Research and Practice of“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode

2015-07-04 16:17XingLinlinJiaZhuli
校园英语·下旬 2015年8期

Xing LinlinJia Zhuli

【Abstract】“Vocational class” teaching mode is based on vocational ability training of students as the goal to develop target-oriented approach of the teaching reform method; it is a new teaching method.This mode is the integration of teaching,learning and doing in class; it is the typical vocational tasks mode of teaching methods.Teaching process imitates the office scene and the actual working process.

【Key words】vocational class; objective teaching method; vocational ability cultivation; typical occupational tasks

At present,English teaching generally adopts and relies mainly on the teacher-dominated teaching method.Realizing the goal of students' ability skills has a long way to go,so the teaching reform is imperative.In taking the target-oriented practice of classroom teaching methods as the leading factor,curriculum reform should be one of the main tasks to develop new teaching modes to promote the application of the goal teaching method in vocational education to improve the teaching quality and the teaching result.

I.What Is Vocational Class

“Vocational class”is a new and feasible mode of combining learning with working.It embodies the inherent law of development of vocational education and essential requirements of the students classroom learning and practical work together,in order for us to develop the comprehensive ability of students and improve their employment core competitiveness,and better form the development of personnel training of students mechanism.

1.The Definition of “Vocational Class”

The papers authors define it as:“Vocational class”is the integration of teaching,learning and doing in class,namely the typical vocational tasks mode of the goal teaching method.Teaching process imitates the office scene and the actual working process.

“Vocational class”can be interpreted that teaching embodies the vocational characteristics.This teaching mode lays emphasis on the cultivation of vocational and professional ability.The mode is based on students vocational ability cultivation as the goal to expand the goal-oriented teaching methods.On the premise of the training objectives and the professional orientation of the courses,the teaching mode has the vocational characteristics.That is,the integration of classroom and internship location,teaching,learning and doing are all-in-one.This mode is especially suitable for the teaching of liberal arts courses,such as some of“Business English”professional curriculum; students can simulate the actual work of the office in the training classroom.

2.The Characteristics of “Vocational Class”

“Vocational class” is that vocational colleges utilize the school environment and resources,and imitate the training of enterprises to their employees,but in some aspects of professional theories,“vocational class” is superior to the training of enterprises to their employees.The mode can narrow the gap between the schools education and the enterprises staff training,and overcome the deficiencies of their own.“Vocational class” is neither the original sense of the school education,nor is a simple mode of enterprises training,but the sum of the two advantages and the re-integration.

“Vocational class” is based on simulation-type teaching to strengthen the students vocational abilities.“Professional class” is a simulation-type practical platform to transform students professional abilities into vocational abilities; the main carrier of the course is the situation or the project teaching.

II.“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode Design

This teaching mode design is made up of the main part and auxiliary part.According to the teaching contents,the teacher can use one or some of the instructional modes; teaching does not necessarily include all forms of instructional modes,but the overall teaching of the course must have a working task or project teaching in the training classroom,without which it cannot be known as the“vocational class”teaching mode.

1.“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode Table

2.The Implementation Process of Teaching,Learning and Doing Integration

The course is completed in the training classroom for the realization of the skills objectives; the teacher and the students will do the following work:

(1)The teacher announces the project tasks; students can form a partner or can be divided into small groups;(2)The teacher provides the writing sample or project templates to the students,and the students finish the writing according to the sample;(3)Under the guidance of the teacher,the students finish the task or class-work with the help of the network resources; (4)Students should hand in their class-work in electronic version through the line or on Internet; (5)The teacher uses Adobe Acrobat Professional software to convert the students class-work to PDF format,makes paperless correcting and marking and then gives feedback into the computer's private folder of each student (students cannot change the marked class-work returned by the teacher); (6)The teacher appraises the students class-work and makes comments.

3.The Content of Network Teaching Resources

Online teaching resources as an auxiliary part of“vocational class”teaching,we use a wealth of teaching materials and visual resources to achieve the purpose of consolidating and improving the learning.By way of independent study,the students can take part in varies kind of activities.Online teaching resources include:

(1)Teaching courseware; (2)Electronic teaching plans; (3)A lot of homework and reference answers; (4)Simulation tests and suggested answers; (5)Various kinds of study guide articles; (6)Teaching videos; (7)Situation & project teaching courseware and task templates; (8)Study column (There are abundant supplementary practicing and reading materials);(9)Electronic textbooks and relevant teaching materials;(10)The e-books and electronic dictionaries; (11)Online questions & answers;(12)Recreation moment (English songs with subtitles and English movies with bilingual captions);(13)Practical software download;(14)English learning website links etc.

