2. 通过学习本课,使学生充分运用略读和扫读等技能来提取文章的主旨、各段段意、文章细节等要点,使学生的阅读和理解能力有所提升,以便学生利用这些能力阅读其他文章。
3. 通过阅读和理解关于发明的文章,使学生对该话题类文章产生兴趣,并增加学生对英语的学习热情。
1. Pre-reading
1.1 分组并确定奖励规则 (5 minutes)
There are about 40 students in the class. The teacher is supposed to divide the students into 10 teams according to their English ability. And in each team there are 4 students who have different English abilities, 1 top student with a high ability(No.1 in the team), 2 students with an average ability(No.2 and No.3 in the team) and 1 student with a low ability(No.4 in the team). For one question, if he answers it correctly, the number of stars he will get is his member number. For example, if he is No.1 in the team and answers a question correctly, he will get only 1 star. But if he is No.4 in the team, he will get 4 stars! The rule of reinforcing should be team-oriented. The final team score is the number of all the stars all the team members in the team get. The team getting the most stars will get a surprising prize from the teacher.
1.2 暖身游戏 (2 minutes)
After teams are formed, the teacher call any member in any team and the student called should stand up quickly. For example, the teacher says, “No.3 in Team 2!” Then the corresponding student should stand up quickly saying “Im here!”.
1.3 讨论3个常见的已有发明(3 minutes)
The teacher shows three common inventions in PPT, the bulb, the plane and the sunglasses. Discuss in teams Two questions about the three inventions.
What is it? Why was it invented?
After the discussion, the teacher shows the picture one by one. The students raise their hand to grab the chance to answer the two questions. For example, the student could answer like this.
S1: It is a bulb. It was invented to give people light in the dark.
S2: It is a plane. It was invented to make sure that people fly in the sky.
S3: It is a pair of sunglasses. It was invented to prevent our eyes from the sun.
Whats more, there could be idea sharing and contradiction with each other in this step.endprint
【 活动说明:以讨论电灯泡、飞机、太阳镜这些熟悉的发明来导入本课话题,使学生接受起来不突兀。】
1.4 讨论Flowbee和发明者Rick Hunt的图片 (6 minutes)
The teacher shows another picture on PPT in which Rick Hunt is cutting his hair with his invention called Flowbee. three questions are put forward for students to discuss in teams.
What is the machine the man is holding?
What is the man doing with the machine?
Who do you think is the man?
After the discussion, students can share their ideas in class. There must be different answers.
S1:The machine is a telephone. The man is trying to act as an emperor because the telephone looks like an emperors hat. I think the man is an actor.
S2:The machine is a vacuum cleaner. I also think he is acting as an emperor, but I think he is a worker.
The teacher and all the students have heard a number of answers. In order to find out the correct answer, students have to read the passage carefully with the three questions.
T:Lets read the passage silently with the tape, trying to find out the answers to the three questions.
2 While-reading
2.1 公布上一环节所布置问题的答案(2 minutes)
The teacher asks three students to tell the answer to each question. Three students answer like this, respectively,
The machine is Flowbee. The man is cutting his hair with the Flowbee. The man is Rick Hunt who invented the Flowbee.
2.2 随读课文(2 minutes)
The teacher asks the students to read with the tape aloud then plays the tape. The students should try to catch up with the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation and stress of each word when reading.
T:Now read with the tape aloud and try to catch up with the tape. When reading, youre supposed to pay attention to pronunciation, intonation and stress of each word. (Then play the tape. The students begin to read with the tape aloud.)
2.3 播放磁带跟读(8 minutes)
After reading with the tape, the students are asked to read each sentence after the tape. In other words, the passage is played one sentence by one sentence and the students should read each sentence exactly.
T:Now lets read after the tape, one sentence by one sentence. Remember to correct your mistakes with pronunciation, intonation and stress of each word.endprint
2.4 开展组内和组间的朗读竞赛(12 minutes)
The students are asked to read the passage in their own team one by one and select the best one, with the least mistakes and the highest reading speed, to stand out, which is the competition within teams. Then the best players from each team will get 2 stars and have a competition with each other, which is the competition between teams. The champion in the class will get 4 stars.
