Hongliang LI Jiecheng CHEN
The convolution operator has been studied for many years.The classical type,called Young inequality,Lp∗LqLr(1
LetAbe a Banach algebra.By a left(right)BanachA-module we mean(see[8])a Banach spaceV,which is a left(right)A-module in the algebraic sense,and for which
wherekis a constant independent ofa,v.
IfVandWare left(right)BanachA-modules,then HomA(V,W)will denote the Banach space of all continuousA-module homomorphisms fromVtoWwith the operator norm.HomA(V,W),as a rule,is called the space of multipliers fromVtoW.
The definition of the tensor product of Banach modules can be found in[8–9].LetAbe a Banach algebra,andVandWbe left and right BanachA-modules respectively.Suppose thatV⊗γWdenotes the projective tensor product(see[10])ofVandWas Banach spaces(γis the greatest crossnorm in[11],[12,p.36]).LetKbe the closed linear subspace ofV⊗γWwhich is spanned by all the elements of the form
Now the quotient Banach spaceVW/Kis called theA-module tensor productVW.
The following isomorphism
was proved by Rieffel[8],where the notationW∗is the dual ofW.The linear functional on HomA(V,W∗),which corresponds tot=W,has value
atT∈HomA(V,W∗).The topology on HomA(V,W∗)defined by the linear functional of this form corresponds to the weak∗-topology(VW)∗,which is called ultraweak∗-operators topology(see[9,13]).
In this paper,we get the concrete representation of the tensor products of the Orlicz-Lorentz spacesand obtain the multipliers of the Orlicz-Lorentz spaces by(1.1).For more details about tensor products and multipliers,one can also refer to[14–18]and so on.
LetM(G,µ)be the class of all measurable and almost everywhere finite functions on(G,µ).Forf∈M(G,µ),a non-increasing rearrangement off,is a non-increasing functionf∗on R+≡(0,+∞)which is equimeasurable with|f|.The rearrangementf∗is defined by the equality(see[19])
We sayφ:[0,∞)→[0,∞)is a Young function ifφis non-decreasing and convex withφ(0)=0,andφ(x)=∞.The Young conjugateφ∗of the Young functionφis defined by
The Orlicz-Lorentz spaces(G)(see[20–21])associated to the Young functionφand a weightwon R+(nonnegative locally integrable functions in R+),are the set off∈M(G,µ)such that for someλ>0,we have(λf)<∞,where
(we assume that the weightwvanishes in[µ(G),∞)).Let
If there is no ambiguity,we indicate=Ifw(t)=1,then=is an Orlicz space(see[22–23]);ifφ(t)=(1≤p<∞),then=(w)is a Lorentz space(see[24–25]).Additionally,let
called the subspace of finite elements ofIf groupGis discrete,the notationsandare used instead ofand
Given an arbitrary functionD:[0,∞)→[0,∞),we say thatDsatisfies condition∆2in symbolG∈∆2when
A Young functionFis said to satisfy∆′condition in symbolF∈∆′if there existsC>0 such that
Clearly ifF∈∆′,thenF∈∆2.By[26,Thm.3.1],we know that ifµ(G)=∞,W∈∆2,W(∞)=∞orµ(G)<∞,then
There are many papers devoted to researching Hardy-type inequalities on monotone functions.Letfbe a nonnegative function on R+,the Hardy operator be
andf↓indicate thatfis a nonnegative nonincreasing function in R+.In[27,Thm.2.3],the author got that ifφ∈∆′,then
if and only if there is a constantH>0 such that
Obviously,(2.2)implies thatcan be normable ifφ∈∆′.Ifφ=,then(2.3)implies thatw∈(see[28–29]).Ifw,φsatisfy the inequality(2.2),we sayw∈,and let
As usual,f≈gindicates the existence of a universal constantB>0(independent of all parameters involved)so thatf≤g≤Bf.In the sequel,Cdenotes a positive constant which need not be the same at different occurrences.Ifwis a weight on R+,we denoteW(t)=w(s)ds.
