田堃 聂钟鸣
【关键词】英汉对比修辞 主动 被动 英文写作
美国学者Robert Kaplan与1966年首次提出对比修辞(contrastive rhetoric)这一概念。这一概念被用来阐述英语作为第二语言或外语与英语作为母语的作文之间的差异。(林大津)1988年Kaplan 把这益概念发展为“跨语言、跨文化之对比” (Kaplan)。Kaplan 认为英语的语话结构呈直线型(liner),而东方语言的语话结构呈螺旋型(circular/ spiral/ indirect)。由于绝大多数的中国高校学生都属于把英语作为外语的英语学习者,而英语写作不仅是大学英语不可缺少的一部分,也是专业英语的一门必修课。那么在英语写作的教学中,英汉对比修辞的特点研究就是必要的。
我们可以把句子结构问题又细分成三类:物称主语(impersonal)和人称主语(personal);被动(passive)与主动(active);形会(hypotaxis)与意合(parataxis)。 由于大学英语写作教学水平的评估很大一本分取决与大学中个级别的英语考试(CET-4、CET-6、TEM-4、TEM-8)。在这些考试中,议论文是主要的考察文体。在英文议论文的写作中,通常被动句的使用频率高于主动句,而在汉语修辞中,主动句的使用频率较高。因此,学生作为中经常会出现汉语思维下的写成的英文主动句。
主动:people think that football is popular.
被动:it is said that football is popular.
主动:Parents nowadays have spent substantial amounts of money on the childrens education.
被动:Substantial amounts of money have been invested on the childrens education by their parents.
Topic:Do you agree with the viewpoint that it is easier for people to become educated now than tiwas in the past?
主动(学生):Government have done everything possible to increase quantity of college students in the past few decades.
被动(修改后):Everything possible has been done to increase quatity of college students in the past few decades.
主动(学生):Most people think that it is easier to become educated nowadays than it was in previous generations.
被动(修改后):It is commonly believed that it is easier to become educated nowadays than it was in previous generations.
主动(学生):This is because that people have paid increasing awareness to the importance of public education in the increased availability of modern technology.
被动(修改后):This is because that increasing awareness has been paid to the importance of public education in the increased availability of modern technology.
试将本文开头三个句子,也就修改后的被动句式连在一起:Everything possible has been done to increase quatity of college students in the past few decades.It is commonly believed that it is easier to become educated nowadays than it was in previous generations.This is because that increasing awareness has been paid to the importance of public education in the increased availability of modern technology.
[2]Richard M.Coe,胡曙中.英汉对比修辞研究初探[J].外国语.1989.02.