T:Now read in teams one by one. After one finishes reading, help him or her correct his or her mistakes. The best one in your team stand out. Here we go!
(After all the best players from each team stand out,)
T:You are the champion from your team and you have got 2 stars. Now you are against other champions from other teams. Who will be the final champion in our class who will get another 4 stars? You may PK with each other. Here we go!
T:Ha! XXX is the final champion! Lets give him / her a big hand! Congratulations to you, XXX!
2.5 排序 (8 minutes)
In this activity, each team is demanded to use a big piece of paper, the 5 slips of paper with sayings on them, the 5 pictures and the glue stick. The students are asked to put them in the correct order and try to introduce how Flowbee was invented.
T:Work in teams, stick each slip of paper on its corresponding picture, then stick the slips of paper in the correct order according to the story of Flowbee on the big piece of paper. And then, practice introducing how Flowbee was invented with the pictures, trying to make your introduction exact, brief and fluent. Now you may begin.
T:Now the team leaders stick your paper on the blackboard!
T:Who wants to introduce how Flowbee was invented?
(Maybe only three students can come to the front to introduce because of the limited time.)
2.6 正误判断 (5 minutes)
Firstly the teacher prepares 4 sentences for students to judge whether they are true or false. These 4 sentences are,
① Flowbees were invented in 1987.
②Rick Hunt invented the Flowbee by adding some parts to a common vacuum cleaner.
③Flowbees are sold only in the United States.endprint
④The first Flowbees were sold in a market near Hunts house.
Each sentence is written on one slip of paper, so there are 4 slips of paper in total for each team and these 4 slips are put in an envelope.
Students should open the envelope and extract any one slip from the envelope. Then, the students go back to the passage and find out whether the sentence in hand is true or false, more importantly, students are called to underline the original sentences as the evidence. Then the teacher asks the each team to have a discussion to report his or her own sentences, to tell others whether it is true or false and where he or she finds the answer in the passage.
S:My sentence is “Flowbees were invented in 1987.” It is true. I found it from several sentences of paragraph 2 and 3. “In 1987, Rick Hunt was working in his wood shop. As his hair was cleaned by the vacuum, he got an idea. Some special parts were added to a common vacuum. In this way, the first Flowbees were built.”
The teacher then calls four volunteers to report his or her result to the class in order to check the answers.
2.7 更多细节搜索 (10 minutes)
Firstly the teacher prepares 8 questions in total according to the passage details.
① When was the Flowbee invented?
② What is the Flowbee?
③ Who invented it?
④ What idea did he get when his hair was cleaned by the vacuum?
⑤ What did he do with a common vacuum to make the first Flowbee?
⑥ In what ways did he sell his inventions?
⑦ How many Flowbees were sold in America over the next ten years?
⑧ What is the main idea of the passage?
These 8 questions are written on both sides of a slip of question sheet. And 4 sheets are for one team, each sheet for one member. For each sheet of question sheet, on one side, the 2 questions are set for its corresponding team members ability, on the other side, the rest 6 questions which are for the other 3 members are there.
T: Question 7, No.3!
S: How many Flowbees were sold in America over the next ten years? More than a million. I found it in the first line of the last paragraph, “More than a million Flowbees were sold in America over the next ten years.”
3. Post-reading
角色扮演 (15 minutes)endprint
The teacher asks each team to select one to act as Rick Hunt. Practice a role play showing the story of Rick Hunt and his Flowbees using the vacuum cleaner model prepared before the class. Then each team think of ideas about the play and select one person to act, helping him or her deciding what to say, what movements to make and what expressions to have for each stage of the story (the play) to make sure that their team can act it out well. After the preparations, the teacher calls some volunteers to act in front of the class and each team and the teacher then evaluate each play. All the members participating in the role play will get 1 star. The member getting the highest marks will get 5 stars for their team, the one getting the lowest marks will only get 1 star for their team, respectively.
When were they invented?
Who invented them?
How were they invented?
How were they sold?
Sometimes, great ideas come from surprising places.endprint