In the rest of this paper,Gwill be a unimodular locally compact abelian group,with Haar measureµ.Letφbe a Young function.A generalized inverse function:[0,∞]→[0,∞]is defined as
It is said in[3]that(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for l.a.(s.a.)[a.a]if there existk>0,δ>0,such that
whenφ1(u)≥δ,φ2(v)≥δ(φ1(u)≤δandφ2(v)≤δ)[u,v≥0].It is said that(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(++)for l.a.(s.a.)[a.a],if for everyα>0,there existk>0,δ>0,such that
whenφ1(u)≥δ,φ2(v)≥δ(φ1(u)≤δandφ2(v)≤δ)[u,v≥0].[3,Prop.2]showed that condition(+)for l.a.(s.a.)[a.a]is equivalent to the following one:There existl,δ>0,such that
SinceGis a unimodular locally compact group,by virtue of the definition of convolution(see[1]),Hewitt and Ross[4,Ch.5,Sec.20]indicated that the operator
satisfies that
So suchTis a convolution operator.Thus by[1],
Lemma 3.1Let w∈(i=1,2)andw≥1.Suppose that φi(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for a.a.and≤where k is the constant from(+),so then(λf∗g)≤1.
ProofBy(3.1)we have
Since(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for a.a.andw(s)≥1,s>0,the right hand of the last inequality
by Jensen’s inequality and≤t,t>0,we get that the right part of(3.2)
Remark 3.1Ifw≥1 is replaced byw≥c(c>0 is a nonnegative constant)in the preceding lemma,then the result also holds.
The next theorems give sufficient conditions for embedding of the spaces
Theorem 3.1(I)Let G be nondiscrete,w∈(i=1,2),w≥c(c>0be a nonnegative constant)and(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for l.a.if G is compact and(+)for a.a.if G is noncompact.ThenIf additionallyis finite,then
(II)Let G be discrete,w∈(i=1,2),and satisfy(+)for s.a.Then
Proof(I)By[3]it is sufficient to prove only inclusion.Let firstGbe noncompact and(+)for a.a.Takef∈andg∈satisfying max((f),(g))Then applying Lemma 3.1 withλ=,we obtain≤1,which means by[3,Thm.1.2]thatf∗g∈andIfGis compact and(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for l.a.,then by[3,Lem.5]there exist functions(i=1,2,3)satisfying(+)for a.a.and equivalent tofor l.a.,which implies thatThus,the embedding follows in the same way as the above.
To prove the inclusiontakef∈Let max((f),(g))≤minFor anyβ>0,supposeλ=2β.Then by(3.1)it follows
Thus we can choose>0 such thatw(t)dt≤1.Then the right side of(3.3)
Sincef∈there exists a constant>0,such that
Now we get
But since each function in Λφ(w)is locally integrable,we get<∞,and thus
On the other hand,in view of the condition(+),(3.5),and Jensen’s inequality,we also know
Now,we see that the right hand of(3.4)is less than in fi nity,which completes the proof.
(II)For this case,using[3,Lem.5],we can assume condition(+)for a.a.,and get the corresponding embedding by the same arguments as in(I).