4.The Course Closely Combines with Outside-School Training

We established two training bases outside school.One is Tianjin Building Materials Import & Export Co.,Ltd.,and the other is PICC Insurance Tianjin Branch of Health Co.,Ltd.Practice teaching or internship projects were arranged for students in each training base.Outside-school training has further strengthened the students professional and vocational capacity.

Training and practice in the process of PICC Health Insurance Tianjin Branch Co.,Ltd.,all students have exerted their enthusiasm and potential,which shows the positive results of school education and the enterprise training.Tian Wei,the teacher of outside-school training base has outlined the future blueprint for the students.Ye Ming,the Manager of the sales department said the enterprise at any time opens the doors of employment for the students because he has seen that these students possess the skills—English skills and marketing skills.

III.Prerequisite of“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode Implementation

The Implementation of“Vocational class”teaching mode needs the requirements to the hardware,software,the teachers and the class size.

1.The Hardware Conditions of“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode

“Vocational class”teaching first needs vocational training classroom.The teacher's computer,with Internet access,should be equipped with Office 2007 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 9.0 or above software.Each students computer,with Internet access,should be equipped with Office 2007 and Adobe Reader software.By means of the courseware and e-teaching plans,the teacher gives the lectures.The training classroom is the main hardware support of the teaching.

2.Requirements to the Teacher of“Vocational Class”Implementation

The teaching mode of“vocational class”requires the school full-time lecturer to have the“double qualification”or basic“double qualification”.“Vocational class”mode teachers should skillfully master the technology of using Adobe Acrobat Professional software for editing and correcting documents.

“Vocational class”includes lectures from outside-school experts and professionals,and the mode also includes students practice in the outside-school training bases.The mechanism of long-term cooperation between vocational colleges and enterprises is the reliable guarantee of continuing the teaching mode.

3.Class Size Requirements of“Vocational Class”Teaching Mode

This teaching mode requires less than 30 students of each class; the small number of students in the class is convenient for the teacher to give guidance timely to the students.While taking the project course,students can be made a pair of partners; for instance,the completion of inquiry letters and offer letters or offer letters and counter-offer letters is very suitable for the writing.The students can be divided into groups of 4-6 students,such as,they can discuss the way of completing the project,and the drafting and signing of the contract; the plan is very appropriate.The teachers can successively correct the students classwork and timely give the guidance to the students..

IV.The Effectiveness and the Restriction Problems of “Vocational Class” Teaching Mode

The good teaching results have been achieved,but some restriction problems of “vocational class” teaching mode still exist.

1.Effectiveness of “Vocational Class”Teaching Mode

The teaching mode was made into practice in the course of “Business English translation and writing”,which completely changed the teacher“spoon-feeding”teaching method.“Teaching,learning and doing”that is,the teachers lectures,students learning,and students actual practice of writing were organically integrated,so students are all willing to attend class; the overall academic records increased by 20%,and the course achieved better teaching results.

2.The Restriction Problems of “Vocational Class” Teaching Mode

“Vocational class”teaching mode is still in the early stage of implementation,so it is immature.The restriction problems of “vocational class” teaching mode listed below should be improved; the papers authors hope teachers from vocational colleges to participate in the discussion and exploration of the teaching mode.The restriction problems are:

(1)“Vocational class”teaching mode requires making better use of vocational colleges environment and resources; it is not suitable for large classes in ordinary classrooms.The small number of students and the hardware are the objective requirements;(2)At present,the liberal arts teachers with“double qualification”are very few;(3)“Vocational class” teaching mode is not suitable for the purely theoretical courses and basic courses;(4)“Vocational class”teaching mode is not suitable for the course which has no project or no task teaching,and it is either not suitable for the course which has no writing and no translation in the teaching contents;(5)Some of the training classrooms do not have Internet access,eventually,the teaching result was leveled down;(6)Many vocational teachers have no idea about Adobe Acrobat Professional software,and they even do not know how to use the software.Usually they give students lectures only by means of textbooks and paper-made teaching plans.


“Vocational class”teaching mode is successfully used in business English teaching.It makes the reconstruction of the content system,which can make some of the main teaching units to become the typical tasks,corresponds to the integrated information carrier,and form a number of situational tasks.Students the vocational ability training as the goal of teaching reform has achieved good results.It is proved that this is an effective way of professional English teaching.“Vocational class”is an innovation of combining work with study.

This teaching mode based on vocational ability training of students as the goal of teaching reform is a new mode.For further investigating and popularizing this kind of teaching mode,it is very necessary to use the teaching mode in some of the courses of professional English and other liberal arts teaching.

This article aims at arousing the colleagues to participate in the discussion and research of “vocational class”teaching mode,and practice the target-oriented teaching methods as the leading factor,and open up new modes for vocational course teaching of liberal arts.


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