更多的时间待在家里”。找准定位信息,尤其是a younger generations desire to spend more time at home,然后把题干、选项和文中定位信息三结合,弄清他们之间的逻辑关系,可以概括出,这些生活方式导致了人们不再经常去咖啡馆,故选A。

选项B中讲他们延长营业时间,而原文中longer working hours是唯一的定位点,但是讲的却是工作时间长,不符合题意;选项C“他们晚上有更多的顾客”,与年轻人更喜欢花更多的时间待在家里矛盾,故排除C;选项D“他们开始提供快餐”,定位信息a fast-food boom,快餐的兴起繁荣,是法国人生活方式的变化,不是说咖啡馆开始提供快餐,故排除D。


例6 (2015 年高考新课标I卷·阅读理解D)

A cafe society where no intellectualizing is allowed? It couldnt seem more un-French. But Lehannes psychology cafe is about more than knowing oneself. Its trying to help the citys troubled neighbourhood cafes ... Dozens of new theme cafes appear to change the situation. Cafes focused around psychology, history, and engineering are catching on, filling tables well into the evening.

34. What are theme cafes expected to do?

A. Create more jobs

B. Supply better drinks.

C. Save the cafe business

D. Serve the neighbourhood

解析 C。推理判断题。难度为中上等。

根据题干关键词theme cafes,考查它被期望做到什么?根据文题顺序一致的原则,直接定位到第二段含有theme cafes的倒数第二句话,这是我们思考问题的切入点。本段话主旨在第二句话,即but转折后的Its trying to help the citys troubled neighbourhood cafes. 前面提出问题,话题一转,主旨出现了:心理学咖啡馆致力于帮助陷入困境的neighborhood cafes。以心理学咖啡馆为例,本文讲述了很多主题咖啡馆的出现被期望能帮助那些处于困境中的neighbourhood cafes,所以选项C符合文意。


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