Theorem 3.2Let G be nondiscrete andsatisfy condition(++)for l.a.if G is compact and(++)for a.a.if G is noncompact.Let w∈,i=1,2and W(t)≥C1t,∀0 ProofSuppose thatGis compact.Takef∈such thatLetG1=whereδis from the condition(++)anda=min(µ(G1),µ(G2)).Letλ>0.Then First check I2and I3. Analogously,I3<∞.On the other hand,ifa=0,then I1=0;ifa0,then But≤so Thus J2<∞,likewise J3<∞. On the other hand,due to by the condition(++)we obtain whereKis from the condition(++)forα=12λ.SinceW(t)≥C1t,t∈[0,µ(G)],by Hardy lemma(see[19])we get which ends the proof. Lemma 3.2Let W∈∆2.Then (i)if w∈L1(G),S is dense inwhere S is the set of the simple functions in G; (ii)if wL1(G),is dense inwhere S0is the subset of S with support in a set of fi nite measures. ProofSimilar to Theorem 2.3.11 and Theorem 2.3.12 of[30]. From now on,let the weightwinsatisfyW∈ Let(x)=f(x−s).Then we have the following result. Proposition 3.1If φ is finite,then for every f∈the mapping s→fsof G intois continuous. ProofBy Lemma 3.2,it is sufficient to show that for any simple functionf,s→fsis continuous.Letf=and thenNow where△denotes the symmetric difference of sets.Then the following relation derives the result. Proposition 3.2Let φ,be two Young functions and>0.Let w be a weight onR+which satisfies W(t)≥Ct,C>0,w∈Bφ,w∈Then there is an approximate identity{}insuch that=1and f∗→f for every f∈ ProofLet{}be a decreasing neighborhood system at the origin inG.For eachα,there exists a non-negative continuous functionaαwith support insuch that=1.Thus by the Hardy lemma(see[19]),the conditionsW(t)≥Ctand>0,we get∈L1(G)and≤C.Letf∈Then by the condition>0 again and Theorem 3.1,we getand This shows by Proposition 3.1 that where the limit is taken over the net ofα. In this section,we letGbe a locally compact unimodular group(unless otherwise indicated).Set(x)=f().If for two Young functions(i=1,2)and a weightwon R+there exists a Young functionwhich makes(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for l.a.,ifGis compact and(+)for a.a.,ifGis noncompact,w∈(i=1,2),andw≥c(c>0 is a nonnegative constant),then in view of Theorem 3.1 we may define the bounded bilinear mapdas which lifts to a linear map naturally,D,fromIn addition,lettingw∈and>0,by Theorem 3.1 again,we can get thatcan be looked as right-modules. Definition 4.1The range of D,with the quotient norm,will be denoted by(w). According to the definition ofV⊗γW,consists of exactly those functionsh,onGat least one expansion of the formh=wheref∈g∈and and for anyh∈(w),the norm ofhis It can be seen that(w)is a Banach space of functions. LetKbe the closed linear subspace ofspanned by all elements of the form(h∗f)⊗g−f⊗(∗g),wheref∈andh∈Then the-module tensor productis the quotient space/K. In the next,we need the following conditions for weightwon R+and Young functionsφ1,φ2, (i)w≥c(c>0 is a nonnegative constant). (ii)w∈(i=1,2). (iii)w∈and>0. (iv)There exists a Young functionφ3which makesφi(i=1,2,3)satisfy condition(+)for l.a.,ifGis compact and(+)for a.a.,ifGis noncompact. (v)w∈and Remark 4.1By[6],if and=convex closure ofE2,thenfirst quadrant can deduce(iv). Theorem 4.1Let G be compact,weight w be nonincreasing and Young functions,,satisfy(i)–(iv).Thenis isomorphic to the space ProofIt suffices to show that the kernel ofDis exactlyK.Since (dis-balanced),the kernel ofDcontainsK. On the contrary,suppose thattis an element of the kernel ofD.Then and where the summation converges inbe an approximate identity ofsatisfying the condition in Proposition 3.2.For eachn,definetn∈by Then,from Proposition 3.2,∗converges tofor eachi,and by this one can prove thattnconverges totinNow givenn,s,andϵ>0,choosem0such that Choosem1>m0so that We observe that the second term on the right side of the following equality is inKand can be written by the definition of the cross norm.Letφ(y)=−x)].Sinceµ(G)<∞,1∈similar to proving the theorem of And[31,Thm.4,6,Thm.2.3],we easily get Thus Then the distance fromtntoKis less thanfor everyϵ>0,and sotn∈K.ForKis closed,t∈K. Lemma 4.1Suppose that weight w is onR+and Young