柴文慧 李健 周冬梅
柴文慧 李健 周冬梅
指长比是指手指长度之间的比,按照大拇指到小拇指的顺序排列为1~5,由于大拇指的长度较难确定,所以指长比主要指2D:3D、2D:4D、2D:5D、3D: 4D、4D:5D。食指长度与胚胎期的雌二醇激素的释放有关,而环指长度对妊娠期的睾酮激素具有较强的敏感性[1]。大多研究表面,男性2D:4D低于女性,证实2D:4D与雄激素受体具有一定的相关性,且与抑郁症、心肌梗死等有相关性[2]。在男性心血管疾病的发病中,性激素是独立危险因素[3-4],目前越来越多的学者开始研究指长比与和冠心病之间的相关性。目前国内已有相关研究,报告了辽宁大连汉族及宁夏回族的指长比与冠心病的相关性研究,但单独对于男性患者,该方面的研究较少。此次研究进一步了解新疆哈萨克族民族男性人群冠心病患者指长比特点。
表1 男性哈萨克组患者冠心病组和非冠心病组指长比分析(±s)
表1 男性哈萨克组患者冠心病组和非冠心病组指长比分析(±s)
指长比 冠心病组 非冠心病组 t P2D∶3D 左手 0.90±0.062 0.91±0.052 -0.746 0.459右手 0.925±0.063 0.912±0.065 0.793 0.431 2D∶4D 左手 0.962 5±0.08 1.001±0.102 0.175 0.005右手 0.983 2±0.034 0.995 9±0.08 -0.719 0.475 2D∶5D 左手 1.21±0.133 1.021±0.079 -1.540 0.129右手 1.21±0.1308 1.21±0.09 0.130 0.879 3D∶4D 左手 1.15±0.404 1.09±0.05 0.786 0.786右手 1.066±0.063 1.093±0.074 -1.496 0.140 3D∶5D 左手 1.35±0.152 1.329±0.06 0.798 0.428右手 1.324±0.15 1.334±0.08 -0.355 0.723 4D∶5D 左手 1.22±0.206 1.21±0.089 0.380 0.702右手 1.24±0.10 1.22±0.09 0.635 0.528
研究方法:所有患者均签署知情同意书,表示自愿参加本研究。根据席焕久的人体测量学方法[5],对患者双手2~5指的手指长度进行直接测量。按照手部的标准解剖方位,将患者的双手平放,掌侧向上,采用游标卡尺,精确度0.01mm,从手指基部近心端褶皱中点始,到指尖中点止,测量两点之间的直线距离,为手指长度,为了确保准确性,每个长度测量两遍,测量后,计算指长比(2D:3D, 2D:4D, 2D:5D, 3D:4D, 3D: 5D,4D:5D)进行分析。
统计学方法:采用SPSS 18.0对所有数据进行统计学分析,对两个独立样本的分析,采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
新疆昌吉地区男性患者哈萨克族人群指长比均呈现2D:3D<2D:4D<3D: 4D<2D:5D<4D:5D<3D:5D的趋势,冠心病组左手2D:4D明显低于对照组及而2D:5D明显高于对照组,尤其是左手的2D:4D差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[1]Fitzwilliam J H,Greenhand K D,Manning J T. Second to fourth finger ratio and possible precursors of developmental psychopathology in preschool children[J].Early Hum Dev, 2003,72(1):52-65.
[2]Kornhuber J,Erhard G,Lenz B,et al.Low digit ratio 2D:4D in alcohol dependent patients[J]. Plos one,2011,13(5):1-4.
[3]Fink B,Manning JT,Neave N.The 2nd-4th digit ratio(2D:4D)and neck circumference; implications for risk in coronary heart disease[J].Int J Obes,2006,30(4):711-714.
[4]Janghorbani M,Hedley AJ,Jones BB,et al. Gender differential in all casea and cardiov ascular disease mortality[J].Int J Epidemiol, 1993,226:1056-1063.
[6]陆宏,霍正浩,张静科,等.指长比与冠心病的相关性研究[J].解剖学报,2008,39(5): 765-768.
Analysis of digit ratio of male kazak coronary heart disease population in Xinjiang Changji area
Chai Wenhui,Li Jian,Zhou Dongmei
Department of Geriatrics,the People's Hospital of Changji State,Xinjiang 831100
Objective:By directly measuring method,to analyze the digit ratio of male kazak coronary heart disease patients in Xinjiang Changji area,to explore the digit ratio characteristic of kazak male patients.Methods:61 cases of kazak male patients were selected in Xinjiang Changji area.They were divided into the coronary heart disease group and the non coronary heart disease group.The second to fifth finger length of left and right hands were measured by using anthropometry method,and the digit ratio was analyze,especially the 2D:4D was ginve selective analysis.Results:For male patients,the digit ratio showed trend of 2D:3D<2D:4D<3D:4D<2D:5D<4D:5D<3D:5D,2D:4D and 3D:4D of the left hand in the coronary heart disease group was different with the control group.In male coronary heart disease group population,2D:4D of the left hand in the coronary heart disease group was significantly lower than that of the control group,and the difference had statistical significance between the two.Conclusion: The digit ratio 2D:4D is one of the early screening important indicators of Xinjiang Kazak male coronary heart disease.
Xinjiang Kazak population;Male;Coronary heart disease;Digit ratio;2D:4D