付尧 王金成 贾云龙 张汉阳 钟专 陈高扬 刘贺 常非
付尧 王金成 贾云龙 张汉阳 钟专 陈高扬 刘贺 常非*
Background:ound:When to begin fullweight-bearing exercise after open reduction and internal fixation for SandersⅡ-Ⅲcalcaneal fractures is still in dispute.
Objective:tive:To investigate the relationship between joint function recovery and postoperative fullweight-bearing exercise afteropen reduction and internal fixation for treatmentof SandersⅡ-Ⅲcalcaneal fractures.
Methods:hods:A total of 29 patients(36 feet)w ith SandersⅡ-Ⅲcalcaneal fractures treated between January 2010 and October 2013 were enrolled in the retrospective study.According to the beginning time of fullweight-bearing exercise,the patients were divided into two groups.In group A,16 patients(17 feet)began partialweight-bearing exercise at6-8 w eeks postoperatively and fullweight-bearing exercisewithin 3monthspostoperatively(2.8monthson average).In group B,13 patients(19 feet)did fullweight-bearing exercisewith a delay(more than 3months,5.5monthson average)after surgery due to personal reasons,such as combined injury,industrial injury and psychological factors.
Results:ults:The Maryland foot scorewas 91.4±3.4 in group A and 86.3±4.5 in group B,and therewas significantdifference in the Maryland scorebetween groups(P<0.05).Three feet in group A and one foot in group B suffered from a poorhealing of incision and were cured after dressing change 2 weeks later.Osteomyelitis occurred in one foot in group B and were cured by antibiotic bone cement reconstruction.No significant differencewas observed in complications between two groups(P>0.05).A ll fractureswere healed.The average Böhler angle and Gissan angle w as 29.5°±3.3°and 130.1°±5.4°,respectively, in group A.And in group Bwas31.1°±2.1°and 131.5°±3.9°,respectively.Therewasno significantdifference in BöhlerangleorGissan anglebetween two groups(P>0.05).
Conclusions:ions:Foot function in the patientswho perform fullw eight-bearing exercise w ithin 3months postoperatively is superior to thosewith a delaying fullweight-bearing exercise(more than 3monthsaftersurgery).
1.1 临床资料
A组16例17足,年龄17~60岁,平均38.8岁,平均BM I为20.1,随访时间7~28个月,平均15.6个月;B组13例19足,年龄17~51岁,平均38.8岁,平均BM I为23.3,随访时间7~24个月,平均14.8个月,两组比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。按Sanders分型[5]均为Ⅱ~Ⅲ型骨折,其中Ⅱ型8足,Ⅲ型28足(表1)。所有患者术前均行跟骨轴、侧位X线片,三维重建CT扫描。
1.2 治疗方法
表1 两组病例Sanders nders分型情况(足)
1.3 随访计划及评估指标
1.4 统计学处理
采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析,两组性别和骨折类型采用Fisher检验,术后Böhler角、Gissane角、平均随访时间、Maryland足部功能评分采用t检验,P<0.05为有统计学差异。
按照Maryland足部评分标准评价术后患足功能:A组优10足,良7足,平均(91.4±3.4)分;B组优7足,良11足,中1足,平均(86.3±4.5)分(表2),两组评分有统计学差异(P<0.05)。A组切口愈合不良3足,经换药2周愈合;B组切口愈合不良1足,经换药2周愈合,骨髓炎1足,经含抗生素骨水泥填充治疗后愈合,两组比较无统计学差别。A组平均Böhler角29.5°± 3.3°、平均Gissane角130.1°±5.4°,骨折均已愈合;B组平均Böhler角31.1°±2.1°,平均Gissane角131.5°± 3.9°,骨折均已愈合,两组比较无统计学差异。典型病例见图1、2。
表2 术后随访Maryland yland足部评分结果(足)
图1 患者,男,37岁,高处坠落伤至右跟骨骨折,术后3个月内开始完全负重锻炼
图2 患者,女,24岁,坠落伤致左跟骨骨折,术后完全负重锻炼开始时间超过3个月
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Relationship between fullweight-bearing exerciseand joint function in postoperative Sanders ndersⅡ--Ⅲcalcaneal fractures
(Departmentof Orthopedics,The Second Hospitalof Jilin University,Changchun 13.41,China)
ords:Calcaneal fracture;Fullweight-bearing;Exercise
2095-9958(2015)02-0 062-04