functionsatisfy(i)–(iii)and(v).Let φ∈Cc(G)and define Tφf=f∗φ for f∈Then ProofIt is obvious thatφ∈withψa Young function.By[26],sincew≥c(c>0 is a nonnegative constant),there holds whereS(f)=In view of>0 and a simple fact that the functionis increasing,there exists a Young functionφsuch that i.e.,φ1,φ,satisfy(+)a.a.So by Theorem 3.1 and(4.1),it follows that iff∈then andTφis a bounded linear operator fromOn the other hand, for allf∈which ends the proof. The above lemma induces the following concept. Definition 4.2A locally compact unimodular group G is said to satisfy the propertyif every element ofcan be approximated in the ultraweak∗-operator topology by operators Theorem 4.2Let G be a locally compact unimodular group,w be a weight onR+and Young functionssatisfy(i)–(v).Then the following statements are equivalent: (A)G satisfies the property (B)The kernel of D is K such that ProofSuppose thatGsatisfies the propertySinceK⊂KerD,to show that KerD=K,it is enough to show that KerD⊂K.In other words,it suffices to show that by the Banach theorem,any bounded linear functional onwhich annihilatesKalso annihilates KerD.By(1.1),we know It can be seen from this that ifFis a linear functional that annihilatesK,there is an operatorT∈corresponding toF,such that for allt∈with expansion Suppose thatt∈KerDand has the form(4.4).Then the summation converging in the norm ofWe will show that⟨t,F⟩=0,or equivalently,by(4.3), SinceGis assumed to satisfy the property(w),there is a net{:j∈I}of(G)such that the operatorsconverge toTin the ultraweak∗-operator topology.Thus So,to check(4.5),it is enough to show that Sincewe deduce that This implies that Suppose conversely that KerD=K.To show that the operators of the formare dense in in the ultraweak∗-operator topology,we only need to show that the corresponding functionals are dense inin the weak∗-topology.Furthermore,it is sufficient to show that if these functionals,sayN,are viewed as functionals onthen their annihilatorsN⊥=K.Since and (see[32]),we haveN⊂.SoK⊂.Due to the assumption that KerD=K,we only need to prove that⊂KerD. Now,lett∈.Then=0 for allF∈Nand there existso that For anyF∈N,there is an operator∈corresponding toFsuch that It follows that that is,N⊥⊂KerD.This proves the theorem. Then by(4.1)–(4.2),we have the following result. Corollary 4.1Let G be a locally compact unimodular group,w be a weight onR+,Young functions φ1,φ2,satisfy(i)–(v),and G satisfy the property In the following,we illustrate the convolutions,tensor products,multipliers of Orlicz-Lorentz spacesLet 0 and the modular space as which induces Additionally,let=whereφ0=φq,w0= The next theorem needs a certain generalized Hardy-type inequality(see[33]).In[33,Thm.1.7],Bloom and Kerman give the sufficient and necessary condition of establishing the weighted integral inequality: whereφ1,φ2areN-functions(anN-functionφis a continuous Young function such thatφ(x)=0 if and only ifx=0 and=+∞)andTis a generalized Hardy operator.We need the special form of the above inequality: which holds if and only if there exists a positive constantDsuch that Whenφ(t)=t,(4.7)is a classical Hardy inequality(see[19])and it is obvious that(4.8)always holds. Now we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.3Let G be a unimodular locally compact group,T be a convolution operator k=T(f,g)=f∗g.Suppose that the following conditions hold:(a1)>1;(w≥c1>0,where c1is a constant;()φ(t)≤,whereis a constant,φ∈()are N-functions.Then there exists a constant C such that where=m and s≥1is a number such thatand the inequality(4.8)holds.In particular,if f∈then k∈ ProofSince(see[1–2]) we get For convenience,let=h.Then And by(4.8)it follows that the right part of the last inequality Now lettingy=and noticingw(t)≥c>0,φ∈∆′andφ(t)≤Ct,we have By Hlder inequality,it is easy to get that On the other hand,we can get that(one can take the same method which is used for the proof of(see[30])).Now the lemma is proved. 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Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B2015年3期